Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:42 pm

Funcionando bien nuevamente!!! :-)

Gracias Pere!!!
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby mastintin » Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:19 pm

Antonio, parece ser que el password para los ios es : md5(2*lan mac address) . La direccion mac la tenemos en :
Ajustes->general->informacion _> direccion wifi .

me da ok para mi numero de telefono .

A ver si consiguo que funcione , de momento no va.
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:32 pm


Muy interesante, gracias! :-)

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby mastintin » Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:08 pm

FUNCIONANDO . :D :D : desde fivemac ...
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:37 am

Funcionando desde FWH y Harbour con el número de mi iPhone! :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby Baxajaun » Thu Sep 13, 2012 4:57 am

Buenos días,

Antonio, puedes poner el código completo que está funcionando ?

Muchas gracias.

Un abrazo,

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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby mastintin » Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:48 am

Baxajaun , te pongo mi codigo que funciona ahora mismo para harbour.
Code: Select all  Expand view

function MainWhats(cTelefono,cMensaje)  // destino del mensaje y mensaje a enviar
   LOCAL cPhone:= "34xxxxxxxxx"   // Tu Telefono
   local cImei:="xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"  // mac de wifi paraiphone  , Imei para Android
   LOCAL lIphone:= .t.                      // .t. para iphone  , .f. para Android
   LOCAL cNickName:="tunick"

 local oWA := HB_WhatsApp():New( cPhone, hb_md5( IF( !lIphone, StrRev( cImei ), cImei+cImei ) ),cNickName )


 //  ? oWA:cAccount_status, oWA:cAccount_kind, oWA:cAccount_creation, oWA:cAccount_expiration

   //oWA:RequestLastSeen( "34670463032" )
   // ? oWA:LastSeen[ 'seconds_ago' ]

  oWA:Message( Str( TS2Num() ), AllTrim(cTelefono), AllTrim(cMensaje) )

return nil


   DATA  cAccount_status, cAccount_kind, cAccount_creation, cAccount_expiration
   DATA  cNumber, cPassword, cNickname
   DATA  pSocket
   DATA  cServer INIT "s.whatsapp.net"
   DATA  cHost   INIT "bin-short.whatsapp.net"
   DATA  cRealm  INIT "s.whatsapp.net"
   DATA  nPort   INIT 5222
   DATA  cIP
   DATA  cQop    INIT "auth"
   DATA  cDigest_Uri INIT "xmpp/s.whatsapp.net"
   DATA  aResArray
   DATA  cMsg
   DATA  _Incomplete_message
   DATA  LastSeen

   METHOD New( cNumber, cPassword, cNickname )
   METHOD Connect()
   METHOD Login()
   METHOD Message( cMmsgid, cTo, cTxt )
   METHOD Read()
   METHOD Send( cData )
   METHOD parse_last_seen( cMsg )
   METHOD parse_received_message( cMsg )
   METHOD RequestLastSeen( mobile )

   METHOD _Authenticate( cNonce, cNC )
   METHOD _Identify( cStr )
   METHOD _Is_Full_Msg( cStr )
   METHOD parse_account_info( msg )

   DESTRUCTOR Destroy()


METHOD New( cNumber, cPassword, cNickname ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp

   ::cIP = hb_socketGetHosts( ::cHost )[ 1 ]
   ::pSocket = hb_socketOpen()

   ::cNumber   = cNumber
   ::cPassword = cPassword
   ::cNickname = cNickname

return self

METHOD Connect() CLASS HB_WhatsApp

return hb_socketConnect( ::pSocket, { HB_SOCKET_AF_INET, ::cIP, ::nPort } )

static function StrToHex( cStr )

   local n, cHex := ""

   for n = 1 to Len( cStr )
      cHex += "0x" + PadL( hb_NumToHex( Asc( SubStr( cStr, n, 1 ) ) ), "0", 2 )
      if n < Len( cStr )
         cHex += ", "

return cHex

static function random_uuid()

return hb_strformat( "%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x",;
                     hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ), hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ),;
                     hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ),;
                     hb_BitOr( hb_Random( 0, 0x0fff ), 0x4000 ),;
                     hb_BitOr( hb_Random( 0, 0x3fff ), 0x8000 ),;
                     hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ), hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ), hb_Random( 0, 0xffff ) )

