How do I code this report ?

How do I code this report ?

Postby HunterEC » Mon May 25, 2015 6:54 am


I'm printing a statement of account type report where I need to print at the top of each page the customer's name, address, etc. BEFORE listing the actual transactions. How can I do this ? Thank you.
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Re: How do I code this report ?

Postby Colin Haig » Mon May 25, 2015 7:58 am


Do a loop and call a header routine in the loop

local nPage := 0,nPrRow := 0

do while whatever
print transaction details

function fnHead(nPage,nPrRow)
if nPage == 0 .or. nPrProw > 60
Print header details
nPrRow := 28

Colin Haig
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Re: How do I code this report ?

Postby sambomb » Mon May 25, 2015 6:47 pm

Search FastReport in the forum, It will do the job easily
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Re: How do I code this report ?

Postby James Bott » Wed May 27, 2015 2:38 pm

There is a clause ON STARTPAGE:


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Re: How do I code this report ?

Postby HunterEC » Wed May 27, 2015 11:17 pm

James, Samir & Colin:

Thank you very much for your help. I think that I posted the question not clear enough. What command(s) do I have to use / are available on all the suggested scenarios, specially the ON START PAGE to accomplish this. @ r,c SAY ...
I know about Fast Report but I'm running against time, so I don't have the time to learn & use it. Any example will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much guys !!!!
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Re: How do I code this report ?

Postby FranciscoA » Thu May 28, 2015 12:22 am

Please, try to adapt this piece of code.
//ej sobre un formato pre-impreso

Code: Select all  Expand view
     CabeceraENTR(oPrn,nRowStep,nColStep,nLinNumDoc,nColNumdoc,nLinFecha,nColFecha,nLinProvee,nColProvee,nLinPedido,nColPedido,nLinRemisio, nColRemisio,oFont,oFont2,nPag,dFecha)

      nRow:= nLinItems   //linea donde comienzan los items
     While (cAlias)->(!Eof())
        oPrn:Say( nRow, nCol1, Transform(field->Canti,"@Z 99,999,999.99"), oFont1,,,,PAD_RIGHT )
        oPrn:Say( nRow, nCol2, field->Und, oFont1,,,,PAD_LEFT )
        oPrn:Say( nRow, nCol3, str(Field->codigo)+" "+ALLTRIM(field->DESCRIPCIO), oFont1,,,,PAD_LEFT )
        oPrn:Say( nRow, nCol4, Transform(field->pUnit,"@Z 999,999.9999"), oFont1,,,,PAD_RIGHT )
        oPrn:Say( nRow, nCol5, Transform(field->SubTotal,"@Z 99,999,999.99"), oFont1,,,,PAD_RIGHT )
        nRow+= nRowStep

        if nLineas > nLineasMax   //lineas maximas a imprimir en cada hoja
              MsgInfo("Introduzca una nueva hoja para continuar, y presione enter")
           nRow:= nLinItems  //linea donde comienzan los items
           CabeceraENTR(oPrn,nRowStep,nColStep,nLinNumDoc,nColNumdoc,nLinFecha,nColFecha,nLinProvee,nColProvee,nLinPedido,nColPedido,nLinRemisio, nColRemisio,oFont,oFont2,nPag,dFecha)
Francisco J. Alegría P.
Chinandega, Nicaragua.

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Re: How do I code this report ?

Postby HunterEC » Thu May 28, 2015 3:00 am


Muchas gracias !!!!
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Re: How do I code this report ?

Postby James Bott » Thu May 28, 2015 6:23 am

Here is an example from an invoice class. Note that I am just using the HEADER and TITLE clauses with linefeeds (denoted with commas). Also note that the HEADER and FOOTER clauses are really page headers and footers, not report headers and footers (as one might think).


Code: Select all  Expand view
    REPORT oReport;
         HEADER ;
           "Invoice: "+trim(::invno), "Page: "+;
           ltrim(str(oReport:nPage,3)) RIGHT;
         TITLE ::oSysdata:company, ;
           trim(::oSysdata:city)+", "+trim(::oSysdata:state)+" "+::oSysdata:zip,;
           " "," ",;
           "Ship to:", ;
           " ",;
           trim(::oCustomer:address1)+if(!empty(::oCustomer:address2),", "+::oCustomer:address2,""),;
           trim(::oCustomer:city)+", "+trim(::oCustomer:state)+" "+::oCustomer:zip,;
           ::oCustomer:phone," "," ",;
           "PO No: "+::oInvmast:PONum+"  Invoice date: "+dtoc(::oInvmast:invdte)+;
           "  Terms: "+::oInvmast:pterms LEFT;
         FONT oFont;
         TO DEVICE oDevice
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