SaveImageFromImage() function with high resolution

SaveImageFromImage() function with high resolution

Postby plantenkennis » Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:05 am

Hello Antonio,

Last week I noticed that the SaveImageFromImage() is not working like acpected when I compile my program in high resolution (see post
When I compile and run the program in high resolution and I rescale an image to 1000 px wide the image in real gets a size of 2000 px. Therefore the disksize of the image is much more. With one image that is not a problem, but in my program there are 11.000 images.
When I run my program in low resolution the resizing goes well. I understand this has got to be related to the retina screens, but is there a solution to resize the images to a correct size.
I tested with rescaling it to 500 px wide; the image was after saving 1000 px wide with a resolution of 144x144. When I open such a picture it is shown very small on screen.
Kind regards,

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Re: SaveImageFromImage() function with high resolution

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:33 am


I have checked it with Manuel and he advises to use two different images, with low resolution and with high resolution
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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