Code: Select all | Expand
DEFINE BUTTONBAR oBar OF oWnd SIZE 60, 60 2007
oBar:bClrGrad = { | lInvert | If( ! lInvert,;
{ { 0.25, nRGB( 129, 132, 135 ), nRGB( 54, 58, 62 ) },;
{ 0.75, nRGB( 20, 40, 60 ), nRGB( 5, 10, 15 ) } },;
{ { 0.25, nRGB( 160, 173, 174 ), nRGB( 67, 112, 133 ) },;
{ 0.75, nRGB( 11, 66, 94 ), nRGB( 74, 134, 187 ) } } ) }
oBar:nClrText = { | lInvert | If( ! lInvert, nRGB( 235, 160, 86 ), nRGB( 20, 20, 20 ) ) }
You can use many different colors, as the result of evaluating those codeblocks!