METHOD Login() CLASS HB_WhatsApp

   local cBuffer, cResponse, aArrResponse, hAuthData, cValue, aResData, cResData

   ::Send( "WA" + Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0 ) + ;
             Chr( 0x19 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x05 ) + Chr( 0x01 ) + ;
             Chr( 0xA0 ) + Chr( 0x8A ) + Chr( 0x84 ) + Chr( 0xFC ) + ;
             Chr( 0x11 ) + "iPhone-2.6.9-5222" + ;
             Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 0x08 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x02 ) + ;
             Chr( 0x96 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + ;
             Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0x7E ) + Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 0x07 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + ;
             Chr( 0x05 ) + Chr( 0x0F ) + Chr( 0x5A ) + Chr( 0x2A ) + ;
             Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0xA7 ) )

   cBuffer = ::Read()
   cResponse = hb_base64decode( SubStr( cBuffer, 27 ) )
   aArrResponse = HB_ATokens( cResponse, "," )
   hAuthData = {=>}

   for each cValue in aArrResponse
      aResData = hb_ATokens( cValue, "=" )
      hAuthData[ aResData[ 1 ] ] = StrTran( aResData[ 2 ], '"', "" )

   cResData = ::_Authenticate( hAuthData[ "nonce" ] )
   cResponse = Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0x31 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x04 ) + Chr( 0x86 ) + ;
               Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0xA7 ) + Chr( 0xFD ) + Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 1 ) + Chr( 0x28 ) + ;
               hb_base64encode( cResData )
   ::Send( cResponse )
   cBuffer = ::Read()
   cResponse = Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 8 + Len( ::cNickname ) ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 5 ) + Chr( 0x74 ) + ;
               Chr( 0xA2 ) + Chr( 0xA3 ) + Chr( 0x61 ) + Chr( 0xFC ) + Chr( Len( ::cNickName ) ) + ;
               ::cNickName + Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 0x15 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 6 ) + Chr( 0x48 ) + ;
               Chr( 0x43 ) + Chr( 5 ) + Chr( 0xA2 ) + Chr( 0x3A ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 1 ) + ;
               Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 4 ) + Chr( 0x7B ) + Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0x4D ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + ;
               Chr( 1 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 3 ) + Chr( 0x55 ) + Chr( 0x61 ) + Chr( 0x24 ) + ;
               Chr( 0 ) + Chr( 0x12 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 8 ) + Chr( 0x48 ) + Chr( 0x43 ) + ;
               Chr( 0xFC ) + Chr( 1 ) + Chr( 0x32 ) + Chr( 0xA2 ) + Chr( 0x3A ) + Chr( 0xA0 ) + ;
               Chr( 0x8A ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 1 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 3 ) + Chr( 0x1F ) + ;
               Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0xB1 )
   ::Send( cResponse )

return nil

METHOD _Authenticate( cNonce, cNC ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp

   local cCNonce := random_uuid()
   local cA1 := hb_StrFormat( "%s:%s:%s", ::cNumber, ::cServer, ::cPassword )
   local cA2, cPassword

   if cNC == nil
      cNC = "00000001"

   cA1 = pack_h32( hb_md5( cA1 ) ) + ":" + cNonce + ":" + cCNonce
   cA2 = "AUTHENTICATE:" + ::cDigest_Uri
   cPassword = hb_md5( cA1 ) + ":" + cNonce + ":" + cNC + ":" + cCNonce + ":" + ::cQop + ;
               ":" + hb_md5( cA2 )
   cPassword = hb_md5( cPassword )

return hb_StrFormat( 'username="%s",realm="%s",nonce="%s",cnonce="%s",nc=%s,qop=%s,digest-uri="%s",response=%s,charset=utf-8',;
                     ::cNumber, ::cRealm, cNonce, cCnonce, cNC, ::cQop, ::cDigest_Uri, cPassword )

