Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby byte-one » Tue Jan 21, 2014 9:55 am

Antonio, i am using a printerobject with the direct pdf-output. Now i see, that the emf-files in the temp-directory are still present and should be deleted! If i will manually or programatically delete this files, i become a "Access Violation".
...and the temp-directory grows and grows...
A second question: After ENDPRINT the printobject shows with valtype(oPrint) still "O"???
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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:06 pm


1. the emf-files in the temp-directory are still present

Where is located your temp-directory ? What files are there ? Please show a test and the names of the files that you get. If you cant delete them it means that they are open (in use)

2. END... does not mean that the object is turned into nil. When you go out of the scope where it is defined, the garbage collector will do its work and will finally free it.
regards, saludos

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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby byte-one » Tue Jan 21, 2014 5:04 pm

1. Antonio, when using normal Tprinter-object the EMFs are deleted! Only when i use the direct pdf-creation with clausula ..FILE "xyz.pdf" the files in Format z.b. "234571.emf" are not erased! The temp-directory are in normal windows location.
2. END.. Ok, i understand!!
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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Jan 21, 2014 10:47 pm


Are you calling ENDPRINT after sending the print to the PDF file ?

Class TPrinter Method End() is responsible for deleting the metafiles.
regards, saludos

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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby byte-one » Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:10 am

Code: Select all  Expand view
function PrintEnd()
   if oPrinter:lMeta
      if Empty( oPrinter:cFile )
      elseif "pdf" $ Lower( oPrinter:cFile )
         FWSavePreviewToPDF( oPrinter, If( Lower( cFileExt( oPrinter:cFile ) ) == "pdf", ;
               oPrinter:cFile, nil ), oPrinter:lPreview )
   oPrinter := nil
return nil

Antonio, you see, that end() only calling on normal prints! On preview, the preview itself deletes the EMFs, on FWSavePreviewToPDF(..) nobody deletes this files!
Should end() called in all cases?
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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby byte-one » Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:49 am

Antonio, I found a solution:

1. In Emf2Jpeg() instead of CloseEnhMetafile() using DeleteEnhMetafile()! In this function should also inserted a sysrefresh(). Then i can produce hundreds of pages without Problems!
2. In FWSavePreviwToPDF() before returning oDevice:end() BUT only, when not called from TPreview as the preview deletes the EMFs!!
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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:02 am


I guess you can also do:


anyhow, please post here your exact code changes so we can review them and include them, many thanks
regards, saludos

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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby byte-one » Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:13 am

This is my code, I use. In poor Computers with only 1Gb memory it can bee, the program terminates without any message! Possibly from the FI functions with Memory?

Code: Select all  Expand view

function FWSavePreviewToPDF( oDevice, cPDF, lOpen, nQual )   // oDevice can be oPrinter or oPreview

   local cOrient, oPDF
   local hWnd , lPreview

   DEFAULT nQual := 0 , lPreview := .F.

   if oDevice:IsKindOf( "TPREVIEW" )
      hWnd     := oDevice:oWnd:hWnd
      oDevice  := oDevice:oDevice
      lPreview := .T.

   if LoadFreeImage() <= 32
      MsgAlert( "freeimage.dll not found" )
      return nil

   DEFAULT cPDF   := cGetFile( "PDF File (*.pdf)|*.pdf|", "Select PDF File to Save", ;
                               CurDir(), .t. )

   if ! Empty( cPDF )
      cPDF = cFileSetExt( cPDF, "pdf" )
      cOrient = If( oDevice:nHorzSize() > oDevice:nVertSize(), 'L', 'P' )
      oPdf = fwPdf():New( cPdf, cOrient, nQual )
      AEval( oDevice:aMeta, { | cMeta |( oPdf:AddMeta( cMeta )) } )

