Need help on xharbour and ADT table connection

Need help on xharbour and ADT table connection

Postby teddydjohan » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:06 am

Can anyone help me on how to configure the xharbour for RDDADS?

I have looked at the doc created by Reinaldo on how to add RDDADS.lib etc but I am still lost. I am still new to this environment. Used to do coding on COBOL, Forte, and PHP.

Currently, I am using the following things:
    - XHarbour Binaries 1.2.3 Rev. 10204 for BCC 7.30
    - FiveWin 17.07
    - Borland C Compiler Ver 7
    - Advantage Database Ver. 8.1

I have a program that connects to ADT table. The first time I compile the program, it failed and I figured out it is because there is no '' in xharbour\include folder.
I downloaded the rddads package from Harbour GitHub contrib\rddads folder. Then I copy the '' file from that source into xharbour\include folder.

I have been searching the forum and found information posted by Reinaldo on how to build rddads.lib and ace32.lib but I have no success so far.

I have downloaded the ACE SDK for Ver 8.1 from Advantaget Dev Zone. So I have the ace32.dll and several dll files in my PC now.

I have built the ace32.lib filed successfully using this command:
implib.exe ace32.lib ace32.dll

and placed the ace32.lib file into xharbour\include folder.

When I try to compile again, it failed with this message:
Fatal: Unable to open file 'RDDADS.LIB'

Apparently, there is no 'RDDADS.LIB' in the xharbour\lib folder.

How do I get this rddads.lib file?

The other questions I have are:
There are ace32.dll, adsloc32.dll, adslocal.cfg, axcws32.dll files in the ACE SDK Redistribute folder. Do I need to place those files into specific folder in my PC? If so, where should I put them?

There are ads1.c, adsfunc.c, adsmgmnt.c, adsx.c, rddads.h, rddads.hbc, rddads.hbp, rddads.hbx files in Harbour GitHub contrib\rddads folder. Do I need those files? If so, where should I put them in my PC?

Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2017 5:38 am

Re: Need help on xharbour and ADT table connection

Postby Marcelo Via Giglio » Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:03 pm


I have built the ace32.lib filed successfully using this command:
implib.exe ace32.lib ace32.dll

and placed the ace32.lib file into xharbour\include folder.

it must be in the xHarbour Lib folder

When I try to compile again, it failed with this message:
Fatal: Unable to open file 'RDDADS.LIB'

Apparently, there is no 'RDDADS.LIB' in the xharbour\lib folder.

How do I get this rddads.lib file?

Try to donwload from a xHarbour build, it come with RDDADS.LIB ready

The other questions I have are:
There are ace32.dll, adsloc32.dll, adslocal.cfg, axcws32.dll files in the ACE SDK Redistribute folder. Do I need to place those files into specific folder in my PC? If so, where should I put them?

You can put this files in your folder's project, with the .exe application

There are ads1.c, adsfunc.c, adsmgmnt.c, adsx.c, rddads.h, rddads.hbc, rddads.hbp, rddads.hbx files in Harbour GitHub contrib\rddads folder. Do I need those files? If so, where should I put them in my PC?

These files are the source of RDDADS.LIB, you don't need to do nothing with these


Marcelo Via Giglio
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