carito wrote:Hola a Todos:
Alguien me puede decir como validar que un string no contenga caracteres invalidos ( por ejemplo la comilla simple ' , " , etc. , ejemplo apellido O'hara )
pues al querer recuperar un respaldo , esos caracteres invalidos cortar el proceso de recuperacion , pues se confunde cual es el final real del dato.
Existe alguna funcion en harbour, mysql o fivewin, que valide el string.
Single quotes eg. ' are to be escaped eg. \'.
But you do not have to do anything yourself and you should not do anything.
Any good MySQL backup and restore software automatically takes care of handling single quotes in addition to many other things.
If your backup/restore software is not taking care of single quotes, you should stop using it and find a better utility.
If you are using FWH version July 2016 or later, you get built-in MySQL library along with very powerful backup and restore functionality.
The backup/restore features provided by FWH are the best and most reliable.