Estoy hecho un lio con adordd

Estoy hecho un lio con adordd

Postby JoseLuis » Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:33 am

Hola amigos

Llego 3 dias enredado con esta cuestion y no se como solucionarlo, a ver si alguien me aclara algo.

Con adordd, conecto a una base de datos .mdb
Code: Select all  Expand view
  USE registro.mdb VIA "ADORDD" alias paquetes NEW TABLE "Paquetes" ACCESS

y ya desde este momento puedo tratarla como si fuera a una DBF, usando el alias paquetes->.

Ahora Quiero realizar el siguiente select como si fuera sql, y al que llamaremos ultimoRegistro:
    "SELECT Paquetes.Expedicion, Paquetes.Bulto, Last(Paquetes.Fecha) AS UFecha, Last(Paquetes.Peso) AS UPeso, Last(Paquetes.Volumen) AS UVolumen FROM Paquetes WHERE Paquetes.CErr<=5 GROUP BY
    Paquetes.Expedicion, Paquetes.Bulto"

Y ahora finalmente quiero realizar otro select, basado en el anterior, al que llamaré Agrupado:
    "SELECT UltimoRegistro.Expedicion, Count(UltimoRegistro.Expedicion) AS CuentaDeCB, Sum(UltimoRegistro.UPeso) AS SumaDeUPeso, Sum(UltimoRegistro.UVolumen) AS SumaDeUVolumen FROM UltimoRegistro GROUP BY UltimoRegistro.Expedicion"

Una vez hecho éstos dos select, quiero hacer un browse con los datos filtrados de ésta manera.

Esto si utilizo sql, funciona, pero quiero saber si se puede hacer en adordd


Jose Luis
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Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:44 am

Jose Luis,

Cuando haces USE con AdoRdd puedes especificar la clausula QUERY:


Por defecto se usa "SELECT * FROM "

Ese query ( aWAData[ WA_QUERY ] ) se usa con el recordset desde AdoRdd:
oRecordSet:Open( aWAData[ WA_QUERY ], aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ] )

Y siempre puedes acceder a oRecordSet usando:
HB_AdoRddGetRecordSet( nWorkArea )

Por lo que puedes modificar el recordset como si usases ADO directamente (que es lo que estas haciendo realmente) :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby JoseLuis » Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:18 pm

Hola Antonio

He intentado poner el query al abrir la base asi
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""


function access()
local oDlg,olbx
local Titulo:="Paquetes mecanizados"
  USE registro.mdb VIA "ADORDD" QUERY "SELECT Paquetes.Expedicion, Paquetes.Bulto, Last(Paquetes.Fecha) AS UFecha, Last(Paquetes.Peso) AS UPeso, Last(Paquetes.Volumen) AS UVolumen FROM Paquetes WHERE Paquetes.CErr<=5 GROUP BY Paquetes.Expedicion, Paquetes.Bulto" alias paquetes NEW TABLE "Paquetes" ACCESS
if paquetes->(Recno())>=1 
  DEFINE DIALOG oDlg FROM 1, 1 TO 25, 79
  @ 1, 1 LISTBOX oLbx FIELDS paquetes->ufecha,;
  paquetes->Expedicion                       ,;
  transform(paquetes->Bulto,"@Z 999")      ,;
  transform(paquetes->Uvolumen,"@Z 99.99") ,;
  transform((paquetes->Upeso)/10,"@Z 9,999") ;
  HEADERS "Fecha ","Codigo","Bultos","Volumen","Peso";
  FIELDSIZES 60,100,60,70,60 ;
  SIZE 284, 137 OF oDlg

Y cuando ejecuto, me sale el error:
    Path and name: C:\fuentes\xharbour\GESPAQ08\gespaqn.Exe (32 bits)
    Size: 1,011,200 bytes
    Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 8 secs
    Error occurred at: 14/06/08, 16:12:57
    Error description: Error ADODB.Recordset/16389 E_FAIL: OPEN
    [ 1] = C SELECT Paquetes.Expedicion, Paquetes.Bulto, Last(Paquetes.Fecha) AS UFecha, Last(Paquetes.Peso) AS UPeso, Last(Paquetes.Volumen) AS UVolumen FROM Paquetes WHERE Paquetes.CErr<=5 GROUP BY Paquetes.Expedicion, Paquetes.BultoPaquetes
    [ 2] = O Object

    Stack Calls
    Called from: win32ole.prg => TOLEAUTO:OPEN(0)
    Called from: => ADO_OPEN(266)
    Called from: => DBUSEAREA(0)
    Called from: access1.prg => ACCESS(9)
    Called from: trafico.prg => (b)TRAFICO(152)
    Called from: BTNBMP.PRG => TBTNBMP:CLICK(0)
    Called from: WINDOW.PRG => _FWH(0)
    Called from: => WINRUN(0)
    Called from: gespaqn.prg => MAIN(69)


Jose Luis
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Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Jun 14, 2008 7:48 pm

Jose Luis,

Ese error significa que el recordset no ha admitido ese query, por alguna causa (sintaxis incorrecta, campo incorrecto, etc.)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby JoseLuis » Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:55 am


Ahí está el tema, ya que este select está copiado exactamente de la mdb y ejecutando la consulta desde access funciona correctamente.


