selecting topics from the forum
they are collected by the range of numbers and the forum-number is included as 3 ( english )
Is it possible to read the REAL forum-no from < oHttp:ResponseText() > the forum belongs to < 3, 6, 20, 23 or 21 >
Maybe it can be read from < oHttp:ResponseBody() >
because importing by a defined range of topic-numbers it would be nice to now the last used number
from each forum to define a wanted range just for a forum.
The start-numbers can be saved to the SYSTEM.dbf
the screenshot from the SETUP-section shows what I mean
for the moment I read the newest number of a selected forum and save the value
that can be used as a new startvalue for the next import.
But maybe it can be a autosave reading from http
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
LOCAL oHttp, cContents := ""
IF Lower( Left( cUrl, 7 ) ) == "http://" .or. Lower( Left( cUrl, 8 ) ) == "https://"
oHttp := FWGetOleObject( "MSXML2.XMLHTTP" )
oHttp:Open("GET", cUrl, .F. )
DEFAULT lText := .F.
IF lText
cContents := oHttp:ResponseText()
cContents := oHttp:ResponseBody()
RETURN cContents
I can connect to any selected topic from the browser or only to the forum from the flag-selection on button-action.
After the import the column < forum > shows a ? for undefined.
Even the forum-number of all topics is 3 = english the connection works.
I can adjust the topic-link with the real forum-number on col right mouseclick selecting the
flag that belongs to the topic.
Much better would be saving the REAL forum-number during the import.
Screenshot : connected to a spanish-topic and changed image < ? > to the spanish flag in xbrowse