Novedades de Sarabjeet! :-)

Novedades de Sarabjeet! :-)

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:05 am

Acabo de recibir esta email de Sarabjeep en el que basicamente nos dice que ya tiene un primer modelo
funcionando que nos serviría de base para seguir añadiendo tokens de Harbour:

Dear Antonio,

Now the solution(Attached rar file as roar in this Email) is completely different from the previous and the Irony is now open source project added in the solution.Highlight of the words are done in this solution


Things to do
1) Right click the project HarbourLanguageService.Go to debug section and choose start external program and then give this path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
2) same step for startup project.

Email me if you face any problem while running this project.One more thing now I am actively working on this project,if you other task also then email me.

Best Regards,

Sarabjeet Singh

Le he respondido que nos proporcione instrucciones para probarlo primero, y luego procederemos a modificarlo:
Dear Sarabjeet,

What a nice surprise to see your email, thanks! :-)

How to test it ? What files should I install ? I mean for running it, not for bulding it.

I really would like to share this asap with the users, so as soon as you tell me how
to proceed I will share it.

waiting for your news,

best regards,


Recordaros que este proyecto es integrar el lenguaje Harbour en el IDE de Visual Studio para que lo reconozca como un lenguage propio de Microsoft.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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