xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:31 pm


I am re-visiting this topic and I have created the two arrays aSchedule ( first screen shot )
and aDuration ( second screen shot ) and I am struggling to interpret your suggestion on drawing the rectangle .. I would appreciate your help!

Rick Lipkin

Just prepare the array like this. Prepare another array of same size with duration in the corresponding cell of the second array. Keep the duration as number of half-hours ( that gives the number of rows )

If aData[ 3, 4 ] contains an appointment, aDurn[ 3, 4 ] contains its duration. If the duration is less than 1/2 hour the value is 1. If more than 1/2 hour and less than 1 hour the value is 2. etc.

Then we can draw the cells on our own. Thats a lot better. First please make the two arrays.

I am also assuming that all the rows of the browse will fit into one screen. Right? Or not?

To color a rectangle:

Assume we have two Arrays as static vars.
aSelRows := { nTop, nBottom }
aSelCols := { nLeft, nRight }
Note: I am using two arrays instead one aRect, because this logic easily enables using oBrw:aSelected.


for each oCol in oBrw:aCols
SetClrStd( oCol )
static function SetClrStd( oCol )

oCol:bClrStd := { || { CLR_BLACK, If( oCol:oBrw:BookMark >= aSelRows[ 1 ] .and. oCol:oBrw:BookMark <= aSelRows[ 2 ] .and. oCol:nPos >= aSelCols[ 1 ] .and. oCol:nPos <= aSelCols[ 2 ], CLR_YELLOW, CLR_WHITE ) } }

aSchedule - master array

aDuration - same array with duration .. number in integer = 30 min

xBrowse - actual program
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Rick Lipkin
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up )

Postby Rick Lipkin » Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:22 pm

To All

I am still struggling to figure out a way to paint a rectangle in xBrowse. Two problems:

1) Determining the top, bottom, right and left
2) the syntax to draw the rectangle with transparent text and color

Many Thanks!
Rick Lipkin
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:25 pm

Mr Rick

Soon I shall find an answer for u

G. N. Rao.
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Sat Jul 27, 2013 1:26 pm


Thank you !! If you need any code from me I will be happy to share.

Rick Lipkin
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:30 pm

I have ur email

G. N. Rao.
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:32 pm


I will send you the updated code with the secondary array ..

Rick Lipkin
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Mon Aug 12, 2013 2:27 pm


I know you have been quite busy .. I just need a way to be able to interrogate each cell ( array element) at runtime and determine its contents, row and column. .. perhaps something like you suggested earlier ??

That would help me a lot!
Rick Lipkin

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for each oCol in oLbxA:aCols
     // some function to interrogate each cell as browse paints then fillrect

Static FUnc to get values and paint a fillrec()

nColumn := oLbxA:nAt
nRow    := oLbxA:KeyNo()
cText   := oLbxA:aCols[ nColumn ]:Value
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Aug 14, 2013 4:04 am

for each oCol in oBrw:aCols
oCol:Value --> gives the value of the cell

G. N. Rao.
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby ukoenig » Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:33 am


a full ready to use sample.
To keep it small in size, nothing special added.
Select any of the < filter-buttons > to fill the cells at runtime.
Maybe it helps.

Download :


This sample is included in my new tool, I'm working on :


Best Regards
Uwe :?:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:09 pm

Mr Rick

sorry for the delay. Please try this logic.
Starting from the data (similar to your data, building the arrays and browsing.
You may make appropriate changes.

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include "fivewin.ch"
#include "xbrowse.ch"
#include "hbcompat.ch"  // important for AINS translation

static aData, aSched, aColor, aTech
static aPer

function Main()

   local nPeriods
   local n, nRow, nAt, nSlot, nTech, cTech

   // period array
   aPer  := {}
   for n := 8 to 16
      AAdd( aPer, StrZero( n, 2 ) + ":00" )
      AAdd( aPer, StrZero( n, 2 ) + ":30" )
   nPeriods := Len( aPer )

   // Raw Data read from Table filtered to date
   aData := { ;
   { "08:00", "08:30", "Angelo Russo", "Basset Hound" }, ;
   { "10:30", "11:30", "Angelo Russo", "Bulldog" }, ;
   { "09:30", "10:00", "Anne Jocobs",  "Sheperd" }, ;
   { "11:00", "12:00", "Anne Jocobs",  "Sheperd" }, ;
   { "08:30", "10:30", "Lea Allen",    "Beagle"  }, ;
   { "12:30", "13:30", "Lea Allen",    "Beagle"  }  }