Jose Luis
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Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:18 pm

Jose Luis,

Usa una sentencia mas simple y ve completandola hasta que descubras de donde viene el fallo
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby JoseLuis » Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:18 pm

Nada, no hay manera, sólo me acepta algo cuando en el query le pongo un select simple, es decir que me seleccione sólo campos de la BD, pero en el momento en que dentro del select le pongo algo para que me restrinja el select como por ejemplo WHERE, ó GROUP BY, ó LAST, ya me da error al intentar abrir la BD.

O es que ésto no se puede hacer con ADORDD.

Yo lo unico que quiero es que me grabe en una DBF un informe a realizar en una MDB.


Jose Luis
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Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:42 pm

ADORDD solo es una capa (RDD) sobre ADO.

Intenta hacer el mismo query usando ADO sin ADORDD y debe dar el mismo error.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Postby pymsoft » Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:42 pm

José Luis, no es muy elegante pero funciona prueba así:

USE (cDatabase) VIA "ADORDD" TABLE "" MYSQL FROM cServer USER cUser PASSWORD cPass ALIAS corpoSQL NEW QUERY "Select Id, cor_cart, cor_dart FROM corpo WHERE id < 30 "
Pedro Gonzalez
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Postby pymsoft » Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:45 pm

José Luis, prueba de este modo mejor, hice algunos cambios en el include y en el prg para el soporte del where (o lo que quieras que vaya luego del nombre de la tabla, como por ejemplo el order by.
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* $Id:,v 1.3 2007/04/29 15:35:26 antoniolinares Exp $

* Harbour Project source code:
* ADORDD - RDD to automatically manage Microsoft ADO
* Copyright 2007 Fernando Sanchez <> and
* Antonio Linares <>
* www -
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this software; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (or visit the web site
* As a special exception, the Harbour Project gives permission for
* additional uses of the text contained in its release of Harbour.
* The exception is that, if you link the Harbour libraries with other
* files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
* resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
* Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
* linking the Harbour library code into it.
* This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
* the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
* This exception applies only to the code released by the Harbour
* Project under the name Harbour.  If you copy code from other
* Harbour Project or Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
* Harbour, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
* not apply to the code that you add in this way.  To avoid misleading
* anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
* this exception notice from them.
* If you write modifications of your own for Harbour, it is your choice
* whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
* If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.

#ifndef _ADORDD_CH
#define _ADORDD_CH

// Cursor Type
#define adOpenForwardOnly     0
#define adOpenKeyset          1
#define adOpenDynamic         2
#define adOpenStatic          3

// Lock Types
#define adLockReadOnly        1
#define adLockPessimistic     2
#define adLockOptimistic      3
#define adLockBatchOptimistic 4

// Field Types
#define adEmpty                    0
#define adTinyInt                 16
#define adSmallInt                   2
#define adInteger                   3
#define adBigInt                   20
#define adUnsignedTinyInt     17
#define adUnsignedSmallInt     18
#define adUnsignedInt           19
#define adUnsignedBigInt        21
#define adSingle                     4
#define adDouble                     5
#define adCurrency                  6
#define adDecimal                 14
#define adNumeric               131
#define adBoolean                11
#define adError                    10
#define adUserDefined         132
#define adVariant                 12
#define adIDispatch                9
#define adIUnknown                13
#define adGUID                       72
#define adDate                        7
#define adDBDate                  133
#define adDBTime                  134
#define adDBTimeStamp         135
#define adBSTR                       8
#define adChar                      129
#define adVarChar                200
#define adLongVarChar          201
#define adWChar                   130
#define adVarWChar                202
#define adLongVarWChar          203
#define adBinary                   128
#define adVarBinary             204
#define adLongVarBinary       205
#define adChapter                136
#define adFileTime                64
#define adPropVariant          138
#define adVarNumeric             139
#define adArray                      // &H2000

#define adRecDeleted              4

#define adUseNone             1
#define adUseServer           2
#define adUseClient           3
#define adUseClientBatch      3

