Now, in 16.01 it suddenly is providing an error. Here are the relevant pieces of code.
- Code: Select all Expand view
// Assign the bitmaps to the array
aBmp := { LoadBitMap( GetResources( ) , "CM1" ), ;
LoadBitMap( GetResources( ), "CM2" ), LoadBitMap(GetResources( ), "CM3") }
.....................................................Other code
// Assign the bitmap options to the first column
add oCol to oLbxo header "Stage" ALIGN CENTER BITMAP
// And select the value to display
oCol:bBmpData := { || IIF( oWrkOrd:totals, 3, IIF( oWrkOrd:ordnot, 1,2 ) ) }
The problem has been traced to the oCol:AddResource functions, and it results in the programming going into a Windows error ( Test.exe has stopped working ). By going through the code step by step, I found the error to be here, and if I comment out the last 4 oCol: calls, it works perfectly.