   // Prepare shedule and color arrays

   aSched   := {}
   aColor   := {}
   aTech    := {}

   for nRow := 1 to Len( aData )
      cTech       := aData[ nRow, 3 ]
      nTech       := AScan( aTech, { |c| Upper( c ) == Upper( cTech ) } )
      if nTech == 0
         AAdd( aTech, cTech )
         nTech    := Len( aTech )
         AAdd( aSched, Array( nPeriods ) )
         AAdd( aColor, Array( nPeriods ) )
      // Post sched in the time slot
      nSlot    := AScan( aPer, { |c| aData[ nRow, 1 ] == c } )
      if nSlot == 0
         nSlot := nPeriods
      aSched[ nTech, nSlot ]  := aData[ nRow, 4 ]
      nAt      := AScan( aPer, { |c| aData[ nRow, 2 ] == c } )
      if nAt == 0
         nAt   := nPeriods
      if nAt > nSlot
         for n := nSlot to nAt
            aColor[ nTech, n ] := .t.
   next nRow

   // Rearrange the arrays
   AIns( aSched, 1, aPer, .t. )
   AIns( aColor, 1, nil, .t. )
   AIns( aTech,  1, "TIME", .t. )
   aSched   := ArrTranspose( aSched )
   aColor   := ArrTranspose( aColor )

   XBROWSER aSched TITLE "Schedule" SETUP BrwSetup( oBrw )

return nil

static function BrwSetup( oBrw )

   local n, oCol

   oBrw:cHeaders     :=  aTech
   for n := 2 to Len( oBrw:aCols )
      oCol  := oBrw:aCols[ n ]
      oCol:bClrStd := CellColorBlock( oCol )

return nil

static function CellColorBlock( oCol )

   local oBrw := oCol:oBrw

return { || If( aColor[ oBrw:nArrayAt, oCol:nArrayCol ] == .t., ;
               { CLR_WHITE, CLR_GREEN }, { CLR_BLACK, CLR_WHITE } ) }


G. N. Rao.
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:38 pm


Thank you for your support .. I will let you know ...

Very Much Appreciated!
Rick Lipkin
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:18 pm


I am just now trying to adapt your code without much success. In your example, you create your browse much different than I do, however, in the following code I do not think it makes much difference.

I prefer to use your technique of using a second array which points back to the array element(s) to be colored.

Here is my code and the screenshot of a duplicated array ( just for testing ) called aDuration. The viewable xBrowse array is called aSchedule. I did find some other code here in the forum that does work but only scans aSchedule and not aDuration.

What I think your code does is scan ( in my case ) aSchedule to get the array element and looks to same aDuration cell value ( logical or char value ) which maps back to aSchedule to be painted.
Code: Select all  Expand view


DEFINE WINDOW oWndChildA           ;
       FROM 0,0 to 37.5,123        ;
       MDICHILD                    ;
       OF oWnd                     ;
       NOMINIMIZE                  ;
       ICON oIco                   ;


       REDEFINE xBROWSE oLbxA        ;
         ARRAY aSchedule             ;
         HEADERS aHeader             ;
         COLSIZES aColumn            ;
         ID 172 of oSch              ;

       oLbxA:nRowHeight() := 45
       oLbxA:nFreeze := 1

       // adapting rao's code
       // can not get to work
       for i := 2 to Len( oLbxA:aCols )
           oCol  := oLbxA:aCols[ i ]
           oCol:bClrStd := CellColorBlock( oCol,aDuration )
        // another example
     *  FOR i = 2 to LEN( oLbxA:aCols )
     *      oLbxA:aCols[ i ]:bClrStd := ChangeColor( oLbxA, i )
     *  NEXT


Static Func ChangeColor( oLbxA, i ) //

Local nColumn,nRow,cText

*Return {|| { ColorCell( oLbxA:aCols[ i ]:Value ), ColorCell( oLbxA:aCols[ i ]:Value ) } }
Return {||  { CLR_BLACK, ColorCell( oLbxA:aCols[ i ]:Value ) } }

Static Func ColorCell( cText )

LOCAL nColor

*nColor := RGB(255, 255, 128)

*nColor := RGB(0, 100, 200)

CASE cText <> "  " //== 3 // MARRON CLARO-PAGADAS CON ATRASO  // this works
nColor := RGB(255, 172, 89)

*nColor := RGB(240, 0, 0)

nColor := GetSysColor( 5 )


RETURN( nColor )

Static function CellColorBlock( oCol,aDuration )

local oBrw

oBrw := oCol:oBrw

Return { || If( aDuration[ oBrw:nArrayAt, oCol:nArrayCol ] <> "  ",;//== "B", ;//.t., ;
               { CLR_WHITE, CLR_BLUE }, { CLR_BLACK, CLR_WHITE } ) }


At this point the code is looking for an element that is NOT blank, however when I adapt the aDuration, I will use a charactor ( like "B", "G" ) to determine the color.. unfortunitly, I can not seem to get your code to work.

I can easily create aDuration with the above charactor codes instead of your logical .. for some reason, I just can not seem to understand how to evaluate the values .. I seem to be able to get one row and that is it .. however, I know the for\next look is evaluating every element.

Please have a look at let me know that I am missing.

