Extract email from string

Extract email from string

Postby Marc Venken » Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:27 pm


Someone has a function to get emails out of a string

I read a website and want to pull the emails out of it. The cTxt (content) can have more than one email.

Is there a function that reads back from a string ?

The At(....) will give the position of the @ sign, but i have to go to the front for the first blanco char, and also go to the back to finaly have
ex. mymail@mydomain.com
Marc Venken
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Re: Extract email from string

Postby cnavarro » Wed Jun 28, 2017 1:17 am

I do not know if I understand correctly what you are asking for
But, try with

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   local cMail  := "slk slkjsd ljd d mycta.withmore@gmail.com fnsjhkjsh sdhksjdhk"
   local c1     := Left( cMail, At( "@", cMail ) )
   local c2     := Right( cMail, Len( cMail ) - At( "@", cMail ) )
   local c      := AllTrim( Substr( cMail, Rat( " ", c1 ), At( " ", c2 ) + ( Len( c1 ) - Rat( " ", c1 ) ) ) )
   ? c

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Re: Extract email from string

Postby Marc Venken » Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:28 am

Yes this works if the leading and trailing char = space,
But I have the str !!, so I have to fine-tune the result more.

I also get this as result :


I will have to work with some if/then to finaly get to the email itself.
If mailto: is in the str, then return a substr(to difine)

I think that there will be other str's to come with more options.
Marc Venken
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Re: Extract email from string

Postby bpd2000 » Wed Jun 28, 2017 1:22 pm

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      LOCAL cRegEx := "[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}"
      LOCAL cText  := "Send your request to 'mailto:info@dbm-essen.be>info@dbm-essen.be '" + ;
                      "for more information"
      LOCAL cEmail, nStart, nLen

     cEmail := HB_AtX( cRegEx, cText, .F., @nStart, @nLen )
     ? cEmail
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Re: Extract email from string

Postby cnavarro » Wed Jun 28, 2017 1:28 pm

Great, very good
Cristobal Navarro
Hay dos tipos de personas: las que te hacen perder el tiempo y las que te hacen perder la noción del tiempo
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Re: Extract email from string

Postby Marc Venken » Wed Jun 28, 2017 2:28 pm

Indeed, very good and with one line, Top !!

I wanted to go one step further, but this does not work, because I don't untherstand
what the function is doing ? Could you explane the process ?

What I tried : Get all the emails out of the string

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function extractonline()
   local aMails:={}
   LOCAL cRegEx := "[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}"
   LOCAL cEmail, nStart, nLen
   Local cText  := "Send your request to 'mailto:info@dbm-essen.be>info@dbm-essen.be '" + ;
                      "for more information or to 'mailto:info@dbm-essen.be>info@dbm-essen.be ' and finaly to info@maveco.be"

   do while at("@",cText) > 0
       ? cText
       cEmail := HB_AtX( cRegEx, cText, .F., @nStart, @nLen )
       ? cEmail
       cText = substr(cText,at("@",cText)+1)

Perl-5 compatible RegEx:

xHarbour includes PCRE which is a full feature, Perl 5 compatible, Regular
Expression engine. Full feature Search & Replace classes are currently under
construction, but you may already use the full power of RegEx searches,
new operators, HAS and LIKE.

cExp HAS cPatern|RegEx => bFound
cExp LIKE cPatern|RegEx => bLike

As well as full featured Functions:

HB_Atx( <cRegEx>, <cTargetString> [, lCaseSensitive [, [@]nStart ]
[, [@]nLen ] ] ] ) => cFoundText
Marc Venken
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Re: Extract email from string

Postby karinha » Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:44 pm


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   cEmail     := ALLTRIM( cEmailCliente )

    cEmailErro := HB_aTokens( cEmail, ";" )


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