      DEFAULT lOpen := MsgYesNo( "View " + cPDF + " (Y/N)?" )

      if lOpen
         ShellExecute( IfNil( hWnd, GetWndDefault() ), "open", cPDF )
      cPDF  := nil

  if(!lPreview,oDevice:End(),)      //BYTE-ONE 2014

return cPDF


static function Emf2Jpeg( cEMF , nQual )

   local cJpeg    := cFileSetExt( cEMF, "jpg" )
   local hDC1, hDC, hDib, hDib2, hMem, hBmp, hOldBmp, hEMF
   local cBuf, oRect, lRet := .f.
   local nFormat

   cBuf         := MemoRead( cEMF )
   oRect        := TRect():New( 0, 0, Bin2L( SubStr( cBuf, 21, 4 ) ) / 2, ;
                                  Bin2L( SubStr( cBuf, 17, 4 ) ) / 2  )
   cBuf        := nil  // to release memory
   hEMF        := GetEnhMetaFile( cEMF )
   hDC1        := GetDC( GetDesktopWindow() )
   hDC         := CreateCompatibleDC( hDC1 )
   hBmp        := CreateCompatibleBitmap( hDC1, oRect:nWidth, oRect:nHeight )
   hOldBmp     := SelectObject( hDC, hBmp )
   FillRect( hDC, oRect:aRect, GetStockObject( 0 ) )
   PlayEMF( hDC, hEMF, oRect:cRect )
   DeleteEnhMetafile( hEMF )        //BYTE-ONE 2014
   hDib        := DibFromBitmap( hBmp )
   cBuf        := DibToStr( hDib )
   GloBalFree( hDib )
   SelectObject( hDC, hOldBmp )
   DeleteDC( hDC )
   DeleteDC( hDC1 )
   DeleteObject( hBmp )
   hMem        := FI_OpenMemory( cBuf, Len( cBuf ) )
   nFormat     := FI_GetFileTypeFromMemory( hMem, 0 )
   hDib        := FI_LoadFromMemory( nFormat, hMem, 0 )
   FI_CloseMemory( hMem )
   cBuf        := nil  // to release memory
   hDib2       := FICnv24( hDib )
   FIUnload( hDib )
   lRet        := FISave( 2, hDib2, cJpeg, nQual )
   FIUnload( hDib2 )
   cBuf        := If( lRet, MemoRead( cJpeg ), "" )
   FErase( cJpeg )
   sysrefresh()     //BYTE-ONE 2014

return cBuf

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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby James Bott » Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:20 pm

Have you checked for memory leaks?
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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby byte-one » Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:20 pm

Yes James, no leaks. Maybe the memory-functions from "freeimage" are responsible for this fault!?
We should change to file-functions, but i am not so versed with freeimage.
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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby James Bott » Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:56 pm


Perhaps you need to use a general purpose memory leak detector program instead of the Fivewin functions. This might find memory leaks in freeimage.

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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby James Bott » Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:37 pm

Maybe this old message will help.


From: Patrick Mast <>
Subject: Re: FW Win 2000
Date: Friday, January 05, 2001 2:08 AM


> Big Prob my Fw App crashes with a Gpf under Win 2000
> Any Tip for me ??
My app works great in Win2000.

Have you tried this:

Code: Select all  Expand view
// In the begin of your app:
InterruptRegister( { || ControlGPF() } )  // Setting our own GPF controller

function ControlGPF() //SOCS
   MsgAlert( "A Windows GPF occured...")
   InterruptUnRegister()   // We release our GPF controller
   Eval( ErrorBlock(), _FWGenError( 5, "Undetermined GPF" ) )
Return nil

This way maybe you can see what line causes the GPF.


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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:54 pm

Mr Gunther and Mr Antonio

I suggest modification of printend() function and no other changes anywhere else.

Proposed New function
Code: Select all  Expand view
function PrintEnd()

   if oPrinter:lMeta
      if Empty( oPrinter:cFile )
      elseif "pdf" $ Lower( oPrinter:cFile )
         FWSavePreviewToPDF( oPrinter, oPrinter:cFile, oPrinter:lPreview )

   oPrinter := nil

return nil

Do you think this solves the issue?

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby byte-one » Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:41 pm

OK, but usíng CloseEnhMetaFile() frees not the emf-files to let them erasing!
We must use DeleteEnhMetafile( hEMF ) in the function Emf2Jpeg(...)!
Another negative issue from this function is the dependency from the resolution of the Printer-Driver. It should in all cases
the same!
I suggest further the option to use automatically (if available) a PDF-Printer-Driver (with a special name?).
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Re: Antonio: "BUG" in TPrinter

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:33 am


G. N. Rao.
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