METHOD Message( cMsgid, cTo, cTxt ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp

   local lLong_txt_bool := isShort( cTxt )
   local cStream , cMsg, cContent, cTxt_length
   local cTo_length
   local cMsgid_length
   local cTotal_length

   cTo_length = Chr( Len( cTo ) )
   cMsgid_length = Chr( Len( cMsgid ) )
   cTxt_length = Chr( Len( cTxt ) )

   cContent = Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x08 ) + Chr( 0x5D ) + Chr( 0xA0 ) + Chr( 0xFA ) + Chr( 0xFC ) + cTo_length
   cContent += cTo
   cContent += Chr( 0x8A ) + Chr( 0xA2 ) + Chr( 0x1B ) + Chr( 0x43 ) + Chr( 0xFC ) + cMsgid_length
   cContent += cMsgid
   cContent += Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x02 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x04 ) + Chr( 0xBA ) + Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0x4F) + ;
               Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0x8C ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x02 ) + Chr( 0x16 )

   if ! lLong_txt_bool
      cContent += Chr( 0xFD ) + Chr( 0 ) + cTxt_length
      cContent += Chr( 0xFC ) + cTxt_length

   cContent += cTxt

   cTotal_length = Chr( Len( cContent ) )

   if Len( cTotal_length ) == 1
      cTotal_length = Chr( 0 ) + cTotal_length

   cMsg := cTotal_length + cContent

   cStream := ::Send( cMsg )

Return nil

METHOD parse_received_message( cMsg ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp

   local message := { => }, nLength

   nLength = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )

   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 3 )       // Remove Length & F8
   message[ 'sec_length' ] = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )       // Length of something i dont know excatly what
   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 6 )       // Remove Second Length ( 1 HEX ) , Remove XML Chrs ( 4 HEX )
   message[ 'from_number_length' ] = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )

   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 2 )       // Remove Length
   message[ 'from_number' ] = SubStr( cMsg, 1, message[ 'from_number_length' ] )

   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, message[ 'from_number_length' ] + 1 )             // Remove NUMBER
   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg,4 )       // Remove F8 & XML ( 2 HEX )
   message[ 'message_id_length' ] = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )
   cMsg = Substr( cMsg, 2 )       // Remove Length
   message[ 'message_id' ] = SubStr( cMsg, 1, message[ 'message_id_length' ] )
   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, message[ 'message_id_length' ] + 1 )
   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 5 )       // Remove XML ( 4 HEX )
   message[ 'timestamp_length' ] = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )
   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 2 )       // Remove Length
   message[ 'timestamp' ] = Num2TS( Val( SubStr( cMsg, 1, message[ 'timestamp_length' ] ) ) )

   cmsg = SubStr( cMsg, message[ 'timestamp_length' ] + 1 )               // Remove Timestamp
   // Check for Retry header
   if Substr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) == Chr( 0x88 )
      cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 5 )       // Remove Retry Length , i dont think i will need it

   cmsg = Substr( cMsg, 10 )      // Remove XMPP XML and Name XML Headers
   message[ 'sender_name_length' ] = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )
   cmsg = SubStr( cMsg, 2 )       // Remove Length
   message[ 'sender_name' ] = SubStr( cMsg, 1, message[ 'sender_name_length' ] )

   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, message[ 'sender_name_length' ] + 1 )   // Remove sender from msg
   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 10 )      // Remove body headers
   message[ 'body_txt_length' ] = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )

   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 2 )       // Remove Length
   message[ 'body_txt' ] = SubStr( cMsg, 1, message[ 'body_txt_length' ] )

