I can not find rmake.exe file with FW but any how I am trying to upgrade my programs as below :
my batch file :
SET INCLUDE=c:\compiler\clipper\fweval\INCLUDE;c:\compiler\clipper\clp53\INCLUDE
SET LIB=c:\compiler\clipper\fweval\LIB;C:\compiler\clipper\clp53\LIB
SET PLL=c:\compiler\clipper\fweval\PLL
SET clipper=F69 //E0 //SWAPPATH:c:\ //TEMPPATH:c:\
SET DLL=c:\compiler\clipper\fweval\DLL
SET resources=c:\compiler\clipper\fweval\Dll
rmake a1
IF EXIST sitex1.rc RC -K sitex1
IF EXIST sitex1.MAP TdMap.exe -W sitex1.MAP
obj = sitex1.obj cont.obj
clipper $* /B/a
sitex1.obj : sitex1.prg
Cont.obj : Cont.prg
sitex1.exe: $(obj)
c:\compiler\clipper\clp53\blinker\bin\blinker fi SITEX1, CONT @c:\compiler\clipper\fweval\include\fivewin.lnk