#command USE <(db)> [VIA <rdd>] [ALIAS <a>] [<nw: NEW>] ;
            [<ex: EXCLUSIVE>] [<sh: SHARED>] [<ro: READONLY>] ;
            [CODEPAGE <cp>] [INDEX <(index1)> [, <(indexN)>]] ;
            [ TABLE <cTable> ] ;
            [ <dbEngine: ACCESS, MYSQL, ORACLE, INFORMIX, SQL> ];
            [ FROM <cServer> ] ;
            [ QUERY <cQuery> ] ;
            [ WHERE <cWhere> ] ;
            [ USER <cUser> PASSWORD <cPassword> ]=> ;
         [ HB_AdoSetTable( <cTable> ) ; ] ;
         [ HB_AdoSetEngine( <(dbEngine)> ) ; ] ;
         [ HB_AdoSetServer( <cServer> ) ; ] ;
         [ HB_AdoSetQuery( <cQuery> ) ; ] ;
         [ HB_AdoSetWhere( <cWhere> ) ; ] ;
         [ HB_AdoSetUser( <cUser> ); HB_AdoSetPassword( <cPassword> ) ; ] ;   
         dbUseArea( <.nw.>, <rdd>, <(db)>, <(a)>, ;
                    if(<.sh.> .or. <.ex.>, !<.ex.>, NIL), <.ro.> [, <cp>] ) ;
         [; dbSetIndex( <(index1)> )] ;
         [; dbSetIndex( <(indexN)> )]


Code: Select all  Expand view
* $Id: adordd.prg 8335 2008-04-11 10:10:29Z mbelgrano $

* Harbour Project source code:
* ADORDD - RDD to automatically manage Microsoft ADO
* Copyright 2007 Fernando Sanchez <> and
* Antonio Linares <>
* www -
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this software; see the file COPYING.  if not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA (or visit the web site
* As a special exception, the Harbour Project gives permission for
* additional uses of the text contained in its release of Harbour.
* The exception is that, if you link the Harbour libraries with other
* files to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
* resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
* Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
* linking the Harbour library code into it.
* This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
* the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
* This exception applies only to the code released by the Harbour
* Project under the name Harbour.  if you copy code from other
* Harbour Project or Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
* Harbour, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
* not apply to the code that you add in this way.  To avoid misleading
* anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
* this exception notice from them.
* if you write modifications of your own for Harbour, it is your choice
* whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
* if you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.

#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""

#ifndef __XHARBOUR__
   #include ""
   #xcommand TRY              => bError := errorBlock( {|oErr| break( oErr ) } ) ;;
                                 BEGIN SEQUENCE
   #xcommand CATCH [<!oErr!>] => errorBlock( bError ) ;;
                                 RECOVER [USING <oErr>] <-oErr-> ;;
                                 errorBlock( bError )
   #include ""

#define WA_RECORDSET  1
#define WA_BOF        2
#define WA_EOF        3
#define WA_CATALOG    5
#define WA_TABLENAME  6
#define WA_ENGINE     7
#define WA_SERVER     8
#define WA_USERNAME   9
#define WA_PASSWORD  10
#define WA_QUERY     11
#define WA_LOCATEFOR 12
#define WA_SCOPEINFO 13
#define WA_SQLSTRUCT 14
#define WA_WHERE     15

#define WA_SIZE      15


static bError, s_cTableName, s_cEngine, s_cServer, s_cUserName, s_cPassword, s_cQuery := "", s_cWhere := ""

#ifdef __XHARBOUR__

static function HB_TokenGet( cText, nPos, cSep )

   local aTokens := HB_ATokens( cText, cSep )

return If( nPos <= Len( aTokens ), aTokens[ nPos ], "" )


static function ADO_INIT( nRDD )

   local aRData


return SUCCESS

static function ADO_NEW( nWA )

   local aWAData := Array( WA_SIZE )

   aWAData[ WA_BOF ] = .F.
   aWAData[ WA_EOF ] = .F.


return SUCCESS

static function ADO_CREATE( nWA, aOpenInfo )

   local cDataBase   := HB_TokenGet( aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ], 1, ";" )
   local cTableName  := HB_TokenGet( aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ], 2, ";" )
   local cDbEngine   := HB_TokenGet( aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ], 3, ";" )
   local cServer     := HB_TokenGet( aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ], 4, ";" )
   local cUserName   := HB_TokenGet( aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ], 5, ";" )
   local cPassword   := HB_TokenGet( aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ], 6, ";" )
   local oConnection := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Connection" )
   local oCatalog    := TOleAuto():New( "ADOX.Catalog" )
   local aWAData     := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local oError

   do case
      case Upper( Right( cDataBase, 4 ) ) == ".MDB"
           if ! File( cDataBase )
              oCatalog:Create( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + cDataBase )
           oConnection:Open( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + cDataBase )

      case Upper( cDbEngine ) == "MYSQL"
           oConnection:Open( "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" + ;
                             "server=" + cServer + ;
                             ";database=" + cDataBase + ;
                             ";uid=" + cUserName + ;
                             ";pwd=" + cPassword )


      oConnection:Execute( "DROP TABLE " + cTableName )