   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, message[ 'body_txt_length' ] + 1 )  // Remove body txt
   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 10 )      // Remove XMPP XML and Name XML Headers
   message[ 'time_length' ] = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )

   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 2 )       // Remove Length
   message[ 'time' ] = SubStr( cMsg, 1, message[ 'time_length' ] )
   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, message[ 'time_length' ] + 1 )

//   ? "From: " + message[ 'sender_name' ] + CRLF + ;
 //    "msg:  " + message[ 'body_txt' ] + CRLF + ;
  //   "date: " + message[ 'timestamp' ]

return message


   local cBuffer := Space( 1024 ), cV, cRcvdType
   local nLen := hb_socketRecv( ::pSocket, @cBuffer )

   cBuffer = SubStr( cBuffer, 1, nLen )
   ::aResArray = HB_ATokens( cBuffer, Chr( 0 ) )
   // ? StrToHex( cBuffer )

   for each cV in ::aResArray
      cRcvdType = ::_Identify( cV )

      // ? cRcvdType
      // ? StrToHex( cV )

      do case
         case cRcvdType == "incomplete_msg"
              ::_incomplete_message = cV

         case cRcvdType == "msg"
              ::cMsg = ::parse_received_message( cV )

         case cRcvdType == "account_info"
              ::parse_account_info( cV )

         case cRcvdType == "last_seen"
              ::lastseen = ::parse_last_seen( cV )

return cBuffer

METHOD parse_account_info( cMsg )

   local nAcst, nActkind
   local x := { => }
   local nCreation_timstamp_len, nExpr_length

    cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 4 )        // Remove Length,F8,second length
    cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 5 )        // Remove Success XML
    // Next should be status
    nAcst = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )
    if nAcst == 0x09
       ::cAccount_status = 'active'
       ::cAccount_status = 'inactive'
    cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 3 )        // Remove status & KIND XML
    nActkind = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )
    if nActkind == 0x37
       ::cAccount_kind = 'free'
       ::cAccount_kind = 'paid'
    cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 4 )        // Remove XML
    nCreation_timstamp_len = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) ) // Should return 10 for the next few thousdands years
    cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 2 )        // Remove Length
    ::cAccount_creation := Num2TS( Val( SubStr( cMsg, 1, nCreation_timstamp_len ) ) )
    cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, nCreation_timstamp_len + 1 )       // Remove Timestamp
    cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 3 )        // Remove Expiration XML
    nExpr_length = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) ) // Should also be 10
    cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 2 )        // Remove Length
    ::cAccount_expiration := Num2TS( Val( SubStr( cMsg, 1, nExpr_length ) ) )

return nil

METHOD RequestLastSeen( mobile ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp

   local mob_len, content, len, total_length, request, stream

   mob_len = Chr( Len( mobile ) )
   content = Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x08 ) + Chr( 0x48 ) + Chr( 0x43 ) + Chr( 0xFC )
   content += Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0x37 ) + Chr( 0xA2 ) + Chr( 0x3A ) + Chr( 0xA0 )
   content += Chr( 0xFA ) + Chr( 0xFC ) + mob_len
   content += mobile
   content += Chr( 0x8A ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x01 ) + Chr( 0xF8 ) + Chr( 0x03 )
   content += Chr( 0x7B ) + Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0x4C )

   len = Len( content )
   total_length = Chr( len )

   request = Chr( 0 )
   request += total_length
   request += content
   stream  = ::Send( request )

return nil

METHOD parse_last_seen( cMsg ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp

