Cliente Telnet

Cliente Telnet

Postby Biel EA6DD » Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:47 pm

Alguien tiene desarrollado algo con sockets para usar como cliente telnet.
Saludos desde Mallorca
Biel Maimó
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Postby Rochinha » Sun Feb 18, 2007 7:26 pm


You can try modify a FTP Class inputing de Telnet commands.

See this page with telnet commands explanation: ... mands.html
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Postby Biel EA6DD » Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:21 pm

Rochinha, thanks for your answer. I will take a look to the FTP class and the link you have sended.
Saludos desde Mallorca
Biel Maimó
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Biel EA6DD
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Postby Rochinha » Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:32 pm


The class below is more complete:

Code: Select all  Expand view
// Original work from Alex Shaft & Peter Kohler, with mods by Byron Hopp, Rimantas Usevicius
// Modified by Luis Krause May 10, 2003, Optimized and cleaned up code
//                                       Fixed ::Retr() & ::Dir() bugs
//                                       added progress bar capability
//                                       Made socket calls compatible with modified TSocket class (TSmtp, etc.)
//                                       Added a timeout to escape from ::DoWait() to avoid hanging up the system
//                                       Added Proxy support (needs more testing)
//                     October 14, 2003, Optimized ::Retr() & ::Dir() more - much faster now
//                                       ::oTrnSocket wasn't being properly released. Fixed!
//                     May 8, 2003       More fixes to ::Retr???() methods
//                                       Fixed ::Stor(), added IVAR nDelay to allow upload to work
// Entries in log file use the following codes:
//   "E:"  an error occurred; description follows
//   "I:"  info about the current operation executed
//   "S:"  data/action sent to the ftp server
//   "R:"  reply/response returned by ftp server

#include ""
#include ""

#ifndef __CLIPPER__
#xtranslate Memory(<n>) =>                       // only needed with Clipper, not Harbour

#define BLOCK_SIZE 10240

#define ST_CLOSED     0
#define ST_CONNECTED  2

#define ST_DOCWD      4
#define ST_DONECWD    5
#define ST_CWDERROR   6

#define ST_DOTYPE     7
#define ST_TYPEOK     8
#define ST_TYPEBAD    9

#define ST_DOPORT     10
#define ST_PORTOK     11
#define ST_PORTBAD    12

#define ST_DOSTOR     13
#define ST_STOROK     14
#define ST_STORBAD    15
#define ST_STORDONE   16

#define ST_DOPASV     17
#define ST_PASVOK     18
#define ST_PASVBAD    19

#define ST_DOQUIT     20
#define ST_QUITOK     21
#define ST_QUITBAD    22

#define ST_DODIR      23
#define ST_DIROK      24
#define ST_DIRBAD     25
#define ST_DIRDONE    26
#define ST_DIRREADY   126

#define ST_DOPWD      27
#define ST_DONEPWD    28
#define ST_PWDERROR   29

#define ST_DORENFROM  30
#define ST_RENFROMOK  31
#define ST_RENFROMBAD 32
#define ST_DORENTO    33
#define ST_RENTOOK    34
#define ST_RENTOBAD   35

#define ST_DODELETE   36
#define ST_DELETEOK   37
#define ST_DELETEBAD  38

#define ST_DOMKDIR    39
#define ST_MKDIROK    40
#define ST_MKDIRBAD   41

#define ST_DORETR     42
#define ST_RETROK     43
#define ST_RETRBAD    44
#define ST_RETRDONE   45

#define ST_DOABOR     46
#define ST_ABOROK     47
#define ST_ABORBAD    48

#define ST_DORMDIR    49
#define ST_RMDIROK    50
#define ST_RMDIRBAD   51

#define NTRIM(n)    ( LTrim( Str( n ) ) )

Function Main()

  local oWin

   TITLE "FTP Test"

   ON INIT FTPTest()

return nil

Static Function FTPTest()

  local oFTP


  oFTP := qFTPClient():New("", 21, {|cMessage| Logfile("logftp.txt", {cMessage})},, ;
      "alex", "secret")

  // oFTP:bAbort := {|| oApp():oFrmmain:lFormClosed}
  oFTP:lPassive := .T.
  if oFTP:Connect()
    MsgInfo("Connection successful to " + oFTP:cServer + CRLF + oFTP:cServerIP + CRLF + oFTP:oSocket:ClientIP())

    if oFTP:Cd("/home/alex")
      MSginfo("Successfully changed dir to /pub")

      if oFTP:Dir()
        Msginfo("Got directory listing")
        //Aeval(oFTP:acDir, {| cDir, nCount | Msginfo(Str(nCount) + " " + cDir)})
        oFTP:Retr("/etc/hosts", "hosts.txt")
        oFTP:Stor("hosts.txt", "hosts.txt")
        oFTP:Rename("hosts.txt", "hosts.backup")
        Msginfo("Directory listing failed!")
      Msginfo("CD to /pub failed!")
    Msginfo("Connect failed!")

return nil



   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
   DATA oSocket, oTrnSocket, oProxy              AS OBJECT, NIL
   DATA oSocket, oTrnSocket, oProxy              AS OBJECT INIT Nil

   DATA cServer, cServerIP, cUser, cPass, cBuffer, cLastCmd, cReply, cDirBuffer, ;
        cDataIP                                  AS String INIT ""

   DATA nPort, nDataPort                         AS NUMERIC INIT 21

   DATA nStatus, nRetrHandle                     AS NUMERIC INIT 0

   DATA bResolving, bResolved, bDump, bAbort, bStorProgress ;
                                                 AS Codeblock INIT Nil

   DATA lResolved, lConnected, lClosed, lSent, lSendFile, lPassive, lSentUser ;
                                                 AS Logical Init .F.