      oConnection:Execute( "CREATE TABLE [" + cTableName + "] (" + aWAData[ WA_SQLSTRUCT ] + ")" )
      oError := ErrorNew()
      oError:GenCode     := EG_CREATE
      oError:SubCode     := 1004
      oError:Description := HB_LANGERRMSG( EG_CREATE ) + " (" + ;
                            HB_LANGERRMSG( EG_UNSUPPORTED ) + ")"
      oError:FileName    := aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ]
      oError:CanDefault  := .T.
      UR_SUPER_ERROR( nWA, oError )


return SUCCESS

static function ADO_CREATEFIELDS( nWA, aStruct )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local n

   aWAData[ WA_SQLSTRUCT ] = ""

  for n = 1 to Len( aStruct )
     if n > 1
        aWAData[ WA_SQLSTRUCT ] += ", "
     aWAData[ WA_SQLSTRUCT ] += "[" + aStruct[ n ][ DBS_NAME ] + "]"
     do case
        case aStruct[ n ][ DBS_TYPE ] $ "C,Character"
             aWAData[ WA_SQLSTRUCT ] += " CHAR(" + AllTrim( Str( aStruct[ n ][ DBS_LEN ] ) ) + ") NULL"

        case aStruct[ n ][ DBS_TYPE ] == "N"
             aWAData[ WA_SQLSTRUCT ] += " NUMERIC(" + AllTrim( Str( aStruct[ n ][ DBS_LEN ] ) ) + ")"

        case aStruct[ n ][ DBS_TYPE ] == "L"
             aWAData[ WA_SQLSTRUCT ] += " LOGICAL"

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_OPEN( nWA, aOpenInfo )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local cName, aField, oError, nResult
   local oRecordSet, nTotalFields, n

   // When there is no ALIAS we will create new one using file name
   if aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_ALIAS ] == nil
      HB_FNAMESPLIT( aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ], , @cName )
      aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_ALIAS ] := cName

   aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ] = TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Connection" )
   aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] = s_cTableName
   aWAData[ WA_QUERY ]    = s_cQuery
   aWAData[ WA_WHERE ]    = s_cWhere
   aWAData[ WA_USERNAME ] = s_cUserName
   aWAData[ WA_PASSWORD ] = s_cPassword
   aWAData[ WA_SERVER ] = s_cServer
   aWAData[ WA_ENGINE ] = s_cEngine

   do case
      case Lower( Right( aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ], 4 ) ) == ".mdb"
           if Empty( aWAData[ WA_PASSWORD ] )
              aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]:Open( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ] )
              aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]:Open( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ] + ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" + AllTrim( aWAData[ WA_PASSWORD ] ) )

      case Lower( Right( aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ], 4 ) ) == ".xls"
           aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]:Open( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ] + ";Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=YES';Persist Security Info=False" )

      case Lower( Right( aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ], 4 ) ) == ".dbf"
           aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]:Open( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ] + ";Extended Properties=dBASE IV;User ID=Admin;Password=;" )

      case Lower( Right( aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ], 3 ) ) == ".db"
           aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]:Open( "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ] + ";Extended Properties='Paradox 3.x';" )

      case aWAData[ WA_ENGINE ] == "MYSQL"
           aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]:Open( "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" + ;
                                          "server=" + aWAData[ WA_SERVER ] + ;
                                          ";database=" + aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ] + ;
                                          ";uid=" + aWAData[ WA_USERNAME ] + ;
                                          ";pwd=" + aWAData[ WA_PASSWORD ] )

      case aWAData[ WA_ENGINE ] == "SQL"
           aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]:Open( "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" + ;
                                          "server=" + aWAData[ WA_SERVER ] + ;
                                          ";database=" + aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ] + ;
                                          ";uid=" + aWAData[ WA_USERNAME ] + ;
                                          ";pwd=" + aWAData[ WA_PASSWORD ] )

      case aWAData[ WA_ENGINE ] == "ORACLE"
           aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]:Open( "Provider=MSDAORA.1;" + ;
                                          "Persist Security Info=False" + ;
                                          If( Empty( aWAData[ WA_SERVER ] ),;
                                          "", ";Data source=" + aWAData[ WA_SERVER ] ) + ;
                                          ";User ID=" + aWAData[ WA_USERNAME ] + ;
                                          ";Password=" + aWAData[ WA_PASSWORD ] )


   oRecordSet := TOleAuto():New( "ADODB.Recordset" )
   oRecordSet:CursorType     = adOpenDynamic
   oRecordSet:CursorLocation = adUseClient
   oRecordSet:LockType       = adLockPessimistic
   oRecordSet:Open( aWAData[ WA_QUERY ] + aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] + " " + aWAData[ WA_WHERE ] , aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ] )

   aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ] = TOleAuto():New( "ADOX.Catalog" )
   aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:ActiveConnection = aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]

   if oRecordSet == NIL
      oError := ErrorNew()
      oError:GenCode     := EG_OPEN
      oError:SubCode     := 1001
      oError:Description := HB_LANGERRMSG( EG_OPEN )
      oError:FileName    := aOpenInfo[ UR_OI_NAME ]
      oError:OsCode      := 0 // To be implemented
      oError:CanDefault  := .T.