   Local lastseen := {=>}, moblen, last_seen_len

   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 8 )  // Remove Some XML DATA
   moblen= Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )
   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 2 )  // Remove Length
   lastseen[ 'mobile' ] = SubStr( cMsg, 1, moblen )
   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, moblen + 1 )
   cMsg = SubStr( cMsg, 17 ) // Remove Some More XML DATA
   last_seen_len = Asc( SubStr( cMsg, 1, 1 ) )
   cmsg = SubStr( cMsg, 2 )  // Remove Length
   lastseen[ 'seconds_ago' ] = SubStr( cMsg, 0, last_seen_len )

return lastseen

METHOD Send( cData ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp

return hb_socketSend( ::pSocket, cData )

static function StartsWith( cStr, cCompare, nPos )

return SubStr( cStr, nPos, Len( cCompare ) ) == cCompare

static function EndsWith( cStr, cCompare )

return Right( cStr, Len( cCompare ) ) == cCompare

METHOD _Identify( cStr ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp

   local cMsg_identifier := Chr( 0x5D ) + Chr( 0x38 ) + Chr( 0xFA ) + Chr( 0xFC )
   local cServer_delivery_identifier := Chr( 0x8C )
   local cClient_delivery_identifier := Chr( 0x7F ) + Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0xAD )
   local cAcc_info_iden := Chr( 0x99 ) + Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0xA7 ) + Chr( 0x94 )
   local cLast_seen_ident := Chr( 0x48 ) + Chr( 0x38 ) + Chr( 0xFA ) + Chr( 0xFC )
   local cLast_seen_ident2 := Chr( 0x7B ) + Chr( 0xBD ) + Chr( 0x4C ) + Chr( 0x8B )

   if ! ::_is_full_msg( cStr )
      return "incomplete_msg"

   elseif StartsWith( cStr, cMsg_identifier, 4 )

      if EndsWith( cStr, cServer_delivery_identifier )
         return "server_delivery_report"

      elseif EndsWith( cStr, cClient_delivery_identifier )
         return "client_delivery_report"

         return "msg"


   elseif StartsWith( cStr, cAcc_info_iden, 4 )
      return "account_info"

   elseif StartsWith( cStr, cLast_seen_ident, 4 ) .and. cLast_seen_ident2 $ cStr
      return "last_seen"

      return "other"


return nil

METHOD _Is_Full_Msg( cStr ) CLASS HB_WhatsApp

return Len( cStr ) == Asc( Left( cStr, 1 ) ) + 1

METHOD Destroy() CLASS HB_WhatsApp

   HB_SocketShutDown( ::pSocket )
   HB_SocketClose( ::pSocket )

   ::pSocket = nil

return nil

static function pack_h32( cString )

   local c := "", cLeter
   local nibbleshift := 4
   local n
   local nPos   := 0
   local aOut   := {}

   for each cLeter in cString
      n = asc( cLeter )
      if n >= asc( "0" ) .and. n <= asc( "9" )
         n -= asc( "0" )
      elseif n >= asc( "a" ) .and. n <= asc( "f" )
         n -= ( asc( "a" ) - 10 )
      elseif n >= asc( "F" ) .and. n <= asc( "F" )
         n -= ( asc( "A" ) - 10 )

      if cLeter:__enumindex() % 2 != 0
         AAdd( aOut, 0 )

        aOut[ nPos ] = hb_BitOr( aOut[ nPos ], hb_BitShift( n, nibbleshift ) )

      nibbleshift = hb_BitAnd( ( nibbleshift + 4 ), 7 )

      if cLeter:__enumindex() % 2 == 0
         c += Chr( aOut[ nPos ] )


return c

static function  Num2Days( timet )

return  (timet) / (24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0)

static function  Num2TS( n )
   local fecha, hour, min, sec, time, datetime
   local t2d := Num2Days( n )

   fecha = Num2Date( n )
   hour  = ( t2d - int( t2d ) ) * 24
   min   = ( hour - int( hour ) ) * 60
   sec   = ( min - int( min ) ) * 60
   time  = strzero( int( hour ), 2 ) + strzero( int( min ), 2 ) + strzero( int( sec ), 2 )
   datetime = dtos( fecha ) + time

return hb_tstostr( hb_stot( datetime ) )

static function Num2Date( n )

   local fecha
   local t2d := Num2Days( n )

   fecha := SToD( "19700101" ) + int( t2d )

return fecha

static function TS2Num( dt )