   DATA acDir, acReply                           AS Array

   DATA nRetrFSize, nRetrBRead                   AS NUMERIC INIT 0

   // allow a small delay when uploading (STOR command) data if there's no way to get an acknowledgment from server
   DATA nDelay                                   AS NUMERIC INIT 1

   // allow 30 seconds before we bump out of ::DoWait() to avoid hanging up the system
   // set to 0 if you're pretty confident this won't happen to you :o)
   DATA nTimeOut                                 AS NUMERIC INIT 30

   Method New( cServer, nPort, bDump, bAbort, cUser, cPass, cProxyIP, nProxyPort, cProxyLog ) Constructor

   Method End()

   Method Connect()

   Method OnConnect( oSocket, nWSAError )
   Method OnRead( oSocket, nWSAError )
   Method OnClose( oSocket, nWSAError )

   Method Port( oTransSocket )

   Method CD( cPath )

   Method Pwd()

   Method XfrType( cType )

   Method Stor( cLocal, cRemote, bStorProgess, oMeter, oText )
   Method StorAccept( opSocket, nWSAError, cFile, oMeter, oText ) Hidden
   Method StorClose( oSocket, nWSAError, cFile, oMeter, oText ) Hidden

   Method Dir( cLoc )
   Method DirAccept( opSocket, nWSAError ) Hidden
   Method DirRead( oSocket, nWSAError ) Hidden
   Method DirClose( oSocket, nWSAError ) Hidden

   Method Dump( cMsg )

   Method Quit()
   Method Bye() Inline ::Quit()

   Method DoWait( nState ) Hidden

   Method Del( cFile )

   Method Rename( cFrom, cTo )

   Method MkDir( cDir )

   Method RmDir( cDir )

   Method Retr( cRemote, cLocal, oMeter, oText )
   Method RetrAccept( opSocket, nWSAError, cFile, oMeter, oText ) Hidden
   Method RetrRead( oSocket, nWSAError, cFile, oMeter, oText ) Hidden
   Method RetrClose( oSocket, nWSAError, cFile, oMeter, oText ) Hidden

   Method Abort()

   Method Pasv()


   Creates FTP Object

   Parameters : cServer    : Servername e.g. or
                nPort      : Server FTP Port. Defaults to 21
                bDump      : Codeblock to send all commands sent, and replies received to. Useful for logging, etc.
                bAbort     : Codeblock, which if eval's to True, will abort any current waiting process.
                cUser      : User name to log-in with
                cPass      : Password to log-in with
                cProxyIP   : Optional Proxy IP Address
                nProxyPort : Optional Proxy Port No.
                cProxyLog  : Optional Proxy Logfile
Method New( cServer, nPort, bDump, bAbort, cUser, cPass, ;
   cProxyIP, nProxyPort, cProxyLog ) Class qFTPClient

   Default cServer := "", ;
      nPort  := 21, ;
      bAbort := {|| .F. }, ;
      cUser  := "anonymous", ;
      cPass  := "", ;
      cProxyIP := "", ;
      nProxyPort := 0

   ::cServer := cServer
   ::nPort   := nPort
   ::bAbort  := bAbort
   ::bDump   := bDump

   ::acDir   := {}
   ::acReply := {}

   ::cUser   := cUser
   ::cPass   := cPass

   If Val( cProxyIP ) > 0 .and. nProxyPort > 0
      ::oProxy := TProxy():New( nProxyPort, cProxyIP )
      ::oProxy:lDebug := bDump # Nil
      If cProxyLog # Nil
         ::oProxy:cLogFile := cProxyLog

Return Self

   Internal method to give feedback to caller
Method Dump( cMsg ) Class qFTPClient

   If ValType( ::bDump ) == "B" .and. ValType( cMsg ) == "C"
      Eval( ::bDump, cMsg )

Return Nil

   Logs into the FTP Server, using parameters specified with New Method.
   Returns True or False based on connection success
Method Connect() Class qFTPClient
   Local nReturn
   Local lOK := .F.                              // was .T. - Thanks to Roberto Chiaiese

   ::lResolved := .F.

   ::oSocket := TSocket():New(0)

   If ValType( ::bResolving ) == "B"
      Eval( ::bResolving, Self )

   If IsAlpha( ::cServer )
      ::cServerIP := GetHostByName( AllTrim( ::cServer ) )  // PK Note this hogs the pc for up to 35 seconds if it cannot be resolved
      ::cServerIP := ::cServer

   If ::lResolved := Val( ::cServerIP ) > 0

      ::oSocket:bConnect := {|o,n| ::OnConnect( o, n ) }  // lkm - see adjustment to TSocket class
      ::oSocket:bRead    := {|o,n| ::OnRead( o, n ) }
      ::oSocket:bClose   := {|o,n| ::OnClose( o, n ) }

      ::nStatus := ST_CONNECTING
      Memory(-1)                                 // cleanup memory when connecting frequently
      ::oSocket:Connect( ::cServerIP, ::nPort )

      ::DoWait( ST_CONNECTING )

      lOK := ::nStatus == ST_CONNECTED
      If ValType( ::bResolved ) == "B"
         Eval( ::bResolved, Self )


Return lOk

   Internal method to handle connection established.
   Note it only checks for a bad connection. The rest is done by OnRead
Method OnConnect( oSocket, nWSAError ) Class qFTPClient

   If Val( oSocket:ClientIP() ) == 0
      ::lConnected := .F.
      ::nStatus := ST_CONNECTERR

Return Nil

   Internal method to handle data received by control socket
Method OnRead( oSocket, nWSAError ) Class qFTPClient
   Local cData := ""
   Local nPos  := 0, nPos1, nPos2
   Local cCmd  := ""

   cData := oSocket:GetData()

   ::cBuffer += cData

   Do While ( nPos := At( CRLF, ::cBuffer ) ) > 0 .and. ! Eval( ::bAbort )
      AAdd( ::acReply, Left( ::cBuffer, nPos - 1 ) )
      ::cBuffer := SubStr( ::cBuffer, nPos + 2 )

   AEval( ::acReply, {|cReply| ::Dump( "R:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":" + cReply ) } )
   If Len( ::acReply ) > 0 .and. ;
         Val( Left( ATail( ::acReply ), 3 ) ) > 0 .and. ;  // i.e. skip stuff like:
         SubStr( ATail( ::acReply ), 4, 1 ) == " "         // "230-" or " ***"

      // Full reply received
      ::cReply := ATail( ::acReply )
      cCmd := Left( ::cReply, 3 )                // Left( ::acReply[1], 3 ) <<- caused a ton of problems!

