
Postby Otto » Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:11 pm

Hello Antonio,

thank you for your help.

Now all is running with optimal speed and without flickering.

Now I will go on with implementing functionality.
Attached the working code.

Thanks again.

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include "FiveWin.ch"

function Main()
   local oWnd, oPickDate

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Calendar"
   oPickDate := TPickDate():New( 10, 10,,, oWnd )
   oWnd:oClient = oPickDate

return nil


CLASS TPickDate FROM TControl

   DATA    dStart, dEnd,lMove
   DATA    ClickRow,  hBru
   DATA    ClickCol
   DATA    nYear, syTemp
   DATA    nRowTemp,nRowCol


   METHOD  New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack )
   METHOD  Paint()
   METHOD  Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0
   METHOD  LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags )
   METHOD  LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nFlags )

   METHOD  PreviousYear() INLINE ::nYear--, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  NextYear() INLINE ::nYear++, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 0

   METHOD  MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack ) CLASS TPickDate

   DEFAULT nWidth    := 800,;
      nHeight   := 300,;
      nLeft     := 0,;
      nTop      := 0,;
      nYear     := Year( Date() ),;
      oWnd      := GetWndDefault()

   ::lMove      :=.f.
   ::nRowCol := 0
   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight - 1
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth - 1
   ::nYear      = Year( Date() )
   ::oWnd       = oWnd
   ::nClrText   = nClrFore
   ::nClrPane   = nClrBack
   ::hBru        := CreateSolidBrush( RGB(255,0,0) )

   ::ClickRow  := 0
   ::ClickCol  := 0
   ::nHeight   := 0
   ::nWidth    := 0

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12

   #ifdef __XPP__
   DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .F.

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW ) )

   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return self


METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TPickDate
   local nMonth := Int( nRow / ( ::nHeight / 13 ) )
   local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - 60 ) / ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 ) ) - ;
      DoW( CToD( Str( nMonth ) + "/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1
   local dDate  := CToD( AllTrim( Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" + AllTrim( Str( nDay ) ) + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )


   ::ClickRow   := Int( nRow / ( ::nHeight / 13 ) )    * ( ::nHeight / 13 )
   ::ClickCol   := Int( ( nCol - 60 ) / ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 ) ) * ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 )  + 60

return nil

METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nFlags ) CLASS TPickDate
return nil

METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate
   if ::lMove = .t.
      ::syTemp := Int( ( nCol - 60 ) / ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 ) ) * ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 )  + 60   + ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 )
      IF ::nRowCol<>::syTemp
         ::nRowCol := ::syTemp

  Super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )

return 0

METHOD Paint() CLASS TPickDate

   local aInfo := ::DispBegin(), nRowStep, nColStep, n, dDate
   local hDC := ::hDC, cDay, oBrush, nDay, oFont := ::oFont

   FillRect( hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush )

   DEFINE BRUSH oBrush COLOR nRGB( 183, 249, 185 ) // Sundays column green brush

   nRowStep = ::nHeight / 13

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   for n = 1 to 12
      ::Line( n * nRowStep, 0, n * nRowStep, ::nWidth - 1 )
      ::Say( n * nRowStep + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( oFont:nHeight / 2 ), 3, cMonth( CToD( Str( n, 2 ) + "/01/" + ;
         Str( Year( Date() ), 4 ) ) ),,, oFont, .T., .T. )

   dDate = CToD( "06/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
   nColStep = ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37

   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, nRowStep - 1, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   ::Say( ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( oFont:nHeight / 2 ),;
      ( ( 60 + nColStep ) / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, Str( ::nYear, 4 ), ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ),;
      Str( ::nYear, 4 ),,, oFont, .T., .T. )

   for n = 1 to 36 step 7
      FillRect( hDC, { 0, 60 + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, 60 + ( nColStep * ( n + 1 ) ) }, oBrush:hBrush )

