I wish use scrollbar on a dialog
@ nRow, ncol SCROLLBAR oScrollInizio HORIZONTAL SIZE 400,20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
RANGE 1,reccount() ;
ON DOWN ( dbSkip(),;
If( EoF(), dbGoBottom(),) );
ON UP ( dbSkip( -1 ) )
this run ok but the thmbpos is not stuck where it should be
How I can set the command ON THUMBPOS so that when I move the thumbpos it gives me the exact position in the archive?
I have not found any example in fw \ sample that uses scrollbar with a dbf
i try with
@ nRow, ncol SCROLLBAR oScrollInizio HORIZONTAL SIZE 400,20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
RANGE 1,reccount() ;
ON DOWN ( dbSkip(),;
If( EoF(), dbGoBottom(),), Rinfresca(oSay) );
ON UP ( dbSkip( -1 ),Rinfresca(oSay) ) ;
ON THUMBPOS (DBGOTO(oScrollInizio:getpos()) ,;
If( EoF(), dbGoBottom(),), Rinfresca(oSay) ) UPDATE
But not run ok