      Do Case
      Case cCmd == "530" .or. ;                  // Login incorrect. [or other error]
            ::nStatus == ST_CLOSED .or. ::nStatus == ST_CONNECTERR
         ::nStatus := ST_DOQUIT
         ::lConnected := .F.

      Case ::nStatus == ST_CONNECTING
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "220"                      // Ready for user| ProFTPD 1.2.2rc1 Server (ProFTPD) [n.n.n.n]
            ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":USER *************" )  // + AllTrim( ::cUser )
            oSocket:SendData( "USER " + AllTrim( ::cUser ) + CRLF )
            ::lSentUser := .T.
         Case cCmd == "331"                      // Password required for ::cUser.
            ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":PASS *************" )
            oSocket:SendData( "PASS " + AllTrim( ::cPass ) + CRLF )
         Case cCmd == "230"                      // User ::cUser logged in.
            ::nStatus := ST_CONNECTED
            ::lConnected := .T.
            ::nStatus := ST_CONNECTERR

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DOCWD
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "250"                      // CWD command successful.
            ::nStatus := ST_DONECWD
            ::nStatus := ST_CWDERROR

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DOQUIT
         ::lConnected := .F.
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "221" .or. cCmd == "530"   // Goodbye.
            ::nStatus := ST_QUITOK
            ::nStatus := ST_QUITBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DODELETE
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "250"                      // DEL command successful.
            ::nStatus := ST_DELETEOK
            ::nStatus := ST_DELETEBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DOPWD
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "257"                      // PWD command successful.
            ::nStatus := ST_DONEPWD
            ::nStatus := ST_PWDERROR

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DOPORT
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "200"                      // OK
            ::nStatus := ST_PORTOK
            ::nStatus := ST_PORTBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DOTYPE
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "200"                      // Type set to x.
            ::nStatus := ST_TYPEOK
            ::nStatus := ST_TYPEBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DOSTOR
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "150"
            ::nStatus := ST_STOROK
            ::lSendFile := .T.
            ::nStatus := ST_STORBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_STOROK
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "226"                      // OK
            ::nStatus := ST_STORDONE
            ::nStatus := ST_STORBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DOPASV
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "227"                      // Entering Passive Mode (n,n,n,n,m,m).
            ::nStatus := ST_PASVOK
            ::nStatus := ST_PASVBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DODIR
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "150"                      // Opening ASCII mode data connection for [file list]
            ::nStatus := ST_DIROK
         Case cCmd == "125"                      // Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
            ::nStatus := ST_DIROK                // some ftp servers return 125 instead of 150
            ::nStatus := ST_DIRBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DIROK .or. ::nStatus == ST_DIRREADY
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "226"                      // Transfer complete.
            ::nStatus := ST_DIRDONE
            ::nStatus := ST_DIRBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DORETR
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "150"                      // Opening BINARY mode data connection for cFile (nnnnn bytes).
            If ::nRetrBRead == 0                 // in case it jumped the gun (with small files sometimes ST_RETRDONE jumps the gun and file has already arrived!)
               nPos1 := At( "(", ::cReply )
               nPos2 := At( " bytes)", ::cReply )
               ::nRetrFSize := Val( SubStr( ::cReply, nPos1 + 1, nPos2 - nPos1 - 1 ) )
            ::nStatus := ST_RETROK
         Case cCmd == "125"                      // command 150 never received, therefore we don't know the size of the file being retrieved
            If ::nRetrFSize == 0                 // horrible hack, but it's the only
               ::nRetrFSize := 1                 // way around this (for the time being)
            ::nStatus := ST_RETROK
         Otherwise                               // a 550 means No such file or directory
            ::nStatus := ST_RETRBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_RETROK .or. ::nStatus == ST_RETRDONE
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "226"                      // Transfer complete.
            ::nStatus := ST_RETRDONE
            ::nStatus := ST_RETRBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DORENFROM
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "350"
            ::nStatus := ST_RENFROMOK
            ::nStatus := ST_RENFROMBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DORENTO
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "250"
            ::nStatus := ST_RENTOOK
            ::nStatus := ST_RENTOBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DOMKDIR
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "257"                      // OK
            ::nStatus := ST_MKDIROK
            ::nStatus := ST_MKDIRBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DOABOR
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "426"                      // Data connection closed, file transfer cFile aborted.
            ::nStatus := ST_DOABOR               // stay put for successful reply from server
         Case cCmd == "225" .or. cCmd == "226"   // ABOR command successful.
            ::nStatus := ST_ABOROK
            ::nStatus := ST_ABORBAD

      Case ::nStatus == ST_DORMDIR
         Do Case
         Case cCmd == "250"                      // OK
            ::nStatus := ST_RMDIROK
            ::nStatus := ST_RMDIRBAD

         ::Dump( "E:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Unknown exception on cmd " + ::cReply )