   IF ::lMove=.t.
      FillRect(hDC, {::ClickRow,;
         ::ClickRow + ( ::nHeight / 13 ),;
         ::syTemp}, ::hBru )

   for n = 1 to 36
      ::Line( 0, 60 + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, 60 + ( nColStep * n ) )
      cDay = SubStr( CDoW( dDate ), 1, 2 )
      ::Say( nRowStep * 0.4,;
         60 + ( nColStep * n ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
         cDay, 0, If( DoW( dDate++ ) == 1, nRGB( 128, 233, 176 ),), oFont, .T., .T. )

   for n = 1 to 12
      dDate = CToD( Str( n ) + "/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      nDay = DoW( dDate )
      while Month( dDate ) == n
         cDay = AllTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) )
         ::Say( n * nRowStep + ( nRowStep * 0.4 ),;
            60 + ( nColStep * nDay++ ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
            cDay, 0, If( ! Empty( ::dStart ) .and. dDate >= ::dStart .and. dDate <= ::dEnd, nRGB( 178, 204, 235 ),;
            If( DoW( dDate ) == 1, nRGB( 128, 233, 176 ),) ), oFont, .T. )

   ::DispEnd( aInfo )


return 0


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Postby James Bott » Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:11 pm


Is this the right place and way to insert Super:mouseMove().


If yes, it does not resolve the painting problem.

What is the painting problem. The speed seems fast. There is flickering, is that the problem you are referring to?

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James Bott
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Postby Otto » Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:17 pm

Hello James,

I don’t know where the flickering came from. But with the new code all works very well.
Thanks again for your help.
Best regards,
PS: It seems that you are back from your holidays.
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Postby James Bott » Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:20 pm


While you were working on the source, so was I. Here is my code--it has a few changes not in your latest version.


Code: Select all  Expand view
#include "FiveWin.ch"


function Main()

   local oWnd, oPickDate

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "Calendar"

   oPickDate := TPickDate():New( 10, 10,,, oWnd )

   oWnd:oClient = oPickDate


return nil


CLASS TPickDate FROM TControl

   DATA    dStart, dEnd, lMove
   DATA    ClickRow,  hBru
   DATA    ClickCol
   DATA    nYear, syTemp
   DATA    oBrushSunday


   METHOD  New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack )
   METHOD  Paint()
   METHOD  Display() INLINE ::BeginPaint(), ::Paint(), ::EndPaint(), 0
   METHOD  End()
   METHOD  LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )
   METHOD  PreviousYear() INLINE ::nYear--, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  NextYear() INLINE ::nYear++, ::Refresh()
   METHOD  EraseBkGnd( hDC ) INLINE 0
   METHOD  MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )



METHOD New( nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd, nYear, nClrFore, nClrBack ) CLASS TPickDate

   DEFAULT nWidth    := 800,;
      nHeight   := 300,;
      nLeft     := 0,;
      nTop      := 0,;
      nYear     := Year( Date() ),;
      oWnd      := GetWndDefault()

   ::lMove      :=.f.

   ::nTop       = nTop
   ::nLeft      = nLeft
   ::nBottom    = nTop + nHeight - 1
   ::nRight     = nLeft + nWidth - 1
   ::nYear      = Year( Date() )
   ::oWnd       = oWnd
   ::nClrText   = nClrFore
   ::nClrPane   = nClrBack
   ::hBru        := CreateSolidBrush( RGB(255,0,0) )

   ::ClickRow  := 0
   ::ClickCol  := 0
   ::nHeight   := 0
   ::nWidth    := 0

   DEFINE BRUSH ::oBrushSunday COLOR nRGB( 183, 249, 185 ) // Sundays column green brush

   DEFINE FONT ::oFont NAME "Tahoma" SIZE 0, -12

   #ifdef __XPP__
   DEFAULT ::lRegistered := .F.

