I'm trying testpop3 but it does not work...
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function GetMail()
local oInMail, cIP
cIP := GetHostByName( "pop3.aruba.it")
oWnd:SetMsg( "Geting Internet email..." )
oInMail = TPop3():New( cIP, 110 , "myemail@mydomain.it", "mypsw" ) // mail server IP
oInMail:bConnecting = { || oWnd:SetMsg( "Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" ) }
oInMail:bConnected = { || oWnd:SetMsg( "Connected" ) }
oInMail:bDone = { || ReadEmails( oInMail ) }
return nil
function ReadEmails( oInMail )
local n
MsgInfo( "Total emails: " + Str( Len( oInMail:aMsgs ) ) )
for n = 1 to Len( oInMail:aMsgs )
MsgInfo( oInMail:aMsgs[ n ] )
return nil
in MailErr.log I get: 10-11-2017 10:45:01: 3 -ERR [AUTH] Authentication failed.
myemail@mydomain.it and mypsw works when I logged in webmail
any help?