I'm trying to debug a serious memory leak in a fwh app in which brushes and fonts (mainly... ocasional bitmaps, cursors and other gdi objects are also stuck) aren't released when they should.
I have already used CheckRes() but it doesn't help enough to spot the objects that remain in memory when they shouldn't.
Antonio recomended this site: http://ltearno.free.fr/dpus/ but unfortunately it blows up and it's unusable.
I found a helpful article in msdn: http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/01/03/leaks
It comes with the source code (MSVC) to build the 3 utilities mentioned in this article (link is below the main title in the blue bars): http://download.microsoft.com/download/ ... /Leaks.exe
Can some helpful soul that has MSVC build those 3 exes to try them out?
I it's not possible to attach files in the forum, please send to luis_krause at hotmail dot com
Any tricks/help on how to spot gdi memory leak, as well as any other
utility out there is more than welcome!
Luis Krause