Backup/Restore MySQL data when build BAT file

Backup/Restore MySQL data when build BAT file

Postby richard-service » Sun Sep 03, 2017 2:16 am

Hi All
I use this code below:
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METHOD RunDatabaseBackup() CLASS TWinCraneErp
LOCAL chost      := GetServer()
LOCAL names      := 'utf8'
LOCAL nport      := 3306
LOCAL db         := GetLoginDataBase()
LOCAL cDriver    := CurDrive()
LOCAL cDriverDir := GetCurDir()
LOCAL cdir       := cDriverDir + "\BackUpData\"      // cDriver + ":\" + cDriverDir + "\BackUpData\"
LOCAL cfile      := 'BackupDatabase.sql'

mysqldump.exe --host "+AllTrim(chost)+" --default-character-set="+names+" --port="+cvaltochar(nport)+" -u root -p1234 "+AllTrim(db)+" > "+alltrim(cdir)+iif(right(alltrim(cdir),1)=="\","","\")+alltrim(cFile))
call bak.bat",0)



WaitRun("call bak.bat",0) => run it not work. If I windows file work fine.
Any solution be welcome!!
Best Regards,


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Re: Backup/Restore MySQL data when build BAT file

Postby Horizon » Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:54 am

Hi Richard,

Can you try it without "call"



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Re: Backup/Restore MySQL data when build BAT file

Postby Marc Vanzegbroeck » Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:00 am


I use ShellExecute.
In your case it will be someting like this :
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ShellExecute( 0, 'OPEN', "cmd" ,"/c .\mysqldump.exe --host "+AllTrim(chost)+" --default-character-set="+names+" --port="+cvaltochar(nport)+" -u root -p1234 "+AllTrim(db)+" > "+alltrim(cdir)+iif(right(alltrim(cdir),1)=="\","","\")+alltrim(cFile), , 1 )

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Re: Backup/Restore MySQL data when build BAT file

Postby richard-service » Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:22 pm

Horizon wrote:Hi Richard,

Can you try it without "call"


HI Hakan,

You're right, work fine.
Thaks a lot.
Best Regards,


Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2402101027) => Borland C++ v7.7 32bit
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Re: Backup/Restore MySQL data when build BAT file

Postby richard-service » Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:23 pm

Marc Vanzegbroeck wrote:Richard,

I use ShellExecute.
In your case it will be someting like this :
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ShellExecute( 0, 'OPEN', "cmd" ,"/c .\mysqldump.exe --host "+AllTrim(chost)+" --default-character-set="+names+" --port="+cvaltochar(nport)+" -u root -p1234 "+AllTrim(db)+" > "+alltrim(cdir)+iif(right(alltrim(cdir),1)=="\","","\")+alltrim(cFile), , 1 )

Hi Marc,
you suggestion it and work fine.
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards,


Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2402101027) => Borland C++ v7.7 32bit
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Re: Backup/Restore MySQL data when build BAT file

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:56 am

FWH oCn:BackUp() is simple to use and works fast and well.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Backup/Restore MySQL data when build BAT file

Postby richard-service » Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:29 am

nageswaragunupudi wrote:FWH oCn:BackUp() is simple to use and works fast and well.


Yes, I think so. But now I use TMySQL 3rd
I have a idea. I can use TMySQL and FWH MariaDb/MySql Backup and Restore Together run it?

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     oServer:= TMySQLServer():New( GetServer(), GetLoginId(), GetLoginPass() )
     IF oServer:NETERR()
         oServer:= TMySQLServer():New( GetServer(), "mysql", "" )
         IF oServer:NETERR()
            MsgStop( "MySQL伺服器未開或者伺服器有防火牆或網路不通!", "停止" )
            lOK := .F.
            RETURN lOK
            MsgStop( "MySQL伺服器已有啟動中,但有其它問題導致無法連上!", "停止" )
            lOK := .F.
            RETURN lOK
      cLoginTable := GetLoginDataBase()

//FWH MariaDb/MySql Backup and Restore

   oCn := mysql_Connect( cHost, cUsr, cPsw)
   ? cResult:=oCn:Backup('prova','c:\pp\prova.sql')
   ? oCn:Restore("c:\pp\prova.sql",NIL,NIL,"prueba")
Best Regards,


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Re: Backup/Restore MySQL data when build BAT file

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Sep 05, 2017 5:55 am

I can use TMySQL and FWH MariaDb/MySql Backup and Restore Together run it?

Yes, you can.

In fact you can use FWH mariadb functionality in addition to TMySql in your programs without any conflict with TMySql.

Your above program works.

However you can totally simplify the backup program and run it silently in the nights as a scheduled task and forget about it.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Backup/Restore MySQL data when build BAT file

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:22 am

You can use a simple program like this:
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#include ""

function Main()

   local oCn
   local cBackUpFolder  := "c:\pp\"  // should end with a backslash
   FWCONNECT oCn HOST GetServer() USER GetLoginId() PASSWORD GetLoginPass() DATABASE GetLoginDataBase()
   if oCn == nil
      FWLOG "
Connect fail"
      oCn:BackUp( nil, cBackUpFolder )
      oCn   := nil
return nil

// functions like GetServer() etc.  

Make sure that the program does not contain any screen I/O.
Now add this to the scheduled tasks on the server (with user as SYSTEM) to run every night at your convenient time.

Assuming that your database name is "prova", this program will save backups each day in a different folder with weekday's name.
On Sunday night it saves backup as "c:\pp\Sunday\prova.sql". On Monday night it saves backup as "c:\pp\Monday\prova.sql" and so on. After one week, it overwrites that weekdays backup. This way we have 7 backups at any time.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Backup/Restore MySQL data when build BAT file

Postby richard-service » Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:18 am

nageswaragunupudi wrote:You can use a simple program like this:
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#include ""

function Main()

   local oCn
   local cBackUpFolder  := "c:\pp\"  // should end with a backslash
   FWCONNECT oCn HOST GetServer() USER GetLoginId() PASSWORD GetLoginPass() DATABASE GetLoginDataBase()
   if oCn == nil
      FWLOG "
Connect fail"
      oCn:BackUp( nil, cBackUpFolder )
      oCn   := nil
return nil

// functions like GetServer() etc.  

Make sure that the program does not contain any screen I/O.
Now add this to the scheduled tasks on the server (with user as SYSTEM) to run every night at your convenient time.

Assuming that your database name is "prova", this program will save backups each day in a different folder with weekday's name.
On Sunday night it saves backup as "c:\pp\Sunday\prova.sql". On Monday night it saves backup as "c:\pp\Monday\prova.sql" and so on. After one week, it overwrites that weekdays backup. This way we have 7 backups at any time.

Nice good job. Try it and add my plan code.
Best Regards,


Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2402101027) => Borland C++ v7.7 32bit
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