by Adolfo » Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:32 pm
My opinion...
... sorry guys, but you are missing the point.
Its not about IOS,Android or the W8. Its about WEB, W E B
HTML5, PHP, CSS3, JS and you are done, even providing services for a whole office (30 Pc's, 50 smartphones) with a simple windows XP, apache, php installed, and that's it.
Buy some "space" on a web server provider for a couple of dollars monthly, access your app WORLDWIDE.
You can even became a servide provider.
Forget about Fivedroid, FIVEWEB is the solution, don't care about the slowness of WINPHONE, Licences of IOS, or the many ANDROID versions. Take all your knowledge (bussiness logic) to a web app.
You have it all there, IDES, Thousands of manuals, forums, frameworks, templates.
Do not care about JAVA, ( as many devices do not support them, and theres also a problem of version compatibility )
HTML:= Structure of your web app
CSS:= Presentation
PHP:= Program / App
JS:=Client side validation
If you dont like PHP, use whatever you like, PERL,Ruby,Phyton or even JAVA
But I think F I V E W E B must receive all our attention today, we are getting late to the "market".
My 2.5 cents
;-) Ji,ji,ji... buena la cosa... "all you need is code" - Desarrollo Inteligente
Asus TUF F15, 32GB Ram, 2 * 1 TB NVME M.2, GTX 1650