First Step for information of menus ... ldown_menu
Soon more information and a sample containing examples of these clauses be added
MENUITEM Upper( "FieldNames_" ) + Alias( 1 )
MENU SELECT ( Alias( 1 ) )->( DbStruct() ) LIMIT -1 COLUMNS 2, 1, 3 //, 4
MENUITEM Upper( "FieldNames_" ) + Alias( 1 ) + "_EXPAND"
MENU SELECT ( Alias( 1 ) )->( DbStruct() ) LIMIT -1 COLUMNS 1, 2, 3, 4 EXPAND ;
NOFORM HEADERS "Name", "Type", "Length", "Decs"
MENU SELECT ( Alias( 1 ) )->( DbStruct() ) LIMIT -1 COLUMNS 1, 2, 3, 4 EXPAND ;
HEADERS "Name", "Type", "Length", "Decs" ACTION { | oI | MyAction( oI ) }
//LEFTWIDTH if( lSys, 24, 1 ) ;
//LOGOMENU "..\bitmaps\fivetechv.png" ;
Error description: Error BASE/1132 Bound error: array access
[ 1] = A { ... } length: 4
[ 2] = N 5
Stack Calls
Called from: .\source\classes\PDMENU.PRG => MENUDATA( 525 )
Called from: .\source\classes\PDMENU.PRG => MENUBEGIN( 212 )
Called from: MNUSELECT.prg => MENUDATABASE( 93 )
Called from: MNUSELECT.prg => MAIN( 21 )
RAMESHBABU wrote:Hi Mr.Cristobal,
Very good addition to FWH Library
By the way 'CtrlMove( oWnd )' not not found
while linking MNU01.PRG or MNUSELECT.PRG.
I have tested with FWH 17.06
Please do the needful.
-Ramesh Babu
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