Converter de para

Converter de para

Postby marinho » Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:32 pm

Estou convertendo para e estou tendo problemas na compilação dos .C , sabem o que seria

Type: C >>>xcc.exe -Fo"comp\GETBTN.obj" -Ot -I"s:\novo\include" -I"t:\fwh27\include" -I"C:\xHarbour\include" -I"C:\xHarbour\c_include" -I"C:\xHarbour\c_include\win" -I"C:\xHarbour\c_include\msvc" "GETBTN.C"<<<

t:\fwh27\include\ClipApi.h(71): error: Expecting an enumerator identifier.

t:\fwh27\include\ClipApi.h(71): error: Syntax error; found '0' expecting '}'.

t:\fwh27\include\ClipApi.h(463): error: Redeclaration of 'strlen' previously declared at C:\xHarbour\c_include\string.h(30): found 'unsigned short __cdecl function(char *)' expected 'unsigned int __cdecl function(const char *)'.

t:\fwh27\include\ClipApi.h(464): error: Redeclaration of 'strcpy' previously declared at C:\xHarbour\c_include\string.h(27): found 'void __cdecl function(unsigned char *, unsigned char *)' expected 'char * __cdecl function(restrict char *, restrict const char *)'.

t:\fwh27\include\ClipApi.h(465): error: Redeclaration of 'strcmp' previously declared at C:\xHarbour\c_include\string.h(25): found 'int __cdecl function(char *, char *)' expected 'int __cdecl function(const char *, const char *)'.

t:\fwh27\include\ClipApi.h(466): error: Redeclaration of 'strcat' previously declared at C:\xHarbour\c_include\string.h(23): found 'unsigned char * __cdecl function(unsigned char *, unsigned char *)' expected 'char * __cdecl function(restrict char *, restrict const char *)'.

t:\fwh27\include\ClipApi.h(511): warning: Missing type specifier.
Póa - São Paulo(SP)- Brasil
xHarbour - fwH27
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:26 pm

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Mar 28, 2006 7:14 pm


Por favor envíame por email getbtn.c, gracias.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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