   ::acReply := {}

Return Nil

   Used to get directory listing.
   cLoc Parameter gives dir spec.
   Returns true or false based on success
   When True. Data var acDir will hold dir listing as returned by server.
Method Dir( cLoc ) CLASS qFTPClient
   Local lOK       := .T.
   Local cPort     := ""
   Local nPos      := 0
   Local cLine     := ""
   Local cSepChar  := ""

   Default cLoc := ""

   ::acDir := {}
   ::cDirBuffer := ""

   ::oTrnSocket := TSocket():New(0)

   If ! ::lPassive
      cPort := ::Port( ::oTrnSocket )

      ::oTrnSocket:bAccept := {|o,n| ::DirAccept( o, n ) }

      ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Listening on port " + NTRIM( ::oTrnSocket:nPort ) )

      ::nStatus := ST_DOPORT
      ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":" + cPort )
      ::oSocket:SendData( cPort + CRLF )

      ::DoWait( ST_DOPORT )
      lOK := ::nStatus == ST_PORTOK
      If ::Pasv()
         If lOK := ::nDataPort > 0
            ::oTrnSocket:bConnect := {|o,n| ::DirAccept( o, n ) }
            ::oTrnSocket:bRead    := {|o,n| ::DirRead( o, n ) }
            ::oTrnSocket:bClose   := {|o,n| ::DirClose( o, n ) }
            ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Connecting on IP:port " + ::cDataIP + ":" + NTRIM( ::nDataPort ) )
            Memory(-1)                           // cleanup memory when connecting frequently
            ::oTrnSocket:Connect( ::cDataIP, ::nDataPort )

   If lOK
      ::nStatus := ST_DODIR
      ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":LIST " + AllTrim( cLoc ) )
      ::oSocket:SendData( "LIST " + AllTrim( cLoc ) + CRLF )

      ::DoWait( ST_DODIR )
      ::DoWait( ST_DIROK )

      If lOK := ::nStatus == ST_DIRDONE
         ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Interpreting dir listing" )
         cSepChar := CRLF
         nPos := At( cSepChar, ::cDirBuffer )
         If nPos == 0
            If ! Empty( ::cDirBuffer )  // single line, just one file, THEREFORE there won't be any CRLF's!
               ::cDirBuffer += CRLF
               cSepChar := Chr(10)
            nPos := At( cSepChar, ::cDirBuffer )
         ::acDir := {}
         Do While nPos > 0 .and. ! Eval( ::bAbort )
            cLine := AllTrim( Left( ::cDirBuffer, nPos - 1 ) )
            ::cDirBuffer := SubStr( ::cDirBuffer, nPos + Len( cSepChar ) )
            cLine := AllTrim( StrTran( cLine, Chr(0), "" ) )

            If( ! Empty( cLine ), AAdd( ::acDir, cLine ), Nil )

            nPos := At( cSepChar, ::cDirBuffer )
         lOk := ! Empty( ::acDir )
         ::nStatus := ST_DIRREADY
         SysWait( ::nDelay )                     // allow time for server to respond

   If ::oTrnSocket # Nil
      ::oTrnSocket := Nil

Return lOK

   Internal method to manage directory socket
Method DirAccept( opSocket, nWSAError ) Class qFTPClient
   Local oSocket

   If ! ::lPassive
      oSocket := TSocket():Accept( opSocket:nSocket )
      oSocket:bRead  := {|o,n| ::DirRead( o, n ) }
      oSocket:bClose := {|o,n| ::DirClose( o, n ) }
   ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":LIST data connection established" )

Return Nil

   Internal method to manage directory socket
Method DirRead( oSocket, nWSAError ) Class qFTPClient
   Local cData := oSocket:GetData()

   ::cDirBuffer += cData
   ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":LIST data received" )

Return Nil

   Internal method to manage directory socket
Method DirClose( oSocket, nWSAError ) Class qFTPClient

   ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":LIST data socket closed:" + CRLF + ::cDirBuffer )
   ::nStatus := ST_DIRDONE

Return Nil

   Internal method to handle socket closed by server
Method OnClose( oSocket, nWSAError ) Class qFTPClient

   ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Server closed down" )
   ::lClosed := .T.
   ::nStatus := ST_CLOSED
   If ValType( ::oSocket ) == "O"
      ::oSocket := Nil

   If ValType( ::oTrnSocket ) == "O"
      ::oTrnSocket := Nil

Return Nil

Kills connections
Method End() Class qFTPClient

   If ValType( ::oSocket ) == "O"
      ::oSocket := Nil

   If ValType( ::oTrnSocket ) == "O"
      ::oTrnSocket := Nil

   If ValType( ::oProxy ) == "O"
      ::oProxy := Nil

Return Nil

   Internal method to obtain unused port no. for data connections.
METHOD Port( oTransSocket ) Class qFTPClient
   Local cIP := GetIP( ::oSocket:nSocket )
   Local nPort
   Local cPort
   Local cComplement

   BindToPort( oTransSocket:nSocket, 0 )         // Get a free port from 1024 - 5000

   nPort       := GetPort( oTransSocket:nSocket )
   cPort       := AllTrim( Str( Int( nPort / 256 ), 3 ) )
   cComplement := AllTrim( Str( Int( nPort % 256 ), 3 ) )

   oTransSocket:nPort := nPort

Return "PORT " + StrTran( AllTrim( StrTran( cIP, ".", "," ) ) + ;
   "," + cPort + "," + cComplement, " ", "" )

   Change directory on FTP Server.
   Returns True or False based on success
Method CD( cPath ) Class qFTPClient
   Local lOK := .T.

   ::nStatus := ST_DOCWD
   ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":CWD " + cPath )
   ::oSocket:SendData( "CWD " + cPath + CRLF )
   ::DoWait( ST_DOCWD )

   lOK := ::nStatus == ST_DONECWD

Return lOK

   Used internally to set Binary transfer mode for transfers
Method XfrType( cType ) Class qFTPClient
   Local lOK := .T.