      UR_SUPER_ERROR( nWA, oError )
      return FAILURE

   aWAData[ WA_RECORDSET ] := oRecordSet
   aWAData[ WA_BOF ] := aWAData[ WA_EOF ] := .F.

   UR_SUPER_SETFIELDEXTENT( nWA, nTotalFields := oRecordSet:Fields:Count )

   FOR n = 1 TO nTotalFields
      aField := ARRAY( UR_FI_SIZE )
      aField[ UR_FI_NAME ]    := oRecordSet:Fields( n - 1 ):Name
      aField[ UR_FI_TYPE ]    := ADO_GETFIELDTYPE( oRecordSet:Fields( n - 1 ):Type )
      aField[ UR_FI_TYPEEXT ] := 0
      aField[ UR_FI_LEN ]     := ADO_GETFIELDSIZE( aField[ UR_FI_TYPE ], oRecordSet:Fields( n - 1 ):DefinedSize )
      aField[ UR_FI_DEC ]     := 0
      UR_SUPER_ADDFIELD( nWA, aField )

   nResult := UR_SUPER_OPEN( nWA, aOpenInfo )

   if nResult == SUCCESS
      ADO_GOTOP( nWA )

return nResult

static function ADO_CLOSE( nWA )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

      // oRecordSet:Close()

return UR_SUPER_CLOSE( nWA )

static function ADO_GETVALUE( nWA, nField, xValue )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   if aWAData[ WA_EOF ] .or. oRecordSet:RecordCount() == 0
      xValue := nil
      xValue := oRecordSet:Fields( nField - 1 ):Value

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_GOTOID( nWA, nRecord )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ], nRecNo

   if oRecordSet:RecordCount() > 0
      oRecordSet:Move( nRecord - 1, 0 )
    ADO_RECID( nWA, @nRecNo )

RETURN If( nRecord == nRecNo, SUCCESS, FAILURE )

static function ADO_GOTOP( nWA )

   local aWAData    := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local oRecordSet := aWAData[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   if oRecordSet:RecordCount() != 0

   aWAData[ WA_BOF ] = .F.
   aWAData[ WA_EOF ] = .F.

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_GOBOTTOM( nWA )

   local aWAData    := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local oRecordSet := aWAData[ WA_RECORDSET ]


   aWAData[ WA_BOF ] = .F.
   aWAData[ WA_EOF ] = .F.

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_SKIPRAW( nWA, nRecords )

   local aWAData    := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local oRecordSet := aWAData[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   if nRecords != 0
      if aWAData[ WA_EOF ]
         if nRecords > 0
            return SUCCESS
         ADO_GOBOTTOM( nWA )
       if nRecords < 0 .AND. oRecordSet:AbsolutePosition <= -nRecords
          aWAData[ WA_BOF ] := .T.
          aWAData[ WA_EOF ] := oRecordSet:EOF
       elseif nRecords != 0
          oRecordSet:Move( nRecords )
          aWAData[ WA_BOF ] := .F.
          aWAData[ WA_EOF ] := oRecordSet:EOF

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_BOF( nWA, lBof )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )

   lBof := aWAData[ WA_BOF ]

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_EOF( nWA, lEof )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   lEof := ( oRecordSet:AbsolutePosition == -3 )

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_DELETED( nWA, lDeleted )

  local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

     if oRecordSet:Status == adRecDeleted
        lDeleted := .T.
        lDeleted := .F.
     lDeleted := .f.

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_DELETE( nWA )

  local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]


   ADO_SKIPRAW( nWA, 1 )

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_RECID( nWA, nRecNo )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   nRecno := If( oRecordSet:AbsolutePosition == -3, oRecordSet:RecordCount() + 1, oRecordSet:AbsolutePosition )

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_RECCOUNT( nWA, nRecords )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   nRecords := oRecordSet:RecordCount()

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_PUTVALUE( nWA, nField, xValue )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local oRecordSet := aWAData[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   if ! aWAData[ WA_EOF ] .and. oRecordSet:Fields( nField - 1 ):Value != xValue
      oRecordSet:Fields( nField - 1 ):Value := xValue

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_APPEND( nWA, lUnLockAll )

  local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]




return SUCCESS

static function ADO_FLUSH( nWA )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]


return SUCCESS

static function ADO_ORDINFO( nWA, nIndex, aOrderInfo )

   local aWAData    := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local oRecordSet := aWAData[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   do case
      case nIndex == UR_ORI_TAG
           if aOrderInfo[ UR_ORI_TAG ] < aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Indexes:Count
              aOrderInfo[ UR_ORI_RESULT ] = aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Indexes( aOrderInfo[ UR_ORI_TAG ] ):Name
              aOrderInfo[ UR_ORI_RESULT ] = ""

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_PACK( nWA )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_RAWLOCK( nWA, nAction, nRecNo )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]


return SUCCESS

static function ADO_LOCK( nWA, aLockInfo  )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   aLockInfo[ UR_LI_RECORD ] := RECNO()
   aLockInfo[ UR_LI_RESULT ] := .T.