Rick Lipkin

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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:16 pm

I can easily create aDuration with the above charactor codes instead of your logical .. for some reason, I just can not seem to understand how to evaluate the values .. I seem to be able to get one row and that is it .. however, I know the for\next look is evaluating every element.

I understand that if an appointment spans from cell [nRow,nCo] to [nRow+d,nCol] than aDuration[nRow,nCol] to aDuration[nRow+d,nCol] contain some color code.
In other cases aDuration[y,x] contains NIL.

I suggest you assign a color pair straigh away instead of a color code. Then

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Static function CellColorBlock( oCol,aDuration )

local oBrw

oBrw := oCol:oBrw

Return { || IfNil( aDuration[ oBrw:nArrayAt, oCol:nArrayCol ], { CLR_BLACK, CLR_WHITE } ) }

G. N. Rao.
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby Rick Lipkin » Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:08 pm


I think your original code will work .. I just can not seem to get this part working .. I was testing your code against my version of the duration array .. all I was looking to test for was if the value of the array element was blank .. I don't think any of the values are nil ??

Rick Lipkin

Code: Select all  Expand view

Static function CellColorBlock( oCol,aDuration )

local oBrw

oBrw := oCol:oBrw

Return { || If( aDuration[ oBrw:nArrayAt, oCol:nArrayCol ] <> "  ",;//== "B", ;//.t., ;
               { CLR_WHITE, CLR_BLUE }, { CLR_BLACK, CLR_WHITE } ) }
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Re: xBrowse FillRect ( follow up ) -- Rao

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Sep 04, 2013 7:48 am

I tried to keep everything simple in my code. I assigned some value to a cell in the aColor ( or aDuration ) array only when needed and otherwise retained the default nil values. Saves time while preparing the array. And saves confusion while deriving color values later.

Now applying my suggestion to use color pairs instead of logical .t., this is the revised sample.
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#include "fivewin.ch"
#include "xbrowse.ch"
#include "hbcompat.ch"  // important for AINS translation

static aData, aSched, aColor, aTech
static aPer


function Main()

   local nPeriods
   local n, nRow, nAt, nSlot, nTech, cTech

   // period array
   aPer  := {}
   for n := 8 to 16
      AAdd( aPer, StrZero( n, 2 ) + ":00" )
      AAdd( aPer, StrZero( n, 2 ) + ":30" )
   nPeriods := Len( aPer )

   // Raw Data read from Table filtered to date
   aData := { ;
   { "08:00", "08:30", "Angelo Russo", "Basset Hound" }, ;
   { "10:30", "11:30", "Angelo Russo", "Bulldog" }, ;
   { "09:30", "10:00", "Anne Jocobs",  "Sheperd" }, ;
   { "11:00", "12:00", "Anne Jocobs",  "Sheperd" }, ;
   { "08:30", "10:30", "Lea Allen",    "Beagle"  }, ;
   { "12:30", "13:30", "Lea Allen",    "Beagle"  }  }

   // Prepare shedule and color arrays

   aSched   := {}
   aColor   := {}
   aTech    := {}

   for nRow := 1 to Len( aData )
      cTech       := aData[ nRow, 3 ]
      nTech       := AScan( aTech, { |c| Upper( c ) == Upper( cTech ) } )
      if nTech == 0
         AAdd( aTech, cTech )
         nTech    := Len( aTech )
         AAdd( aSched, Array( nPeriods ) )
         AAdd( aColor, Array( nPeriods ) )
      // Post sched in the time slot
      nSlot    := AScan( aPer, { |c| aData[ nRow, 1 ] == c } )
      if nSlot == 0
         nSlot := nPeriods
      aSched[ nTech, nSlot ]  := aData[ nRow, 4 ]
      nAt      := AScan( aPer, { |c| aData[ nRow, 2 ] == c } )
      if nAt == 0
         nAt   := nPeriods
      if nAt > nSlot
         for n := nSlot to nAt
            aColor[ nTech, n ] := If( nTech == 2, CLRPAIR2, CLRPAIR1 )
   next nRow

   // Rearrange the arrays
   AIns( aSched, 1, aPer, .t. )
   AIns( aColor, 1, nil, .t. )
   AIns( aTech,  1, "TIME", .t. )
   aSched   := ArrTranspose( aSched )
   aColor   := ArrTranspose( aColor )

   XBROWSER aSched TITLE "Schedule" SETUP BrwSetup( oBrw )

return nil

static function BrwSetup( oBrw )

   local n, oCol

   oBrw:cHeaders     :=  aTech
   for n := 2 to Len( oBrw:aCols )
      oCol  := oBrw:aCols[ n ]
      oCol:bClrStd := CellColorBlock( oCol )

return nil

static function CellColorBlock( oCol )

   local oBrw := oCol:oBrw

return { || IfNil( aColor[ oBrw:nArrayAt, oCol:nArrayCol ], { CLR_BLACK, CLR_WHITE } ) }


G. N. Rao.
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