Al compiliar sbrowse TSBFUNCS.C me marca errores

Al compiliar sbrowse TSBFUNCS.C me marca errores

Postby noe aburto » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:26 pm

En contacto.

Compilando la libreria de tsbrwose 9.0 me marca TSBFUNCS.C los errores siguientes: harbour 3.2


#ifndef __HARBOUR__
CLIPPER aTSBrwPosR() // ect( hWnd, nRow, nCol, nWidth, hFont, nHeightCell,
// nHeightHead, nHeightSuper )
HWND hWnd = (HWND) ; _parni( 1 ) ;
int wRow = _parni( 2 ) ;
int wCol = _parni( 3 ) ;
int wWidth = _parni( 4 ) ;
HFONT hFont = (HFONT) _parni( 5 ) ;
int wHeight = _parni( 6 ) ;
int nHeightHead = _parni( 7 ) ;
int nHeightSuper = _parni( 8 ) ;

HDC hDC = GetDC( hWnd ) ;
HFONT hOldFont ;
int wMaxRight ;
RECT rct ;

if( hFont )
hOldFont = SelectObject( hDC, hFont ) ;

GetWindowRect( hWnd, &rct ) ;
wMaxRight = rct.right; += ( nHeightHead + nHeightSuper ) + ( wHeight * (wRow - 1) ) + 1 ;
rct.bottom = + wHeight ;
rct.left += wCol ;
rct.right = rct.left + wWidth ;

if( hFont )
SelectObject( hDC, hOldFont ) ;

ReleaseDC( hWnd, hDC ) ;

_reta( 4 ) ;

_storni(, -1, 1 ) ;
_storni( rct.left, -1, 2 ) ;
_storni( rct.bottom, -1, 3 ) ;
_storni( ( wMaxRight <= rct.right ) ? wMaxRight - 18: rct.right, -1, 4 ) ;
Error: Unresolved external '__parni' referenced from I:\TSBROWSE\SBROWSEH.LIB|TSBFuncs
Error: Unresolved external '__reta' referenced from I:\TSBROWSE\SBROWSEH.LIB|TSBFuncs
Error: Unresolved external '__storni' referenced from I:\TSBROWSE\SBROWSEH.LIB|TSBFuncs
Error: Unable to perform link
34 Files, 0 Warnings, 4 Errors
Tiempo de compilación: 16.99s Tiempo de enlazado: 0.69s Tiempo total: 17.71s
Noé Aburto Sánchez
Tec. Prog. de Sistemas. -Morelia, Mich. México.
fwh 20.06, Harbour 3.2.0, bcc 7.4
TsBrowse 9.0, TsButton 7.0, xEdit 6.1,
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noe aburto
Posts: 418
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:33 pm
Location: Morelia, Mich. Mexico.

Re: Al compiliar sbrowse TSBFUNCS.C me marca errores

Postby noe aburto » Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:09 pm

Gracias, asunto arreglado.

Solo cambie las funciones

__parni > hb_parni
__reta > hb_reta
__storni > hb_srtovni
Noé Aburto Sánchez
Tec. Prog. de Sistemas. -Morelia, Mich. México.
fwh 20.06, Harbour 3.2.0, bcc 7.4
TsBrowse 9.0, TsButton 7.0, xEdit 6.1,
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noe aburto
Posts: 418
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 6:33 pm
Location: Morelia, Mich. Mexico.

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