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_UNLOCK( nWA, xRecID )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]


return SUCCESS

static function ADO_SETFILTER( nWA, aFilterInfo )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   oRecordSet:Filter = SQLTranslate( aFilterInfo[ UR_FRI_CEXPR ] )

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_CLEARFILTER( nWA )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

      oRecordSet:Filter = ""

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_ZAP( nWA )

   local aWAData    := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local oRecordSet := aWAData[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   if aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ] != nil .and. aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] != nil
         aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]:Execute( "TRUNCATE TABLE " + aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] )
         aWAData[ WA_CONNECTION ]:Execute( "DELETE * FROM " + aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] )

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_SETLOCATE( nWA, aScopeInfo )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )

   aScopeInfo[ UR_SI_CFOR ] = SQLTranslate( aWAData[ WA_LOCATEFOR ] )

   aWAData[ WA_SCOPEINFO ] = aScopeInfo

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_LOCATE( nWA, lContinue )

   local aWAData    := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local oRecordSet := aWAData[ WA_RECORDSET ]

   oRecordSet:Find( aWAData[ WA_SCOPEINFO ][ UR_SI_CFOR ], If( lContinue, 1, 0 ) )
   USRRDD_SETFOUND( nWA, ! oRecordSet:EOF )
   aWAData[ WA_EOF ] = oRecordSet:EOF

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_CLEARREL( nWA )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local nKeys := 0, cKeyName

   if aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ] != nil .and. aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Keys != nil
         nKeys = aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Keys:Count

   if nKeys > 0
      cKeyName = aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Keys( nKeys - 1 ):Name
      if Upper( cKeyName ) != "PRIMARYKEY"
         aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Keys:Delete( cKeyName )

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_RELAREA( nWA, nRelNo, nRelArea )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )

   if nRelNo <= aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Keys:Count()
      nRelArea = Select( aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Keys( nRelNo - 1 ):RelatedTable )

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_RELTEXT( nWA, nRelNo, cExpr )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )

   if nRelNo <= aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Keys:Count()
      cExpr = aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Keys( nRelNo - 1 ):Columns( 0 ):RelatedColumn

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_SETREL( nWA, aRelInfo )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local cParent := Alias( aRelInfo[ UR_RI_PARENT ] )
   local cChild  := Alias( aRelInfo[ UR_RI_CHILD ] )
   local cKeyName := cParent + "_" + cChild
   local adKeyForeign := ""

      aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Keys:Append( cKeyName, adKeyForeign,;
                                    aRelInfo[ UR_RI_CEXPR ], cChild, aRelInfo[ UR_RI_CEXPR ] )
      // raise error for can't create relation

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_ORDLSTADD( nWA, aOrderInfo )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

      oRecordSet:Index = aOrderInfo[ UR_ORI_BAG ]

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_ORDLSTCLEAR( nWA )

   local oRecordSet := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )[ WA_RECORDSET ]

      oRecordSet:Index = ""

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_ORDCREATE( nWA, aOrderCreateInfo )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA )
   local oIndex, oError, n, lFound := .f.

   if aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Indexes != nil
      for n = 1 to aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Indexes:Count
          oIndex = aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Indexes( n - 1 )
          if oIndex:Name == If( ! Empty( aOrderCreateInfo[ UR_ORCR_TAGNAME ] ), aOrderCreateInfo[ UR_ORCR_TAGNAME ], aOrderCreateInfo[ UR_ORCR_CKEY ] )
             lFound = .T.

      if aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Indexes == nil .or. ! lFound
         oIndex = TOleAuto():New( "ADOX.Index" )
         oIndex:Name = If( ! Empty( aOrderCreateInfo[ UR_ORCR_TAGNAME ] ), aOrderCreateInfo[ UR_ORCR_TAGNAME ], aOrderCreateInfo[ UR_ORCR_CKEY ] )
         oIndex:PrimaryKey = .F.
         oIndex:Unique = aOrderCreateInfo[ UR_ORCR_UNIQUE ]
         oIndex:Columns:Append( aOrderCreateInfo[ UR_ORCR_CKEY ] )
         aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Indexes:Append( oIndex )
      oError := ErrorNew()
      oError:GenCode     := EG_CREATE
      oError:SubCode     := 1004
      oError:Description := HB_LANGERRMSG( EG_CREATE ) + " (" + ;
                            HB_LANGERRMSG( EG_UNSUPPORTED ) + ")"
      oError:FileName    := aOrderCreateInfo[ UR_ORCR_BAGNAME ]
      oError:CanDefault  := .T.
      UR_SUPER_ERROR( nWA, oError )

