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Re: dbskipper intermitent error

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:34 am
by Richard Chidiak

What i did to secure my browse is to add this

oBrwAPP:bGotFocus := {|| IF(SELECT("APPEL") = 0, (OBRWAPP := NIL,APP1:SetFocus(),APP1:PostMsg(WM_CLOSE),APP1 := NIL ) , ) }


Re: dbskipper intermitent error

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:42 am
by James Bott

That looks like a nice workaround but it looks like the user is going to be quite surprised when the browse just automatically closes on them.

Here is how you can track down where the database is being closed. Create a transaction log file and record when each function of the buttons is being called and also when your workaround is being called. Then after a few days or a week you can look at the log file and see exactly were the workaround was called. The function immediately previous to that is where the database is being closed. Then you will know where to search.
