Best way to print Invoice ?

Re: Best way to print Invoice ?

Postby James Bott » Thu May 21, 2009 10:20 am

There are very few samples on the usage of TReport.

There are lots of examples in fw\samples\report.

Would have been better if we had a small sample showing the power of TReport to print a sample invoice with a regular simple invoice model containing

The Company Name
Company Address

Invoice Details like Invoice No, Invoice Date etc.
Customer Details like Customer Name, Customer Address etc

These were all shown in my example in my previous message.

Column Heading with Lines/Boxes seperating the Columns
Line Items with Lines/Boxes seperating the Columns

Sub Total
Grand Total
Statuatory Declarations etc.

The above are all standard TReport features. There should be examples of all them in the sample reports.

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Re: Best way to print Invoice ?

Postby max » Thu May 21, 2009 10:50 am

Mr. Otto,
i am testing my EASY REPORT 2.1 PERSONAL EDITION with using your (precious!) examples in this post.
I use FWH 8.04 , XHARBOUR 1.1.0 and BCC 5.5 .
I add the VRD_XHARBOUR99.LIB found in \easyreport2\fivewin\lib and
Compiling and linking apparently all is ok.
But when i execute my .exe, this error immediately occurs and stop my application:

Module: 'vrd.prg' was compiled into PCODE version: 5,this version of xHarbour expects version: 9

I note that the VRD_XHARBOUR99.LIB is dated 23/10/2004.
Perhaps an updated VRD.LIB is requested ? Or other issue?
If i bore you with my request don't reply to me: don't worry, i know that the right thing to do is to ask help to developers of EasyReport.
Thank you in any case!

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Re: Best way to print Invoice ?

Postby Otto » Thu May 21, 2009 10:59 am

Mr. Anser,

Do you modify these id numbers ? When I tried I was getting values -1, etc

This is like with resource workshop. You only give to these items Ids which you want substitute through the program.

The only thing bothering me is the external dependencies

If you do not give the designer to your clients you have no dependencies.

The print engine is linked in through the files:

:) You could use a trick if you don’t want to publish the report files:
You could store them in your exe and when you start your exe you could write them to the disk – or you change the vrd.prgs to access directly variables instate of reading . :)

But I think the freedom that the clients can change the reports is the advantage.

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Re: Best way to print Invoice ?

Postby Otto » Thu May 21, 2009 11:07 am

Have you tried to include the 3 vrd-files to your project. I don't have ER libs.

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Re: Best way to print Invoice ?

Postby max » Thu May 21, 2009 11:19 am

compiling the 3 vrd*.prg files without the .lib now is ok!
thank you.

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Re: Best way to print Invoice ?

Postby anserkk » Thu May 21, 2009 11:20 am

Dear Mr.Otto,

Sorry to trouble you again.

If you do not give the designer to your clients you have no dependencies.

The print engine is linked in through the files:

Do you mean that if I include the PRG's Vrd.Prg, Vrdbcode.Prg & Vrditem.Prg in my project then I don't have to distribute the DLL and other EasyReport dependent files available in the Folder \EasyReport2\Distribution. So that while distributing my application there is only the FWH Application.Exe file and the required Report files like .Vrd and .V01 .V02 .Vo3 ... etc.
What about the Report Preview ?

Thanks & Regards

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Re: Best way to print Invoice ?

Postby Otto » Thu May 21, 2009 11:36 am

Mr. Anser,
rpreview.prg is the file for the preview.
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