return SUCCESS

static function ADO_ORDDESTROY( nWA, aOrderInfo )

   local aWAData := USRRDD_AREADATA( nWA ), n, oIndex

   if aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Indexes != nil
      for n = 1 to aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Indexes:Count
          oIndex = aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Indexes( n - 1 )
          if oIndex:Name == aOrderInfo[ UR_ORI_TAG ]
             aWAData[ WA_CATALOG ]:Tables( aWAData[ WA_TABLENAME ] ):Indexes:Delete( oIndex:Name )

return SUCCESS

function ADORDD_GETFUNCTABLE( pFuncCount, pFuncTable, pSuperTable, nRddID )

   local cSuperRDD   /* NO SUPER RDD */
   local aADOFunc[ UR_METHODCOUNT ]

   aADOFunc[ UR_INIT ]         := ( @ADO_INIT() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_NEW ]          := ( @ADO_NEW() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_CREATE ]       := ( @ADO_CREATE() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_OPEN ]         := ( @ADO_OPEN() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_CLOSE ]        := ( @ADO_CLOSE() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_BOF  ]         := ( @ADO_BOF() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_EOF  ]         := ( @ADO_EOF() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_DELETED ]      := ( @ADO_DELETED() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_SKIPRAW ]      := ( @ADO_SKIPRAW() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_GOTO ]         := ( @ADO_GOTOID() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_GOTOID ]       := ( @ADO_GOTOID() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_GOTOP ]        := ( @ADO_GOTOP() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_GOBOTTOM ]     := ( @ADO_GOBOTTOM() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_RECID ]        := ( @ADO_RECID() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_RECCOUNT ]     := ( @ADO_RECCOUNT() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_GETVALUE ]     := ( @ADO_GETVALUE() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_PUTVALUE ]     := ( @ADO_PUTVALUE() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_DELETE ]       := ( @ADO_DELETE() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_APPEND ]       := ( @ADO_APPEND() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_FLUSH ]        := ( @ADO_FLUSH() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_ORDINFO ]      := ( @ADO_ORDINFO() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_PACK ]         := ( @ADO_PACK() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_RAWLOCK ]      := ( @ADO_RAWLOCK() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_LOCK ]         := ( @ADO_LOCK() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_UNLOCK ]       := ( @ADO_UNLOCK() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_SETFILTER ]    := ( @ADO_SETFILTER() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_ZAP ]          := ( @ADO_ZAP() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_SETLOCATE ]    := ( @ADO_SETLOCATE() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_LOCATE ]       := ( @ADO_LOCATE() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_CLEARREL ]     := ( @ADO_CLEARREL() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_RELAREA ]      := ( @ADO_RELAREA() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_RELTEXT ]      := ( @ADO_RELTEXT() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_SETREL ]       := ( @ADO_SETREL() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_ORDCREATE ]    := ( @ADO_ORDCREATE() )
   aADOFunc[ UR_ORDLSTADD ]    := ( @ADO_ORDLSTADD() )

return USRRDD_GETFUNCTABLE( pFuncCount, pFuncTable, pSuperTable, nRddID, cSuperRDD,;
                            aADOFunc )

init procedure ADORDD_INIT()
   rddRegister( "ADORDD", RDT_FULL )

static function ADO_GETFIELDSIZE( nDBFFieldType, nADOFieldSize )

   local nDBFFieldSize := 0

   do case

      case nDBFFieldType == HB_FT_STRING
           nDBFFieldSize := nADOFieldSize

      case nDBFFieldType == HB_FT_INTEGER
           nDBFFieldSize := nADOFieldSize

      case nDBFFieldType == HB_FT_DOUBLE
           nDBFFieldSize := nADOFieldSize

      case nDBFFieldType == HB_FT_DATE
           nDBFFieldSize := 8

      case nDBFFieldType == HB_FT_LOGICAL
           nDBFFieldSize := 1

      case nDBFFieldType == HB_FT_MEMO
           nDBFFieldSize := 10


return nDBFFieldSize

static function ADO_GETFIELDTYPE( nADOFieldType )

   local nDBFFieldType := 0

   do case

      case nADOFieldType == adEmpty
      case nADOFieldType == adTinyInt
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_INTEGER

      case nADOFieldType == adSmallInt
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_INTEGER

      case nADOFieldType == adInteger
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_INTEGER

      case nADOFieldType == adBigInt
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_INTEGER

      case nADOFieldType == adUnsignedTinyInt
      case nADOFieldType == adUnsignedSmallInt
      case nADOFieldType == adUnsignedInt
      case nADOFieldType == adUnsignedBigInt
      case nADOFieldType == adSingle