   Default cType := "I"

   ::nStatus := ST_DOTYPE
   ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":TYPE " + cType )
   ::oSocket:SendData( "TYPE " + cType + CRLF )
   ::DoWait( ST_DOTYPE )

   lOK := ::nStatus == ST_TYPEOK

Return lOK

   Used to store files on server.
   Parameters : cLocal        : Local File to send
                cRemote       : Location to store file remotely
                bStorProgess  : Codeblock to get percent complete
                oMeter        : Meter object progress bar [optional]
                oText         : Say object used with meter object to display bytes processed [optional]
   Returns True or False based on success
Method Stor( cLocal, cRemote, bStorProgress, oMeter, oText ) Class qFTPClient
   Local cRemFile  := ""
   Local nPos      := 0
   Local cPort     := ""
   Local lOK       := .T.

   Default cRemote := "", ;
           bStorProgress := {|| Nil }

   ::bStorProgress := bStorProgress

   ::lSendFile := .F.
   If Empty( cRemote )
      If ( nPos := RAt( "\", cLocal ) ) > 0
         cRemFile := SubStr( cLocal, nPos + 1 )
         cRemFile := cLocal
      cRemFile := cRemote

   If oMeter # Nil
      oMeter:cargo := .T.                        // cancel button available while download in progress

   ::XfrType( "I" )
   ::DoWait( ST_DOTYPE )

   ::oTrnSocket := TSocket():New(0)

   If lOK := ::nStatus == ST_TYPEOK

      If ! ::lPassive
         cPort := ::Port( ::oTrnSocket )
         ::oTrnSocket:bAccept := {|o,n| ::StorAccept( o, n, cLocal, oMeter, oText ) }
         ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Listening on port " + NTRIM( ::oTrnSocket:nPort ) )

         ::nStatus := ST_DOPORT
         ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":" + cPort )
         ::oSocket:SendData( cPort + CRLF )

         ::DoWait( ST_DOPORT )
         lOK := ::nStatus == ST_PORTOK
         If ::Pasv()
            If lOK := ::nDataPort > 0
               ::oTrnSocket:bConnect := {|o,n| ::StorAccept( o, n, cLocal, oMeter, oText ) }
               ::oTrnSocket:bClose   := {|o,n| ::StorClose( o, n, cLocal, oMeter, oText ) }
               ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Connecting on IP:port " + ::cDataIP + ":" + NTRIM( ::nDataPort ) )
               Memory(-1)                        // cleanup memory when connecting frequently
               ::oTrnSocket:Connect( ::cDataIP, ::nDataPort )

   If lOk
      ::nStatus := ST_DOSTOR
      ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":STOR " + cRemFile )
      ::oSocket:SendData( "STOR " + cRemFile + CRLF )

      ::DoWait( ST_DOSTOR )
      ::DoWait( ST_STOROK )

      lOK := ::nStatus == ST_STORDONE

   If ::oTrnSocket # Nil
      ::oTrnSocket := Nil

Return lOK

   Internal method to manage file store socket
Method StorAccept( opSocket, nWSAError, cFile, oMeter, oText ) Class qFTPClient
   Local oSocket
   Local hFile   := 0
   Local cBuffer := ""
   Local nSent   := 0
   Local nTotal  := 0
   Local lClosed := .F.
   Local nNow    := 0
   Local nSize

   If ! ::lPassive
      oSocket := TSocket():Accept( opSocket:nSocket )
      oSocket:bClose := {|o,n| ::StorClose( o, n, cFile, oMeter, oText ), lClosed := .T. }
      oSocket := opSocket

   Do While ! ::lSendFile .and. ! ::lClosed .and. ! Eval( ::bAbort )

   If ::lSendFile
      ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":STOR data connection established" )

      nNow := Seconds()
      If ( hFile := FOpen( cFile ) ) > 0
         nSize := Directory( cFile )[1,F_SIZE]
         ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Uploading " + cFile + ", " + NTRIM( nSize ) + " bytes in size" )
         If oMeter # Nil
            oMeter:Set(0)                        // reset
            oMeter:SetTotal( nSize )             // set bar length
         cBuffer := Space( BLOCK_SIZE )
         Do While .T.
            nSent := FRead( hFile, @cBuffer, BLOCK_SIZE )
            oSocket:SendData( Left( cBuffer, nSent ) )
            nTotal += nSent
            If ::nDelay > 0
               SysWait( ::nDelay )               // this is trial and error... I'm using 0.5 to 1.5; default is 1.0

            Eval( ::bStorProgress, Round( nTotal / nSize * 100, 2 ) )  // left for compatibility with original class
            If( oMeter # Nil, oMeter:Set( nTotal ), Nil )
            If( oText # Nil, oText:SetText( cFile + ": " + NTRIM( nTotal ) + " bytes uploaded..." ), Nil )

            If nSent < BLOCK_SIZE .or. lClosed .or. ::nStatus == ST_STORBAD .or. Eval( ::bAbort )
            If ::nDelay == 0

         FClose( hFile )
         ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":" + NTRIM( nTotal ) + " bytes of file sent in " + LTrim( Str( Seconds() - nNow, 16, 2 ) ) + " seconds" )
         ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Waiting for acknowledgement" )

         ::Dump( "E:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":FOpen() failed with file " + cFile + " DOS Error #" + NTRIM( FError() ) )

Return Nil

   Internal method to manage file store socket
Method StorClose( oSocket, nWSAError, cFile, oMeter, oText ) Class qFTPClient

   If oMeter # Nil
      oMeter:cargo := .F.                        // cancel button not available anymore
   ::lSendFile := .F.
   If ::nStatus == ST_DOABOR .or. ::nStatus == ST_ABOROK .or. ;
         ::nStatus == ST_ABORBAD .or. ::nStatus == ST_STORBAD
      ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":STOR data aborted" )
      ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":STOR data completed :-)" )
      ::nStatus := ST_STORDONE

Return Nil

   Close FTP Connection
Method Quit() Class qFTPClient

   ::nStatus := ST_DOQUIT
   ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":QUIT" )
   ::oSocket:SendData( "QUIT" + CRLF )

   ::DoWait( ST_DOQUIT )

Return .T.

