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PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:14 am
by Antonio Linares
Here you have the PRG (with some more changes) and the EXE:

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:18 am
by Antonio Linares
A little obvious typo:

Code: Select all  Expand view
   METHOD  PreviousYear() INLINE ::nYear--, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  NextYear() INLINE ::nYear++, ::Refresh()

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:36 am
by Antonio Linares
Some gradients to make it nicer :-)


PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:39 am
by Antonio Linares

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:56 am
by Otto

thank you very much.
Now I will try to get the functionality I had (MOVEMOUSE) into the new class design.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:27 am
by Antonio Linares

What do you need mousemove for ?

If you want to change a dates range, maybe we could use right click, or similar.

The easier you make it for the final user, the better.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:02 am
by Otto
Antonio, here is what I want to do.


PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:30 pm
by Silvio
I think Otto want the user can select from a date to another with the mouse , the movement must colorize the box where there are the numbers of the days

When the user not press the click the mouse the procedure must return how many day he selected from date a to date b

Right, Otto ?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:34 pm
by Andrés González
Antonio and Otto would you mind the possibility to include and aPrompt and aBmp in the tPickData class.


PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:39 pm
by Silvio
Dear Andres,
before the mousemose movement is max important
then we can think to insert bitmaps or ctext

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 6:46 pm
by Andrés González
Thanks Sylvio, just an idea.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 9:12 pm
by Otto
Hello Antonio,

I tried to insert mousemove in the control class design.
I works but performance is bad. The class I had performs much better.
Is this normal that a control is slower or did I made a mistake by inserting the mouse move method.
Would you be so kind to check the code. Thanks in advance.

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""


function Main()

   local oWnd, oPickDate

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Calendar"

   oPickDate := TPickDate():New( 10, 10,,, oWnd )

   oWnd:oClient = oPickDate


return nil


CLASS TPickDate FROM TControl

   DATA    dStart, dEnd,lMove
   DATA    ClickRow,  hBru
   DATA    ClickCol
   DATA    nYear, syTemp


   METHOD  New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack )
   METHOD  Paint()
   METHOD  Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0
   METHOD  LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
   METHOD  LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nFlags )

   METHOD  PreviousYear() INLINE ::nYear--, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  NextYear() INLINE ::nYear++, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 0

   METHOD  MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack ) CLASS TPickDate

   DEFAULT nWidth    := 800,;
      nHeight   := 300,;
      nLeft     := 0,;
      nTop      := 0,;
      nYear     := Year( Date() ),;
      oWnd      := GetWndDefault()

   ::lMove      :=.f.

   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight - 1
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth - 1
   ::nYear      = Year( Date() )
   ::oWnd       = oWnd
   ::nClrText   = nClrFore
   ::nClrPane   = nClrBack
   ::hBru        := CreateSolidBrush( RGB(255,0,0) )

   ::ClickRow  := 0
   ::ClickCol  := 0
   ::nHeight   := 0
   ::nWidth    := 0

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12

   #ifdef __XPP__
   DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .F.

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW ) )

   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return self


METHOD Paint() CLASS TPickDate

   //  local aInfo := ::DispBegin(), nRowStep, nColStep, n, dDate
   local hDC := ::hDC, cDay, oBrush, nDay, oFont := ::oFont

   FillRect( hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush )

   DEFINE BRUSH oBrush COLOR nRGB( 183, 249, 185 ) // Sundays column green brush

   nRowStep = ::nHeight / 13

   //GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   for n = 1 to 12
      ::Line( n * nRowStep, 0, n * nRowStep, ::nWidth - 1 )
      ::Say( n * nRowStep + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( oFont:nHeight / 2 ), 3, cMonth( CToD( Str( n, 2 ) + "/01/" + ;
         Str( Year( Date() ), 4 ) ) ),,, oFont, .T., .T. )

   dDate = CToD( "06/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
   nColStep = ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37

   //   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, nRowStep - 1, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   ::Say( ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( oFont:nHeight / 2 ),;
      ( ( 60 + nColStep ) / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, Str( ::nYear, 4 ), ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ),;
      Str( ::nYear, 4 ),,, oFont, .T., .T. )

   for n = 1 to 36 step 7
      FillRect( hDC, { 0, 60 + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, 60 + ( nColStep * ( n + 1 ) ) }, oBrush:hBrush )

   IF ::lMove=.t.

      FillRect(hDC, {::ClickRow,;
         ::ClickRow + ( ::nHeight / 13 ),;
         ::syTemp}, ::hBru )

   for n = 1 to 36
      ::Line( 0, 60 + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, 60 + ( nColStep * n ) )
      cDay = SubStr( CDoW( dDate ), 1, 2 )
      ::Say( nRowStep * 0.4,;
         60 + ( nColStep * n ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
         cDay, 0, If( DoW( dDate++ ) == 1, nRGB( 128, 233, 176 ),), oFont, .T., .T. )

   for n = 1 to 12
      dDate = CToD( Str( n ) + "/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      nDay = DoW( dDate )
      while Month( dDate ) == n
         cDay = AllTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) )
         ::Say( n * nRowStep + ( nRowStep * 0.4 ),;
            60 + ( nColStep * nDay++ ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
            cDay, 0, If( ! Empty( ::dStart ) .and. dDate >= ::dStart .and. dDate <= ::dEnd, nRGB( 178, 204, 235 ),;
            If( DoW( dDate ) == 1, nRGB( 128, 233, 176 ),) ), oFont, .T. )

   //  ::DispEnd( aInfo )


return 0


METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   local nMonth := Int( nRow / ( ::nHeight / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - 60 ) / ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 ) ) - ;
      DoW( CToD( Str( nMonth ) + "/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1
   local dDate  := CToD( AllTrim( Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" + AllTrim( Str( nDay ) ) + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )


   ::ClickRow   := Int( nRow / ( ::nHeight / 13 ) )    * ( ::nHeight / 13 )
   ::ClickCol   := Int( ( nCol - 60 ) / ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 ) ) * ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 )  + 60

return nil


METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TPickDate
return nil


METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   if ::lMove = .t.

      ::syTemp := Int( ( nCol - 60 ) / ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 ) ) * ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 )  + 60   + ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 )



   // ::Say(  nRow+10 ,nCol,str( ::nYear, 4 ),,,::oFont, .T., .T. )

return nil

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:02 pm
by Antonio Linares

You only have to call ::Refresh() and not ::Paint().

::Refresh() will request a paint.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:39 pm
by James Bott

Although calls to Paint() and Refresh() will work they are going to be slow. For speed, what you want to do is redraw only the old highlight (as unhighlighted) and the new highlighted area--not the entire screen. Right now you are redrawing the entire screen twice for each mouse movement.

For ideas how a similar MouseMove() works, take a look at TWBrowse(). Note that it inherits from TControl which inherits from TWindow, so take a look at the MouseMove() methods in those classes also. I am not saying that your MouseMove method should work the same as TWBrowse's, but you can see how it processes the information and when it calls the parent class.

Note also that your MouseMove() method should return 0 not nil.


PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 5:45 am
by Otto
Hello Antonio, hello James,

I eliminated the call for Paint method.
But with not much success. The painting of the days is very slow.
I turned off double buffering. You can see how the rows get painted.

In my wrapped class design the painting is optimal . Please see the video or try the exe.

I can’t find out the problem in the new code.

James you are right with you advice to repaint only the changes. But that is much more work.
And as the whole repainting in my initial project works so well I don’t think it is necessary.
