Limited output Xbrowse to exel or csv (SOLVED)

Limited output Xbrowse to exel or csv (SOLVED)

Postby Marc Venken » Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:25 pm


I need to export data into a exel or csv file. (for later import into Prestashop shopsystem)

One field is a memo field (dbt or fpt), that can be large (200-600 chars)

I have a point that I can export to exel from Xbrowse, but I see that exel is limited to 255 char in a colom !
I can us COPY TO update.csv DELIMITED, but also this will only give approx 255 char ?

How can I overcome this limit ?

I need to have 1 large field, since the import module from Presta alows 1 field for each imported field.

Last edited by Marc Venken on Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Marc Venken
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Marc Venken
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Re: Limited output Xbrowse to exel or csv

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:38 pm

It is possible to export text larger than 255 bytes to Excel.
Code: Select all  Expand view
  local aData := { { 1, memoread( "\fwh\samples\testrad3.prg" ) } }

   xbrowser aData

and try exporting from xbrowser. This is working.

But the issue is it is not convenient to view large texts of data in Excel.

Exporting to CSV:

If the source is DBF we can use

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Limited output Xbrowse to exel or csv

Postby Marc Venken » Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:19 am

I tried the sample, and I see that exel will put it on multiple lines. (this could work)

I have to look into it if the import module (php) will correctly use this kind of lines, because I think there will be CTRL into it.
In my program I convert all CTRL into <br> html code for a new line and put all into the memo field.

If the source is DBF we can use

Partly Sample

Testing software dbftocsv (3th Party)

"14001800";"1";"Werkbroek : 1400";"Algemeen";"1. Broeken";" 33.00";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"14001800";"";"";"Blaklader";"";"";"";"";"100";"Werkbroek : 1400";"<p><strong>Samenstelling :</strong></p><br>65% polyester, 35% katoen, twill, 240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Gewicht :</strong></p><br>240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Eigenschappen :</strong></p><br>· Twee insteekzakken. <br>· Achterzak met knoopsluiting. <br>· Twee broeks";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"";"0";"";"Korenblauw";"C148";"";"";"";"";"False";"";"";"";"0";"0";"";"";"<p><strong>Samenstelling :</strong></p><br>65% polyester, 35% katoen, twill, 240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Gewicht :</strong></p><br>240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Eigenschappen :</strong></p><br>· Twee insteekzakken. <br>· Achterzak met knoopsluiting. <br>· Twee broekspijpzakken waarvan een met klep en een met driedelig potloodzakje. <br>· D-ring. <br>· Telefoonzakje<br>"

with COPY TO file.csv DELIMITED

"14001800",1,"Werkbroek : 1400","Algemeen","1. Broeken",33.00,"","","","","","","","14001800","","","Blaklader","","","","",100,"Werkbroek : 1400","<p><strong>Samenstelling :</strong></p><br>65% polyester, 35% katoen, twill, 240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Gewicht :</strong></p><br>240 g/m?<br><p><strong>Eigenschappen :</strong></p><br>· Twee insteekzakken. <br>· Achterzak met knoopsluiting. <br>· Twee broeks","","","","","","","","","0","","Korenblauw","C148","","","","",F,"","","",0,0,"","""

Also tried, but the field is also no longer then 255 chars ?

Maybe I have someware limit in files or config files ??

I see that it must be possible, since Uwe has a dbftocsv utility, but there is a lot more of coding done, and he is writing to a file.csv directly.

He shared the function with me, but not possible to get it working for now. (just received)

Thanks already.
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.04 with Harbour
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Re: Limited output Xbrowse to exel or csv

Postby stefano » Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:26 pm


another method
Code: Select all  Expand view
oExcel := CreateObject( "Excel.Application" )

oAs := oExcel:Activesheet()

oAs:Cells:Font:Name := "Calibri"
oAs:Cells:Font:Size := 11

oAs:Columns( 1 ):ColumnWidth := 17
oAs:Columns( 2 ):ColumnWidth := 150

oAs:Cells( 3, 1 ):Value := "Prog"
oAs:Cells( 3, 2 ):Value := "Note"

n = 1
for n = 1 to 2
 oAs:Cells(3,n):Borders(7):LineStyle := 1
 oAs:Cells(3,n):Borders(8):LineStyle := 1

Use archivio
go top
n = 4
do while !eof()
    oAs:Cells( n, 1 ):Value := archivio->c1)   // prog
    oAs:Cells( n, 2 ):Value := archivio->c2)   // campo note
    n = n+1

n1 = 1
for n1 = 1 to 2
 oAs:Cells(n-1,n1):Borders(9):LineStyle := 1  

oAs:Columns( "A:B" ):WrapText = .T.

oAs:Name := "NC"
* oAs:Columns( "A:T" ):AutoFit()
oAs:Columns( "A:Z" ):VerticalAlignment := -4108
oAs:Columns( "A:Z" ):HorizontalAlignment := -4108
oAs:Columns( "C:C" ):HorizontalAlignment := -4131
oAs:Columns( "Q:Q" ):HorizontalAlignment := -4131
oAs:Columns( "W:W" ):WrapText = .F.

oAs:Range("I2:Q2"):interior:color := rgb(184,204,228)
oAs:Range("I3:Q3"):interior:color := rgb(217,217,217)
oAs:Range("A3:H3"):interior:color := rgb(54,96,146)
oAs:Range("A3:H3"):font:color := rgb(255,255,255)

 oExcel:visible := .T

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Re: Limited output Xbrowse to exel or csv

Postby Marc Venken » Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:25 pm


Looking into these replys, i noticed that the export from Xbrowse is ok.

Also Exel will except more than 255 char, BUT THE COLOMN IS MAX. 255 LONG. The rest of the data is on the next line, but INSIDE the same row.
I didn't see the data, but the samples above showed a prg in a long row.

Learned samething more about exel !

Sorry for the wrong interpretation of my data :oops:
Thanks for the Effort.
Marc Venken
Using: FWH 23.04 with Harbour
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Marc Venken
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