hbmk2 plugins

hbmk2 plugins

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue May 05, 2020 9:40 pm

Using this hbmk2 plugin we get reported of the different states of the make process giving us the oportunity to modify params, etc

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function hbmk2_plugin( hbmk2 )

   hb_MemoWrit( hbmk2[ "cSTATE" ] + ".txt", hb_jsonEncode( hbmk2, .T. ) )

return nil

To build it:
harbour -gh -n plugin.prg

To use it:
hbmk2 test.hbp plugin.hrb

Now we have a chance to fine tune the hbmk2 behavior when needed :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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