I got some problems, changing xbrowse footer-values at runtime
Is it possible, to save the footer results to DBF-fields ?
For the 1. browser I used calculated values displayed in footers like :
oBrw1:aCols[5]:cFooter := nValue[1] because of a index UNIQUE problem.
Because of calculated values, I can update the footers.
It seems, that it doesn't work using TOTAL
1. creating the invoice MONTH-statistic
There are 10 different kinds of bills possible ( each column includes a style )
For the GREEN types, POINTS are defined and must be counted as well.
The total of the calculated footers and points is shown at the bottom.
2. Adding the results of June to the YEAR-statistic
3. I can clear the table, but impossible, to refresh the footer
The real footer-values are only visible on closing the statistic and reopen
after that, the footer is ok
I tested
but no change
I noticed a missing footer on field 13
the col-value is displayed.
- Code: Select all Expand view
// -- Field 13
oCol := oBrw2:oCol( "PUNKTEGES" )
oCol:bStrData := { || IIF( ("UMSATZ2")->PUNKTEGES > 0, ("UMSATZ2")->PUNKTEGES, " " ) }
oCol:cHeader := "Punkte"
oCol:nHeadStrAlign := AL_CENTER
I := 2
FOR I := 2 TO 13
:aCols[ I ]:nWidth := 65
:aCols[ I ]:nDataStrAlign := AL_RIGHT
:aCols[ I ]:nHeadStrAlign := AL_CENTER
:aCols[ I ]:lTotal := .T.
:aCols[ I ]:nTotal := 0
best regards