   Get current directory on FTP Server
   Returns True or False based on success
Method Pwd() Class qFTPClient
   Local cRetVal := ""
   Local nPos := ""
   Local cReply

   ::nStatus := ST_DOPWD
   ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":PWD" )
   ::oSocket:SendData( "PWD" + CRLF )

   ::DoWait( ST_DOPWD )

   cReply := ::cReply
   nPos := At( '"', cReply )
   cReply := SubStr( cReply, nPos + 1 )

   nPos := At( '"', cReply )
   cReply := SubStr( cReply, 1, nPos - 1 )
   cRetVal := cReply

Return cRetVal

   Delete file (cFile of server)
   Will return Success True or False
Method Del( cFile ) Class qFTPClient
   Local lOK := .T.

   Default cFile := ""

   ::nStatus := ST_DODELETE

   If lOK := ! Empty( cFile )
      ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":DELE " + cFile )
      ::oSocket:SendData( "DELE " + cFile + CRLF )

      ::DoWait( ST_DODELETE )

      lOK := ::nStatus == ST_DELETEOK

Return lOK

   Rename file on server
   Parameters : cFrom  : Source file
                cTo    : Target file
   Will return Success True or False
Method Rename( cFrom, cTo ) Class qFTPClient
   Local lOK := .F.

   Default cFrom := "", ;
           cTo   := ""

   If lOK := ! Empty( cFrom ) .and. ! Empty( cTo )
      ::nStatus := ST_DORENFROM
      ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":RNFR " + cFrom )
      ::oSocket:SendData( "RNFR " + cFrom + CRLF )

      ::DoWait( ST_DORENFROM )

      If lOK := ::nStatus == ST_RENFROMOK
         ::nStatus := ST_DORENTO
         ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":RNTO " + cTo )
         ::oSocket:SendData( "RNTO " + cTo + CRLF )

         ::DoWait( ST_DORENTO )

         lOK := ::nStatus == ST_RENTOOK

Return lOk

   Create a directory
Method MkDir( cDir ) Class qFTPClient
   Local lOK := .T.

   ::nStatus := ST_DOMKDIR
   ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":MKD " + cDir )
   ::oSocket:SendData( "MKD " + cDir + CRLF )

   ::DoWait( ST_DOMKDIR )

   lOK := ::nStatus == ST_MKDIROK

Return lOK

   Remove a directory
Method RmDir( cDir ) Class qFTPClient
   Local lOK := .T.

   ::nStatus := ST_DORMDIR
   ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":RMD " + cDir )
   ::oSocket:SendData( "RMD " + cDir + CRLF )

   ::DoWait( ST_DORMDIR )

   lOK := ::nStatus == ST_RMDIROK

Return lOK

   Retrieve file from server.
   Parameters : cRemote  : Remote file name
                cLocal   : Local file name
                oMeter   : Meter object progress bar [optional]
                oText    : Say object used with meter object to display bytes processed [optional]
Method Retr( cRemote, cLocal, oMeter, oText ) Class qFTPClient
   Local lOK   := .T.
   Local cPort := ""
   Local nPos  := 0
   Local cLine := ""
   Local nNow  := 0

   nPos := RAt( "/", cRemote )
   If nPos == 0
      Default cLocal := cRemote
      Default cLocal := SubStr( cRemote, nPos + 1 )

   If oMeter # Nil
      oMeter:cargo := .T.                        // cancel button available while download in progress

   ::nRetrHandle := FCreate( cLocal )
   If lOK := ( ::nRetrHandle > 0 )

      ::XfrType( "I" )
      ::DoWait( ST_DOTYPE )

      If lOK := ::nStatus == ST_TYPEOK
         ::oTrnSocket := TSocket():New(0)
         If ! ::lPassive
            cPort := ::Port( ::oTrnSocket )

            ::oTrnSocket:bAccept := {|o,n| ::RetrAccept( o, n, cRemote, oMeter, oText ) }

            ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Listening on port " + NTRIM( ::oTrnSocket:nPort ) )

            ::nStatus := ST_DOPORT
            ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":" + cPort )
            ::oSocket:SendData( cPort + CRLF )

            ::DoWait( ST_DOPORT )
            lOK := ::nStatus == ST_PORTOK
            If ::Pasv()
               If lOK := ::nDataPort > 0
                  ::oTrnSocket:bConnect := {|o,n| ::RetrAccept( o, n, cRemote, oMeter, oText ) }
                  ::oTrnSocket:bRead    := {|o,n| ::RetrRead( o, n, cRemote, oMeter, oText ) }
                  ::oTrnSocket:bClose   := {|o,n| ::RetrClose( o, n, cRemote, oMeter, oText ) }
                  ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Connecting on IP:port " + ::cDataIP + ":" + NTRIM( ::nDataPort ) )
                  Memory(-1)                     // cleanup memory when connecting frequently
                  ::oTrnSocket:Connect( ::cDataIP, ::nDataPort )
      ::Dump( "E:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":FCreate() failed with file " + cLocal + " DOS Error #" + NTRIM( FError() ) )

   If lOK
      ::nRetrBRead := 0                          // initialize here, not in ::OnRead()
      ::nStatus := ST_DORETR
      ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":RETR " + cRemote )
      ::oSocket:SendData( "RETR " + cRemote + CRLF )