      case nADOFieldType == adDouble
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_DOUBLE

      case nADOFieldType == adCurrency
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_INTEGER

      case nADOFieldType == adDecimal
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_LONG

      case nADOFieldType == adNumeric
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_LONG

      case nADOFieldType == adError
      case nADOFieldType == adUserDefined
      case nADOFieldType == adVariant
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_ANY

      case nADOFieldType == adIDispatch

      case nADOFieldType == adIUnknown

      case nADOFieldType == adGUID
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_STRING

      case nADOFieldType == adDate
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_DATE

      case nADOFieldType == adDBDate
          nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_DATE

      case nADOFieldType == adDBTime
          //nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_DATE

      case nADOFieldType == adDBTimeStamp
          //nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_DATE

      case nADOFieldType == adFileTime
          //nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_DATE

      case nADOFieldType == adBSTR
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_STRING

      case nADOFieldType == adChar
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_STRING

      case nADOFieldType == adVarChar
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_STRING

      case nADOFieldType == adLongVarChar
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_STRING

      case nADOFieldType == adWChar
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_STRING

      case nADOFieldType == adVarWChar
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_STRING

      case nADOFieldType == adBinary
      case nADOFieldType == adVarBinary
      case nADOFieldType == adLongVarBinary
      case nADOFieldType == adChapter

      case nADOFieldType == adVarNumeric
      // case nADOFieldType == adArray

      case nADOFieldType == adBoolean
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_LOGICAL

      case nADOFieldType == adLongVarWChar
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_MEMO

      case nADOFieldType == adPropVariant
           nDBFFieldType := HB_FT_MEMO


return nDBFFieldType

function HB_AdoSetTable( cTableName )

   s_cTableName = cTableName

return nil

function HB_AdoSetEngine( cEngine )

   s_cEngine = cEngine

return nil

function HB_AdoSetServer( cServer )

   s_cServer = cServer

return nil

function HB_AdoSetUser( cUser )

   s_cUserName = cUser

return nil

function HB_AdoSetPassword( cPassword )

   s_cPassword = cPassword

return nil

function HB_AdoSetQuery( cQuery )


   s_cQuery = cQuery

return nil

function HB_AdoSetWhere( cWhere )

   DEFAULT cWhere TO " "

   s_cWhere = cWhere

return nil

function HB_AdoSetLocateFor( cLocateFor )

   USRRDD_AREADATA( Select() )[ WA_LOCATEFOR ] = cLocateFor

return nil

static function SQLTranslate( cExpr )

  if Left( cExpr, 1 ) == '"' .and. Right( cExpr, 1 ) == '"'
     cExpr = SubStr( cExpr, 2, Len( cExpr ) - 2 )

  cExpr = StrTran( cExpr, '""', "" )
  cExpr = StrTran( cExpr, '"', "'" )
  cExpr = StrTran( cExpr, "''", "'" )
  cExpr = StrTran( cExpr, "==", "=" )
  cExpr = StrTran( cExpr, ".and.", "AND" )
  cExpr = StrTran( cExpr, ".or.", "OR" )
  cExpr = StrTran( cExpr, ".AND.", "AND" )
  cExpr = StrTran( cExpr, ".OR.", "OR" )

return cExpr

function HB_AdoRddGetConnection( nWA )

   DEFAULT nWA TO Select()


function HB_AdoRddGetCatalog( nWA )

   DEFAULT nWA TO Select()


function HB_AdoRddGetRecordSet( nWA )

   local aWAData

   DEFAULT nWA TO Select()


return If( aWAData != nil, aWAData[ WA_RECORDSET ], nil )

Pedro Gonzalez
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Postby pymsoft » Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:03 pm

me olvidé del ejemplo:

Code: Select all  Expand view
USE (cDatabase) VIA "ADORDD" TABLE "corpo" MYSQL FROM cServer USER cUser PASSWORD cPass ALIAS corpoSQL NEW QUERY "Select Id, cor_cart, cor_dart FROM " WHERE " WHERE id < 30 "
Pedro Gonzalez
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Posts: 383
Joined: Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:01 pm
Location: Savona - Italia

Postby pymsoft » Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:12 am

He descubierto tambien, que conviene abrir la base de datos con el filtro (o sea, con el where y con los campos necesarios) porque si se abre la base de datos con SELECT * FROM tutabla en el momento de abrirla, pasan todos los datos al cliente que abre la table... esto es muy importante cuando trabajas desde una estación remota.


mis pruebas son, abrir una base de datos con 90 mil registros sin el where demora 5 segundos (en local) con el where traigo 30 registros me demora 0.02 segundos...
ahora se pone divertido esto.. :-)
trabajando desde remoto, demora 105 segundos, y con el where demora 0.1 segundos.

O sea, abrir la base de datos solo con los datos que se necesitan. o poner un limit....
Pedro Gonzalez
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