Does oSay support brush

Does oSay support brush

Postby Otto » Wed Nov 17, 2021 9:27 am

Hello friends,
For Silvio's sample, I tried to reach the behavior with a brush.
I thought Silvio could use a brush which is transparent and has at the bottom a line.

But I get an error:
Error description: Error BASE/1004 Class: 'NUMERIC' has no exported method: RESIZE

Best regards,

I tried with the following code:

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#include ""

function Main()
    local oDlg, oIco, cTest := "Hello world!   "
    local hBrush   := CreateSolidBrush( CLR_HGRAY )

   DEFINE ICON oIco FILE "..\icons\fivewin.ico"

      DEFINE DIALOG oDlg ;
           TITLE "I am a DialogBox" ;
            SIZE 500, 500 ;
            ICON oIco

        @ 10,10 ;
         SAY oSay ;
      PROMPT "Five Win" ;
       PIXEL ;
        SIZE 100, 32

   @ 2, 3 GET cTest

   @ 4, 5 BUTTON "&Ok" SIZE 40, 12 ;
      ACTION MsgInfo( "Any action here!" ) DEFAULT

   @ 4, 16 BUTTON "&Cancel" SIZE 40, 12 ACTION oDlg:End()

          CENTERED ;
          ON INIT ( oSay:oBrush := hBrush )

return nil

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Re: Does oSay support brush

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:13 pm

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DEFINE oBrush FILE/COLOR .......
oSay:SetBrush( oBrush )

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Does oSay support brush

Postby Otto » Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:29 pm

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