   ::Register( nOR( CS_VREDRAW, CS_HREDRAW ) )

   if ! Empty( oWnd:hWnd )
      oWnd:AddControl( Self )
      oWnd:DefControl( Self )

return self


METHOD Paint() CLASS TPickDate

   local aInfo := ::DispBegin()
   local hDC := ::hDC, cDay, nDay, n:=0, dDate, nColStep, nRowStep

   FillRect( hDC, GetClientRect( ::hWnd ), ::oBrush:hBrush )

   nRowStep = ::nHeight / 13

   //GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, ::nHeight, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   for n = 1 to 12
      ::Line( n * nRowStep, 0, n * nRowStep, ::nWidth - 1 )
      ::Say( n * nRowStep + ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 ), 3, cMonth( CToD( Str( n, 2 ) + "/01/" + ;
         Str( Year( Date() ), 4 ) ) ),,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   dDate = CToD( "06/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
   nColStep = ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37

   //   GradientFill( hDC, 0, 0, nRowStep - 1, ::nWidth, { { 1, nRGB( 128, 217, 255 ), nRGB( 54, 147, 255 ) } } )

   ::Say( ( nRowStep / 2 ) - ( ::oFont:nHeight / 2 ),;
      ( ( 60 + nColStep ) / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, Str( ::nYear, 4 ), ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ),;
      Str( ::nYear, 4 ),,, ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Paint Sunday background color
   for n = 1 to 36 step 7
      FillRect( hDC, { 0, 60 + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, 60 + ( nColStep * ( n + 1 ) ) }, ::oBrushSunday:hBrush )

   IF ::lMove=.t.

      FillRect(hDC, {::ClickRow,;
         ::ClickRow + ( ::nHeight / 13 ),;
         ::syTemp}, ::hBru )


   // Draw days
   for n = 1 to 36
      ::Line( 0, 60 + ( nColStep * n ), ::nHeight - 1, 60 + ( nColStep * n ) )
      cDay = SubStr( CDoW( dDate ), 1, 2 )
      ::Say( nRowStep * 0.4,;
         60 + ( nColStep * n ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
         cDay, 0, If( DoW( dDate++ ) == 1, nRGB( 128, 233, 176 ),), ::oFont, .T., .T. )

   // Draw months
   for n = 1 to 12
      dDate = CToD( Str( n ) + "/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )
      nDay = DoW( dDate )
      while Month( dDate ) == n
         cDay = AllTrim( Str( Day( dDate ) ) )
         ::Say( n * nRowStep + ( nRowStep * 0.4 ),;
            60 + ( nColStep * nDay++ ) + ( nColStep / 2 ) - ( GetTextWidth( hDC, cDay, ::oFont:hFont ) / 2 ) + 1,;
            cDay, 0, If( ! Empty( ::dStart ) .and. dDate >= ::dStart .and. dDate <= ::dEnd, nRGB( 178, 204, 235 ),;
            If( DoW( dDate ) == 1, nRGB( 128, 233, 176 ),) ), ::oFont, .T. )

   ::DispEnd( aInfo )

return 0


return super:end()


METHOD LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

  // local nMonth := Int( nRow / ( ::nHeight / 13 ) )
  // local nDay   := Int( ( nCol - 60 ) / ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 ) ) - ;
  //    DoW( CToD( Str( nMonth ) + "/01/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) ) ) + 1
  // local dDate  := CToD( AllTrim( Str( nMonth ) ) + "/" + AllTrim( Str( nDay ) ) + "/" + Str( ::nYear, 4 ) )


   ::ClickRow   := Int( nRow / ( ::nHeight / 13 ) )    * ( ::nHeight / 13 )
   ::ClickCol   := Int( ( nCol - 60 ) / ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 ) ) * ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 )  + 60

   Super:LButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )

return nil


METHOD LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   Super:LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )

return nil


METHOD MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) CLASS TPickDate

   if ::lMove = .t.

      ::syTemp := Int( ( nCol - 60 ) / ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 ) ) * ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 )  + 60   + ( ( ::nWidth - 60 ) / 37 )



   // ::Say(  nRow+10 ,nCol,str( ::nYear, 4 ),,,::oFont, .T., .T. )

   super:MouseMove( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )

return 0
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James Bott
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Postby Detlef Hoefner » Thu Jul 31, 2008 6:15 pm

Hi all,

i find the attempt of Otto to create a Date/calendar picker very useful and i'm looking forward to see the ready class :)

The only thing i don't like is the use of many 'magic values' in the source code, like 12, 7, 13, 36, 37, 60.
For some of them i have an idea like 12 and 7 but i'd find it better to use defined values with more describing names.

This just as a suggest.

Best regards and thanks for sharing the development of this tool,
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