FW++ 8.01 Upgrade: Missing TXBrowse in Five32rt.lib

FW++ 8.01 Upgrade: Missing TXBrowse in Five32rt.lib

Postby angelo.c » Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:55 am


I just bought theFW++ 8.01 Upgrade and tried to compile your sample for testxbr2.prg.

I get the following error:
testxbr2.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol TXBROWSE
ALINK: fatal error ALK4102: 1 external symbols unresolved

and for testxbrw.prg and I get the following errors:
testxbrw.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol ADSKEYCOUN
testxbrw.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol ADSGETRELK
testxbrw.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol ADSSETRELK
testxbrw.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol ADS
testxbrw.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol RDDREGISTE
testxbrw.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol ADSSETSERV
testxbrw.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol ADSSETFILE
testxbrw.obj: error ALK2102: unresolved external symbol TXBROWSE
ALINK: fatal error ALK4102: 8 external symbols unresolved

Can I have a corrected five32rt.dll and five32rt.lib file please.

Thank you and best regards,

Angelo C
Posts: 36
Joined: Thu Mar 30, 2006 11:19 am

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Jun 17, 2008 8:00 am


We apologize for that missing module in the library.

We are currently working to provide you a fixed library in just some minutes, thanks
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:19 am


We have emailed you the needed files
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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