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mod harbour projects

PostPosted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 9:12 pm
by Otto
Dear Antonio,
can you please show us how to build mod harbour web pages consisting of more prg files.
Best regards

Re: mod harbour projects

PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:05 am
by Otto
copied from SLCK - Antonio answered:
If you want to use several PRGs at once, simply compile them into a single HRB file
and then use // {% LoadHrb( "file.hrb" ) %}
Otto 09:00 Uhr
Many thanks. How do I start? Is there a make file. Can you show us how to start a simple project with eg 3 prg files.
Antonio Linares 09:04 Uhr
#include "file1.prg"
#include "file2.prg"
#include "file3.prg"
then you compile mylib.prg using harbour -gh -n mylib.prg
Now, from your app.prg use this as the top line: // {% LoadHrb( "mylib.hrb" ) %}
Otto 10:03 Uhr
Antonio, if it is ok for you I copy this topic to forum as I think this is very important for all.

Re: mod harbour projects

PostPosted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 9:33 am
by cnavarro
FivEdit has new features to more easily support mod_harbour: generate .hrb [ ALT + F7 ] files more easily, run directly in the browser and some more...
