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PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:07 pm
by Richard Chidiak
Is there any replacement possible for msgrun ?

How can we make a message like "please wait, processing ..." and process in the same time (what msgrun does)


PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:10 pm
by Antonio Linares

Already implemented. There is a new FWPPC build to download.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:46 am
by Richard Chidiak
Antonio Linares wrote:Richard,

Already implemented. There is a new FWPPC build to download.


Almost there !

There is a problem refreshing the screen after the msgrun ends trhe event

try something like :

@ 0, 120 BTNBMP OBTN4 FILE CurDir() + "\BMP\PARAM.bmp" SIZE 40, 40 OF oWnd NOBORDER CENTER ;
ACTION MsgRun( "Réorganisation en Cours...", "Veuillez Patienter", ;
{ || INXGEN() } )

function inxgen()
IF ! MsgYesNo( 'Voulez-vous Effectuer une réorganisation de vos fcichiers ?', 'Veuillez Confirmer' )
return nil

in this sample, the msgyesno box will remain painted as it overlaps the msgrun painting area

Another sample

@ 0, 120 BTNBMP OBTN4 FILE CurDir() + "\BMP\PARAM.bmp" SIZE 40, 40 OF oWnd NOBORDER CENTER ;
ACTION IF( MsgYesNo( 'Voulez-vous Effectuer une réorganisation de vos fcichiers ?', 'Veuillez Confirmer' ), ;
MsgRun( "Réorganisation en Cours...", "Veuillez Patienter", ;
{ || INXGEN() } ) , )

The msgyesno is the button action, the painting is perfect but you need to click anywhere at the end in order to erase the painting. It rzmains.

If i am not clear enough, let me know, i will try to hardcopy screens.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:01 pm
by Antonio Linares

Yes, we have noticed it too. We may change the style of the used dialogbox.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:38 pm
by Antonio Linares

Fixed. There is a new FWPPC build to download.

We appreciate your feedback, thanks

PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:24 pm
by Richard Chidiak
Antonio Linares wrote:Richard,

Fixed. There is a new FWPPC build to download.

We appreciate your feedback, thanks

Antonio :D

Works OK this time



PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 7:59 am
by Antonio Linares
good :-)