In the new Tool, i changed all radio's
to xBrowse.
I save the contents of the Row-position of the Browsers
when i close the dialog.
When i open the Dialog again, the Browser must show
the saved Row-Positions.
// Color Gradient End
// -------------------------
// save old var to show color
// ----------------------------------
oBrw5 := TXBrowse():New( oDlg5 )
oBrw5:nMarqueeStyle := MARQSTYLE_HIGHLROW
oBrw5:nColDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_BLACK
oBrw5:nRowDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_BLACK
oBrw5:SetArray( aCOLEND )
oBrw5:aCols[ 1 ]:cHeader = Padr("No.", 3)
oBrw5:aCols[ 2 ]:cHeader = Padr("Select", 11)
oBrw5:lHScroll := .F.
oBrw5:lVScroll := .F.
// shows old selected value
// ---------------------------------
oBrw5:bClrStd := {|| {CLR_BLACK, ;
IIF( oBrw5:nArrayAt = s_COLEND, CLR_YELLOW, CLR_WHITE ) } }
// New color selection
// --------------------------
oBrw5:bLClicked := { | nRow, nCol | e_COLEND := oBrw5:nRowSel }
oBrw5:CreateFromResource( 400 )
ukoenig wrote:Hello Otto,
I don't want the position at top.
The row-positions of the browsers are saved in a ini-file.
When i open the dialog, i need the old positions.
The bar starts allways with top-positon.
With oBrw:nArrayAt := 3 the bar-position is still on Top.
oBrw:nArrayAt := 3
oBrw:nRowSel := 3
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