      ::DoWait( ST_DORETR )
      Do While ::nRetrBRead < ::nRetrFSize .and. ;  // stay put until file fully downloaded so it won't be truncated
            ! ::nRetrHandle == 0 .and. ! ::lClosed .and. ! Eval( ::bAbort ) .and. ;
            ! ::nStatus == ST_RETRBAD            // this is case the file was not found: 550 ?????.???: No such file or directory
      ::DoWait( ST_RETROK )

      lOK := ::nStatus == ST_RETRDONE
      SysWait( ::nDelay )                        // allow time for server to respond

   If ::oTrnSocket # Nil
      ::oTrnSocket := Nil

Return lOK

   Internal method to manage file retrieval socket
Method RetrAccept( opSocket, nWSAError, cFile, oMeter, oText ) Class qFTPClient
   Local oSocket

   If ! ::lPassive
      oSocket := TSocket():Accept( opSocket:nSocket )
      oSocket:bRead  := {|o,n| ::RetrRead( o, n, cFile, oMeter, oText ) }
      oSocket:bClose := {|o,n| ::RetrClose( o, n, cFile, oMeter, oText ) }
   ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":RETR data connection established" )

Return Nil

   Internal method to manage file retrieval socket
Method RetrRead( oSocket, nWSAError, cFile, oMeter, oText ) Class qFTPClient
   Local cData := oSocket:GetData()

   If ::nRetrHandle > 0
      If ::nRetrBRead == 0 .and. oMeter # Nil
         oMeter:Set(0)                           // reset
         oMeter:SetTotal( ::nRetrFSize )         // set bar length
      FWrite( ::nRetrHandle, cData )
      ::nRetrBRead += Len( cData )
      If( oMeter # Nil, oMeter:Set( ::nRetrBRead ), Nil )
      If( oText # Nil, oText:SetText( cFile + ": " + NTRIM( ::nRetrBRead ) + " bytes downloaded..." ), Nil )
      //::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Bytes retrieved " + NTRIM( ::nRetrBRead ) + " out of " + NTRIM( ::nRetrFSize ) )

Return Nil

   Internal method to manage file retrieval socket
   Note: When retrieving very small files, the file might already be downloaded
         before ::nRetrFSize can even be initialized (cmd 150). So it's OK if it's ZERO
Method RetrClose( oSocket, nWSAError, cFile, oMeter, oText ) Class qFTPClient

   If oMeter # Nil
      oMeter:cargo := .F.                        // cancel button not available anymore
   FClose( ::nRetrHandle )
   ::nRetrHandle := 0
   If ::nStatus == ST_DOABOR .or. ::nStatus == ST_ABOROK .or. ;
         ::nStatus == ST_ABORBAD .or. ::nStatus == ST_RETRBAD
      ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":RETR data aborted" )
      ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":RETR data completed" + If( ::nRetrBRead < ::nRetrFSize, ;
         ", but file truncated by " + NTRIM( ::nRetrFSize - ::nRetrBRead ) + " bytes :-(", " :-)" ) )
      // this should avoid the occasional hanging in ::DoWait()
      ::nStatus := If( ::nRetrFSize == 0 .or. ::nRetrBRead >= ::nRetrFSize, ST_RETRDONE, ST_RETRBAD )

Return Nil

   Cancel any transfer/command in progress.
   Called by class if bAbort block evals to true in wait state.
Method Abort() Class qFTPClient
   Local lOK := .T., nStatus := ::nStatus, bAbort := ::bAbort

   ::bAbort := {|| .F. }                         // avoid nested calls to ::Abort()
   ::nStatus := ST_DOABOR
   ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":ABOR while on " + NTRIM( nStatus ) )
   ::oSocket:SendData( "ABOR" + CRLF )

   ::DoWait( ST_DOABOR )

   lOK := ::nStatus == ST_ABOROK
   ::bAbort := bAbort                            // restore abort codeblock

Return lOK

   Switch next transfer to passive mode
Method Pasv() Class qFTPClient
   Local cReply := ""
   Local nPos   := 0

   ::nStatus := ST_DOPASV
   ::Dump( "S:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":PASV" )
   ::oSocket:SendData( "PASV" + CRLF )

   ::DoWait( ST_DOPASV )

   If ::lPassive := ::nStatus == ST_PASVOK
      cReply := ::cReply
      nPos := At( "(", cReply )
      cReply := SubStr( cReply, nPos + 1 )

      nPos := At( ")", cReply )
      cReply := Left( cReply, nPos - 1 )

      ::cDataIP := StrToken( cReply, 1, "," ) + "."
      ::cDataIP += StrToken( cReply, 2, "," ) + "."
      ::cDataIP += StrToken( cReply, 3, "," ) + "."
      ::cDataIP += StrToken( cReply, 4, "," )

      ::nDataPort := 0
      ::nDataPort += 256 * Val( StrToken( cReply, 5, "," ) )
      ::nDataPort += Val( StrToken( cReply, 6, "," ) )
      ::Dump( "I:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Server has opened connection on port " + NTRIM( ::nDataPort ) + " - IP:" + ::cDataIP )

Return ::lPassive

   Internal method to wait for responses from server.
Method DoWait( nState ) Class qFTPClient
   Local nStart := Seconds()

   Do While ::nStatus == nState .and. ! ::lClosed .and. ! Eval( ::bAbort )
      If ::nTimeOut > 0 .and. Seconds() - nStart > ::nTimeOut
         ::Dump( "E:" + NTRIM( ::nStatus ) + ":Timed out waiting for state " + NTRIM( nState ) + " to finish" )

   If nState # ST_DOABOR .and. Eval( ::bAbort )

Return Nil

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Postby JmGarcia » Tue May 29, 2007 3:37 pm

¿ Alguna clase TELNET ?
Mi abuelo decía: Los aviones vuelan porque Dios quiere, y los helicópteros ni Dios sabe porque vuelan.
FWH 16.02, xHarbour 1.2.3, Harbour 3.2.0, WorkShop 4.5, AJ Make 0.30, Borlan BCC 7.00, VisualStudio 2013
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Postby Biel EA6DD » Wed May 30, 2007 7:24 am

Hola JM, tengo una implementacion muy basica para Telnet, si no necesitas emulacion de terminal VT100 ,VTxxx puede valerte, sino tendrias que desarrollar el modulo para interpretar las secuencias de escape.
Mandame un privado si te interesa lo que tengo hecho, soy Gabriel de Mallorca.

