Update Menu on MDI frame ?

Update Menu on MDI frame ?

Postby Rick Lipkin » Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:58 pm

To All

I have the main MDI menu and on that menu is an option to 'login as a different user'. In the login process .. public variables are changed and based on those changes .. the Menu options need to change.

I am looking for a way to refresh or update the MDI menu options when I complete the login process .. see code in BuildMenu function ..

Static FUNCTION BuildMenu( xDEFA, dEXE, cRDD,nSCR1,nSCR2 )


MENU oMenu

MENUITEM "&Trips, Dispatch, Gas and CVRP Entry ..." // ;
* ACTION _tripmenu( oWIND ) ;
* MESSAGE "TRIPS Data Entry"

MENUITEM "&Vehicles\Equip\Boats ..." ;
ACTION _vehbrow( oWIND ) ;
MESSAGE "Vehicle, Equipment and Boat Information"

MENUITEM "&Maintenance ..." // ;
* ACTION _mantmenu( oWIND ) ;
* MESSAGE "Work Orders"

MENUITEM "&Reports ..." // ;
* ACTION _RPTmenu( oWIND ) ;
* MESSAGE "Report Menu"

MENUITEM "&Utilities..." ;
MESSAGE "Utilities Programs"

MENUITEM "&Login Diff User .." ;
ACTION( _Log_in(), ;
cRIGHTS := _Rights(), ;
xMESSAGE := ("User "+xLOGIN+" Rights "+cRIGHTS+ ;
" Default= "+xDEFA+" Rdd= "+cRDD+ ;
" Revision "+DTOC(dEXE)+;
" Agency\Mp= "+ALLTRIM(xAGENCY)+"\"+alltrim(xPOOL)+;
" -r"+str(nSCR1,4)+" x "+STR(nSCR2,4)),;
oWind:oMsgBar := TMsgBar():New(oWind,xMESSAGE,.F.,.T.,.F.,.F.,,,,),;
MsgInfo( "Current User is now "+xLOGIN ),;
SysReFresh() ) ;
MESSAGE "Login as a different User"

MENUITEM "&Change Agency .." ;
ACTION( _ChgAgen(), ;
cRIGHTS := _Rights(), ;
xMESSAGE := ("User "+xLOGIN+" Rights "+cRIGHTS+ ;
" Default= "+xDEFA+" Rdd= "+cRDD+ ;
" Revision "+DTOC(dEXE)+;
" Agency\Mp= "+ALLTRIM(xAGENCY)+"\"+alltrim(xPOOL)+;
" -r"+str(nSCR1,4)+" x "+STR(nSCR2,4)),;
oWind:oMsgBar := TMsgBar():New(oWind,xMESSAGE,.F.,.T.,.F.,.F.,,,,),;
MsgInfo( "Current Agency\MP is now "+alltrim(xAGENCY)+"\"+alltrim(xPOOL )),;
SysReFresh() ) ;
MESSAGE "Change Agency and Motorpool"

MENUITEM "&About .." ;
ACTION _webhelp( xDEFA,dEXE ) ;
MESSAGE "Version Information"

MENUITEM "&Quit" ;
MESSAGE "End this Program"


RETURN( oMenu )

Login different user and change Agency menu options need to be hidden if the public var xADMIN is not "Y" .. after the manual login

Rick Lipkin
SC Dept of Health, USA
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Rick Lipkin
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Postby James Bott » Wed Nov 28, 2007 5:12 am


How about just destroying and then rebuilding the menu?

oWnd:SetMenu( BuildMenu(...) )

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Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:54 pm


Did not work .. here is the code snipit I inserted :

MENUITEM "&Change Agency .." ;
ACTION( _ChgAgen(), ;
cRIGHTS := _Rights(), ;
xMESSAGE := ("User "+xLOGIN+" Rights "+cRIGHTS+ ;
" Default= "+xDEFA+" Rdd= "+cRDD+ ;
" Revision "+DTOC(dEXE)+;
" Agency\Mp= "+ALLTRIM(xAGENCY)+"\"+alltrim(xPOOL)+;
" -r"+str(nSCR1,4)+" x "+STR(nSCR2,4)),;
oWind:oMsgBar := TMsgBar():New(oWind,xMESSAGE,.F.,.T.,.F.,.F.,,,,),;
MsgInfo( "Current Agency\MP is now "+alltrim(xAGENCY)+"\"+alltrim(xPOOL )),;
oWind:SetMenu( BuildMenu( xDEFA, dEXE, cRDD,nSCR1,nSCR2 )),;
SysReFresh() ) ;
MESSAGE "Change Agency and Motorpool"
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Rick Lipkin
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Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:23 pm


Make a call to oWnd:oMenu:End() before doing oWnd:SetMenu( ... )
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby Rick Lipkin » Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:13 pm

James and Antonio

YES ... I needed both of your suggestions !!!!!!!!! Works perfectly !!!

Rick Lipkin
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