I got problem with join one to many show single row

I got problem with join one to many show single row

Postby dutch » Fri Oct 05, 2018 4:08 am

When I use GROUP BY to group the row. It has got an error

Warning BASE/39 Write not allowed: FWMARIAROWSET:tbl_rmno

If I do not use GROUP BY, it has no error. But it will show multi rows.

I guess, GROUP BY will not allow to edit.

Error occurred at : 04/10/18, 23:28:19
Description : Warning BASE/39 Write not allowed: FWMARIAROWSET:tbl_status
[ 1] = C R

Stack Calls
Called from : source\rtl\tobject.prg => FWMARIAROWSET:ERROR(0)
Called from : .\source\internal\FWMARIA.PRG => FWMARIAROWSET:FIELDPUT(2294)
Called from : .\source\internal\FWROWSET.PRG => FWMARIAROWSET:_TBL_STATUS(1243)
Called from : D:\V6\EZ4FO\EZRSVN1.PRG => DUPRSVN(4804)

How Can I fix it?

Thanks in advance.

FWH 19.01 / xHarbour Simplex 1.2.3 / BCC73 / Pelles C / UEStudio
FWPPC 10.02 / Harbour for PPC (FTDN)
ADS V.9 / MySql / MariaDB
R&R 12 Infinity / Crystal Report XI R2
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