xBrowse Con DatePicker y TimePicker

xBrowse Con DatePicker y TimePicker

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:01 am


Hoy les dejo otra contribucion para la xBrowse, uso de DatePicker y TimePicker en edicion de celdas.
Other contribution for xbrowse class, use datepicker and timepicker in celledition

Este Link es un Exe si quieren probar antes de hacer cambios
this link is EXE, if you want to try first before making any changes ...


Archivos a editar / file to edit

Metodos a Editar en xBrowse.prg/ Methods to Edit in xBrwose.prg
METHOD PaintData() CLASS TXBrwColumn
function EditGetkeyDown()
METHOD PostEdit() CLASS TXBrwColumn

Abrir/open xBrowse.ch

Buscar / find
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#define EDIT_GET_BUTTON       5

Agregar Despues/ Add After
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#define EDIT_DATE             6
#define EDIT_TIME             7


Abrir xBrowse.prg

Bucar / Find
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#include "Report.ch"

Agregar Despues / Add After
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#include "dtpicker.ch"

Buscar METHOD nEditType(); // Sets or Gets de Edit Mode / Find METHOD nEditType(); // Sets or Gets de Edit Mode

Agregar Antes / Add Before
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  METHOD EditDateTime( nKey )

Buscar en METHOD PaintData() / Find in METHOD PaintData()
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  if nType > 1
      if lSelected

Reemplazar con / Replace With
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  if nType > 1 .and. nType < EDIT_DATE
      if lSelected

Buscar en Method Edit / Find In Edit Method
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  aColors := Eval( ::bClrEdit )

Agregar Antes / Add Before
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  if ::nEditType >= EDIT_DATE
      return ::EditDateTime( nKey )

Buscar en function EditGetkeyDown / Find in function EditGetkeyDown
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  If lExit
      ::oEditGet:nLastKey := nKey

Reemplazar con / Replace With (revisar este cambio en el proximo post)
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  If lExit .and. ::nEditType != EDIT_DATE
      ::oEditGet:nLastKey := nKey

Buscar en function EditGetkeyDown / Find in function EditGetkeyDown
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return nil

Agregar Depues / Add After
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METHOD EditDateTime( nKey ) CLASS TXBrwColumn
local aColors
local lCenter, lRight
local nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeight
local hBrush
local oFont
local uValue

   if ValType ( ::oEditFont ) == "B"
         oFont = Eval( ::oEditFont, Self )
         oFont = ::oEditFont

   uValue  := Eval( ::bEditValue )

   aColors := Eval( ::bClrEdit )
   lCenter := ( ::nDataStrAlign == AL_CENTER )
   lRight  := ( ::nDataStrAlign == AL_RIGHT )

   nRow    := ( ( ::oBrw:nRowSel - 1 ) * ::oBrw:nRowHeight ) + ::oBrw:HeaderHeight()

   hBrush := CreateSolidBrush( aColors[ 2 ] )
   ::EraseData( nRow, ::nDisplayCol, ::oBrw:nRowHeight , hBrush )
   DeleteObject( hBrush )

   if ::nEditType == EDIT_DATE
      ::oEditGet := TDatePick():New( 0, 0, { | u | If(PCount()==0,uValue,uValue:= u ) }, ::oBrw, 0, 0, , aColors[ 1 ],;
                  aColors[ 2 ], oFont, .f., , , , .f., , , )
      ::oEditGet := TTimePick():New( 0, 0, { | u | If(PCount()==0,uValue,uValue:= u ) }, ::oBrw, 0, 0, , aColors[ 1 ],;
                  aColors[ 2 ], oFont, .f., , , , .f., , , )
      ::oEditGet:SetTime( uValue )
   nRow    := ( ( ::oBrw:nRowSel - 1 ) * ::oBrw:nRowHeight ) + ::oBrw:HeaderHeight() + 2
   nCol    := ::nDisplayCol + 3

   nWidth  := ::nWidth - 4

   nHeight := ::oBrw:nRowHeight - 4

   if ::bEditValid != nil
      ::oEditGet:bValid := { | oGet, lRet | oGet:lValidating := .T., lRet := Eval( ::bEditValid, oGet, Self ), oGet:lValidating := .F., If( ! lRet, oGet:SetFocus(),), lRet }

   ::oEditGet:bKeyDown   := { | nKey | EditGetkeyDown( Self, nKey ) }
   if ::nEditType != EDIT_DATE
      ::oEditGet:bLostFocus := { | oGet, hWndFocus | EditGetLostFocus( oGet, hWndFocus, ::oBrw, ::oEditGet, Self ) }

   ::oEditGet:nLastKey := 0

   ::oEditGet:Move( nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeight, .t. )

   ::oBrw:lEditMode := .T.

    if ::lEditBorder
      WndBoxIn( ::oBrw:GetDC(), nRow-1, nCol-1, nRow + nHeight + 1, nCol + nWidth + 1)

    if nKey != nil
      PostMessage( ::oEditGet:hWnd, WM_CHAR, nKey )

   ::oBrw:nLastEditCol := ::nPos       

Buscar En METHOD PostEdit / Find In METHOD PostEdit
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     case ::nEditType == EDIT_GET

En linea Agregar Despues (Fin de Linea) / IN Line Add After (end of Line)

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.or. ::nEditType >= EDIT_DATE

Guardar / Save

Ejemplo / Sample

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#include "fivewin.ch"
#include "xbrowse.ch"
#include "dtpicker.ch"

Function main()
local oWnd, oBrw, oBrw2, oFld
local aArray := { {"one",time(),DATE()},;
                  {"five",time(),DATE()} }

    set date format to "mm/dd/yyyy"

    use customer alias customer new

    define window oWnd title "Test DatePick and TimePick on xBrwose"
    @ 0,0 FOLDER oFld OF oWnd size 300,300;
      PROMPTS "Array", "Dbf"

    @ 0,0 xbrowse oBrw columns {1,2,3} array aArray of oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ] fastedit
    oBrw:nRowHeight := 25
    oBrw:aCols[ 1 ]:nEditType := EDIT_GET
    oBrw:aCols[ 2 ]:nEditType := EDIT_TIME
    oBrw:aCols[ 2 ]:nWidth := 130
    oBrw:aCols[ 3 ]:nEditType := EDIT_DATE
    oBrw:aCols[ 3 ]:nWidth := 130

    oBrw:lAutoappend := .f.
    @ 0,0 xbrowse oBrw2 columns "first", "last", "hiredate" alias "customer" of oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ] fastedit
    oBrw2:nRowHeight := 25
    oBrw2:aCols[ 3 ]:nEditType := EDIT_DATE
    oBrw2:aCols[ 3 ]:nWidth := 130

    oBrw2:lAutoappend := .f.

    oWnd:oClient := oFld
    oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]:oClient := oBrw
    oFld:aDialogs[ 2 ]:oClient := oBrw2
    activate window oWnd on init (oFld:aDialogs[ 1 ]:resize())
return nil
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Daniel Garcia-Gil
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Re: xBrowse Con DatePicker y TimePicker

Postby Daniel Garcia-Gil » Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:34 pm

Descubri un pequeño bugs en estos cambios, aqui esta la solucion...

cambiar en function EditGetkeyDown
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reemplazar con
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      if lExit
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Daniel Garcia-Gil
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