Un saludo
Saludos desde Mallorca
Biel Maimó
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Postby JmGarcia » Wed May 30, 2007 8:39 am

Biel EA6DD wrote:...tengo una implementacion muy basica para Telnet...

Igual me sirve.

No quiero un cliente telnet a lo bestia sino que me permita utilizar comandos.
Por ejemplo quiero entrar en una maquina Sun con Solaris 8 y pedirle cuales son sus interfaces de red.
Para ello me basta con ejecutar el comando ifconfig -a > /tmp/Interfaces.txt
Posteriormente con FTP me traigo el fichero "/tmp/Interfaces.txt".
Quien dice ese comando pues cualquier comando de Unix-Solaris 8.
Las posibilidades se me antojan infinitas... tirar procesos, arrancar servicios... etc ...

Muchas gracias por tu ofrecimiento.
Mi abuelo decía: Los aviones vuelan porque Dios quiere, y los helicópteros ni Dios sabe porque vuelan.
FWH 16.02, xHarbour 1.2.3, Harbour 3.2.0, WorkShop 4.5, AJ Make 0.30, Borlan BCC 7.00, VisualStudio 2013
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Postby JmGarcia » Thu May 31, 2007 4:26 pm

Biel EA6DD no necesitas emulacion de terminal VT100 ,VTxxx puede valerte...

Pues precisamente necesito VT100.
Por lo que he podido comprobar con un cliente telnet (el de windows) y un sniffer Ethereal y Analyzer que desde que se establece la conexion TCPIP hasta que aparece la peticion de login pues hay como unos 4 o 5 mensajes de intercambio entre el cliente y el servidor con valores no ASCII y que entre ellos he visto la palabra VT100 pero el resto de cosas son indescifrables...
Lo tengo crudo... hare con el FTP lo que pueda y del TELNET pues eso... socooorrrroooooooooo... :wink:
Gracias a todos.
Seguire dando la coña :lol:
Mi abuelo decía: Los aviones vuelan porque Dios quiere, y los helicópteros ni Dios sabe porque vuelan.
FWH 16.02, xHarbour 1.2.3, Harbour 3.2.0, WorkShop 4.5, AJ Make 0.30, Borlan BCC 7.00, VisualStudio 2013
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Postby JmGarcia » Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:02 am

Pues investigando podria salir del apuro con el RemoteShell (rsh.exe)
Puedo poner en un ventana de MS-DOS esto: rsh <host> -l <usuario> ifconfig -a y me contesta con el resultado del comando.
Pero esto es en una ventana MS-DOS.
No puedo redireccionar (>) ya que eso supondria que es parte del comando unix.
¿ Hay alguna forma de hacerse con el TEXTO que hay en una ventana MS-DOS ?
¿ Tenemos alguna clase RSH (Remote Shell) ?

Mi abuelo decía: Los aviones vuelan porque Dios quiere, y los helicópteros ni Dios sabe porque vuelan.
FWH 16.02, xHarbour 1.2.3, Harbour 3.2.0, WorkShop 4.5, AJ Make 0.30, Borlan BCC 7.00, VisualStudio 2013
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Postby Marcelo Via Giglio » Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:30 pm


si lo que deseas es tener simplemente informacion del equipo con UNIX, crea un servidor
con PERL en el unix en un determinado puerto y los dejas como servicio del unix, luego desde tu programa en FW con socket te conectas con el y te pasa la informacion que necesitas.

Claro lo complicado aqui es que tendrias que poner este servicio en cada equipo unix

Solor es una idea


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Postby JmGarcia » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:43 pm

Marcelo Via Giglio wrote:...Claro lo complicado aqui es que tendrias que poner este servicio en cada equipo unix...

No solo eso, sino que no soy el "amo" de los equipos y tienen lo que tiene y solo me dan login y pass...
Con "Remote Shell" seria feliz :roll: (remote shel de FW, jejeje)
Mi abuelo decía: Los aviones vuelan porque Dios quiere, y los helicópteros ni Dios sabe porque vuelan.
FWH 16.02, xHarbour 1.2.3, Harbour 3.2.0, WorkShop 4.5, AJ Make 0.30, Borlan BCC 7.00, VisualStudio 2013
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Postby JmGarcia » Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:29 am

Bueno, pues al final lo he solucionado con el REMOTE SHELL.
Las maquinas Unix a las que "ataco" para pedir datos lo tiene activado.
Entonces con el comando rsh de windows (el MS-DOS nunca muere) y la consola cmd hago lo siguiente.

Code: Select all  Expand view
function main()
local oShell:=TOleAuto():New("WScript.Shell")
oShell:Run("cmd /K rsh -l usuario ifconfig -a > tmp.txt & exit",0,.F.)
MagInfo(Memoread("tmp.txt")) // Visualiza las IPs de las tarjetas de red de la maquina Unix
return nil

Para que la pantalla de MS-DOS no aparezca al metodo :Run se le pasa los parametros "0,.T.".
Mi abuelo decía: Los aviones vuelan porque Dios quiere, y los helicópteros ni Dios sabe porque vuelan.
FWH 16.02, xHarbour 1.2.3, Harbour 3.2.0, WorkShop 4.5, AJ Make 0.30, Borlan BCC 7.00, VisualStudio 2013
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