Edit version file inside a RES

Edit version file inside a RES

Postby sambomb » Fri May 02, 2014 12:18 pm

I wonder if anyone knows a way to update the Version that is within a RES.

I have the file C:\VersaoExe.res

Inside this file I have a "folder" called Version and inside this folder the "file" #1
In the "file" #1 I have the tags:
File version
Product version
I wish I could edit the value of these tags through a exe, for example:
C:\MudaVersao.exe "C:\VersaoExe.res" "FILEVERSION" "0,0,0,1"
C:\MudaVersao.exe "C:\VersaoExe.res" "PRODUCTVERSION" "0,0,0,2"
C:\MudaVersao.exe "C:\VersaoExe.res" "File version" "1,0,0,0"
C:\MudaVersao.exe "C:\VersaoExe.res" "Product version" "2,0,0,0"
Email: SamirSSabreu@gmail.com
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Re: Edit version file inside a RES

Postby Rick Lipkin » Fri May 02, 2014 12:42 pm


I don't know if this will help you, but I use a resource file called Version.rc. I edit the string values of the form and compile it with the rest of my .rc to .res and link into my final .exe.

Hope this helps..

Rick Lipkin

Code: Select all  Expand view

    FILEVERSION     2,0,0,0
    FILEOS          VOS_NT_WINDOWS32
    FILEFLAGSMASK   0x00000000
    FILEFLAGS       0x00000000
    BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
        BLOCK "04090025"
            VALUE "Comments", "Author Richard Lipkin"
            VALUE "CompanyName", "Custom Computers Inc."
            VALUE "FileDescription", "Publication Mgmt "
            VALUE "FileVersion", "2.0"
            VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Custom Computers Inc "}
    BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
        VALUE "Translation", 0x0409, 0x0025
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Re: Edit version file inside a RES

Postby reinaldocrespo » Fri May 02, 2014 4:34 pm

I know Git is in while SVN is out, but I'm still using SVN. To burn version information, build date + time, and svn number into the .exe I use a batch file that gets executed right after the compilation script. The batch file uses VerPatch.exe to burn the info into the .exe. Here is that batch file:

Code: Select all  Expand view
REM ----------------------------------------------------------
REM     svn number gets written into svn.txt

f:\mp\svn info f:\mp10\ > f:\mp10\billing\prbill10\include\svn.ch
Type f:\mp10\billing\include\svn.ch  | Find "Revision:" > f:\mp10\billing\prbill10\include\svn.txt

REM ---------------------------------------------------
REM Environmental var VERSION is set from svn.txt
    SET /P SVNVERSION=<\mp10\billing\prbill10\include\svn.txt
    sET FILEDESCR=/s desc "Mp Billing Module"
    sET BUILDINFO=/s pb "Built by %USERNAME%"
    sET COMPINFO=/s company "Structured Systems Corp." /s (c) "(c)all rights reserved -2013"
    sET PRODINFO=/s product "PrBill10" /pv "%VERSION%" /sc "Built on %date% %time% from SVN %SVNVERSION%"
REM verPatch burns these values into .exe
f:\mp10\verpatch-bin-1.0.9\verpatch f:\mp\Prbill10.exe /va %VERSION% %FILEDESCR% %COMPINFO% %PRODINFO% %BUILDINFO%

svn.exe gets installed when you install the svn client. Passing "info" as parameter to svn.exe will print a paragraph that includes de svn revision number. The second line that combines type with the vertical bar to pipe the output into the find command, will retrieve only the line with the revision number and that gets written into svn.txt. I now use the contents in svn.txt to set some variables. After setting the environmental variables, I use VerPatch.exe to burn the info into the .exe.

Because the batch file gets executed right after the compilation script, I always get up to date information on every .exe. To display the version information from the .exe at runtime I use code like this:

Code: Select all  Expand view

   cExe     := cFileName( GetModuleFileName( GetInstance() ) )
   cText2   := cValToChar( GetFileVersionInfo( cExe, 1 ) )


#include <windows.h>
#include <hbapi.h>

   char * szFile  = hb_parc( 1 );
   UINT uAction   = ISNUM( 2 ) ? hb_parni( 2 ) : 1;
   DWORD dwHandle = 0;
   DWORD dwSize   = GetFileVersionInfoSize( szFile, &dwHandle );
   char * szOut   = NULL;
   BOOL  bOk      = FALSE;

   if( dwSize )
      char * szBlock = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( 255 );
      char * szSubBlock = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( 255 );
      HGLOBAL hMem = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwSize );
      VS_FIXEDFILEINFO * vsInfo;
      UINT nLen = 0;

      if( hMem )
         LPVOID pMem = GlobalLock( hMem );

         if( pMem && GetFileVersionInfo( szFile, dwHandle, dwSize, pMem ) )
            if( VerQueryValue( pMem, "\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", ( LPVOID * ) &vsInfo, &nLen ) )
               *( LPDWORD ) vsInfo = MAKELONG( HIWORD( *( LPDWORD ) vsInfo ), LOWORD( *( LPDWORD ) vsInfo ) );

               sprintf( szBlock, "\\StringFileInfo\\%08lx\\", *( LPDWORD )( vsInfo ) );

               switch( uAction )
                  case 1:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "Comments" );

                  case 2:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "CompanyName" );

                  case 3:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "FileDescription" );

                  case 4:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "FileVersion" );

                  case 5:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "InternalName" );

                  case 6:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "LegalCopyright" );

                  case 7:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "LegalTrademarks" );

                  case 8:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "OriginalFilename" );

                  case 9:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "PrivateBuild" );

                  case 10:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "ProductName" );

                  case 11:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "ProductVersion" );

                  case 12:
                     sprintf( szSubBlock, "%s%s", szBlock, "SpecialBuild" );

               if( VerQueryValue( pMem, szSubBlock, ( LPVOID * ) &szOut, &nLen ) )
                  bOk = TRUE;

               hb_xfree( szBlock );
               hb_xfree( szSubBlock );

            GlobalUnlock( hMem );
            GlobalFree( hMem );

   if( bOk )
      hb_retc( szOut );
      hb_retc( "" );

#pragma ENDDUMP


Hope that helps.

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