Fivewin a C++ framework

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Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Otto »

Hello Antonio,

at the moment I am struggling with learning PHP and Symfony for a web project.
Symfony is a framework for PHP and I see parallels to

“FIVEWIN a framework for C++”

Please see Rick’s post. I think Rick is right with his suggestion.
What do you say.

Best regards,
I am glad to see C++ hanging in the top 5 and when people ask me what language I use, I generally tell them "My Final compile is in C++ with the use of the very mature Windows ( add-on ) api FiveWin\xHarbour libraries". I am extremely proud of what Antonio has developed\maintained over the years and I would like to see Fivewin marketed more aggressively to appeal to new and the younger generation of programmers.

I have echoed my personal opinion in this forum several times on starting a discussion on re-branding FiveWin as 'Not Just xBase'. As you know from other programming polls .. xBase use is generally in the over 40-50 year demographic and is not being taught at all to the next generation of coders .. in favor of the dot net IDE. ..

I think the ( entire ) team Antonio has surrounded himself with ( specifically yourself and Rao ) is the future of the FiveWin brand. You bring to the table FiveEdit ( richtext ) which is the IDE ( need a resource editor ) and Rao brings to the table the SQL RDMS component for ADO ... re-packaged as a solid add-on component to C++ for Win api gui apps is where I would like to see the marketing focus ... Database Web apps ( I believe ) have reached a point where they are too easily penetrated and hacked and I applaud the EU for their hawkish policies instituting GDPR which aggressively penalizes companies who do not report data breeches\Web component negligence in a timely manor and do not actively encrypt their vulnerable data as a means of mitigation.

With all that said .. ( in this aggressive world of cyber terrorism ) I think we will see the curtailment of certain on-line database web-sites because the liability of the high likely hood of getting their site penetrated and hacked .. is just a matter of time and the ( inevitable ) re-evaluation in the resurgence of the Win api Gui app ( that is designed to run behind a companies firewall) ..... will be the re-discovery where I think FiveWin can grow and flourish, especially with our younger programmers ... and if my crystal ball is correct .. the time to ( possibly ) re-brand Fivewin as an alternative to capitalize on the ever growing cyber threat driven changing marketplace .. is now.

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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Carlos Mora »

Hi Otto,

Just asking... ¿Why Symfony? AFAIK it is a great Framework, but one of the most hard learning. A couple of years ago i was comparing among several frameworks and tryed it but just once, too hard compared to others.

At the moment... ¿How far have you gone with it?

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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Antonio Linares »

Dear Otto,

FiveWin design uses three layers:

1. The Windows API

2. (on top of 1.) Classes and Objects

3. (on top of 2.) xBase commands

We could replace layer 1 with a different operating system and API and thus we get FiveMac, FiveLinux, FiveTouch, etc.

Layer 3 is natural language. In fact xBase is quite similar to SQL (or viceversa).

What I mean is that FiveWin is not just a design for Windows only. It may be used in any operating system with a GUI (Windows, OSX, Linux, Android, iOS, etc.)

In fact you could apply this model to php and the web, etc. It is not related to a specific programming language. We use Harbour because we loved Clipper, but we could use
any other language. Hope this clearify my point of view.
regards, saludos

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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Otto »

Dear Antonio,

thank you.

Wasn’t FIVEWIN in the early days modeled after
"C++ Application Framework for Windows" by Paul DiLascia.
Therefore I thought Fivewin now with Harbour is a full C++ Application Framework.

Best regards,
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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

[x]Harbour translates Clipper language to C language, not C++, as far as I know.

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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Antonio Linares »

Otto wrote:Wasn’t FIVEWIN in the early days modeled after
"C++ Application Framework for Windows" by Paul DiLascia.
Therefore I thought Fivewin now with Harbour is a full C++ Application Framework.

Yes, the book Windows++ from Paul Dilascia was a great source of inspiration and learning for FiveWin.
It opened my eyes to see how object oriented programming can greatly reduce the Windows programming complexity.

Harbour implements a virtual machine and use pcode with it (built using C language), so we can not say that it is
"pure C" but its the closest to use C language. Also, all the extend system functions used from Harbour and FWH
are truly developed using C language.
regards, saludos

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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Otto »

Dear Antonio,
can I ask another question?
Let's assume that we develop a program in C
Can we link Harbor / Fivewin code .
Thanks in advance
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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Marcelo Via Giglio »

Dear Antonio

I think [x]Harbour (clipper) has a very interesting architecture, and with FW you extended all that architecture, taking advantage of the great design, I have always thought that you could use one more layer of abstraction with QT to have a single code and multiple platforms, in its time until Web.

what you think?


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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Antonio Linares »

Otto wrote:Let's assume that we develop a program in C
Can we link Harbor / Fivewin code.

You can only link a library or a DLL and such library or DLL would require the Harbour virtual machine to work

We use a C compiler and libraries to build our apps but our apps are not exactly language C apps :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Antonio Linares »

Marcelo Via Giglio wrote:I think [x]Harbour (clipper) has a very interesting architecture, and with FW you extended all that architecture, taking advantage of the great design, I have always thought that you could use one more layer of abstraction with QT to have a single code and multiple platforms, in its time until Web.

Using QT for Windows would result in heavy and slower apps

We can directly use the Windows API and have small, self contained and very fast apps. Thats what FWH does :-)

And we have 100% control over the source code ;-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by cnavarro »

Otto wrote:Dear Antonio,
can I ask another question?
Let's assume that we develop a program in C
Can we link Harbor / Fivewin code .
Thanks in advance

Otto, sorry, I do not understand well the scope of your question
But if you have the code of your application in C, you know that you can integrate that application and its code into a code in Harbour / Fivewin
There are some examples of applications developed in C, and that have been used in other environments
Here is an example: Scite editor ( we have the source code ), included in a Fivewin window

Cristobal Navarro
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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Antonio Linares »


Here you have a simple and very usefull example about how to build a Windows app using the C language only :-)

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by Antonio Linares »

In fact, some years ago I started a FiveWin for C++ framework without using Harbour :-)

Enjoy it :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Fivewin a C++ framework

Post by cnavarro »

We have real gems in Fivewin, which we have forgotten and do not use
Cristobal Navarro
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