   local fecha
   local nNum

   DEFAULT dt := hb_DateTime()

   nNum = ( hb_Hour( dt ) * 24 + hb_Minute( dt ) * 60 + hb_sec( dt ) * 60 ) / 86400

   nNum += ( hb_TToD( dt ) - SToD( "19700101" ) )

   nNum *= 86400

   nNum = Int( nNum )

return nNum

static function isShort( str )

return Len( str ) < 256


#include <hbapi.h>

   int iLen = hb_parclen( 1 ), i;
   char * buffer = ( char * ) hb_xgrab( iLen );

   for( i = 0; i < iLen; i++ )
      buffer[ i ] = hb_parc( 1 )[ iLen - i - 1 ];

   hb_retclen( buffer, iLen );
   hb_xfree( buffer );

#pragma ENDDUMP

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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Sep 13, 2012 7:22 am

http://javazkript.blogspot.com.es/search/label/ThatsaPC gracias a Felix!

No dan el código fuente, asi que nuestra solución (con código fuente) es mucho mas interesante y util, pero ahi está para quien lo necesite :-)
regards, saludos

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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby Frafive » Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:22 am

Al compilar con xharbour me da los siguientes errores, a alguien le funciona con xharbour ?

Un saludo

c:\borland\bcc58\bin\ilink32.exe -Gn -aa -Tpe -s -I.\obj -x @MAKE0000.@@@
Turbo Incremental Link 5.69 Copyright (c) 1997-2005 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_SOCKETGETHOSTS' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_SOCKETOPEN' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_SOCKETCONNECT' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_NUMTOHEX' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_STRFORMAT' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_BASE64DECODE' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_BASE64ENCODE' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_SOCKETRECV' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_SOCKETSEND' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_SOCKETSHUTDOWN' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_SOCKETCLOSE' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_TSTOSTR' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_STOT' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_DATETIME' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_HOUR' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_MINUTE' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_SEC' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_TTOD' referenced from C:\ATEST\OBJ\TEST.OBJ
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Sep 13, 2012 8:31 am

Tienes que usar una versión más reciente de xHarbour que puedes descargar desde aqui:


Ojo: Por lo visto con xHarbour no funciona y aún no sabemos por que. Con Harbour funciona bien
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby FiveWiDi » Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:43 am

Hola a todos,

Entonces por lo que estoy leyendo, con la actualización de WhastApp aun se pueden usar estas rutinas al menos para los usuarios de WhatsApp en el iPhone.

¿Y para los de Android? Ya vuelven a funcionar?

Un Saludo
Carlos G.

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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby Andrés González » Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:52 am

Con Harbour funciona, pero no logro compilar con xHarbour, al parecer faltan funciones:

Code: Select all  Expand view
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_STRFORMAT' referenced from C:\BASES\PRUEBAS\WHATSAPP.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_BASE64DECODE' referenced from C:\BASES\PRUEBAS\WHATSAPP.OBJ
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_BASE64ENCODE' referenced from C:\BASES\PRUEBAS\WHATSAPP.OBJ

Además aunque he utilizado oemtoansi() por si era eso no logoro poder mandar acentos, al recibirlo me salen simbolitos raros. Por todo lo demás un 10.

En qué librería esta strformat, ya que me imagino que si la traducimos es xq ya está en xhb?

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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:44 am


Si, ya funciona con cuentas de WhatsApp de iPhone y Android :-)
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby Frafive » Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:24 pm


He podido compilar con xharbour, pero me da este error:

Path and name: C:\aTest\Test.exe (32 bits)
Size: 1,646,592 bytes
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 0 secs
Error occurred at: 09/13/12, 17:19:14
Error description: Error BASE/1089 Non-integer parameters: HB_BITOR
[ 1] = N 657.73
[ 2] = N 16384

Alguna idea ?

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Re: Enviando mensajes de WhatsApp

Postby Baxajaun » Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:02 am


muchas gracias !!!


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