Buscando funciones/propiedades...

Buscando funciones/propiedades...

Postby Xevi » Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:04 am

Estoy buscando alguna función/propiedad...

Si bien oWnd:nWidth da el ancho de una ventana, saber el ancho de la zona (ya que los bordes son distintos para segun SO W98, XP, 2003, W10...)
ClientWidth() //Ancho
Tambien el alto de la zona de una ventana/diálogo
ClientHeight() //Alto

:SetSize( 800, 600 )
Su ancho/alto disponible para uso (para entendernos) no serà de 800 para ancho, ni el alto de 600... hay que descontar los anchos de los bordes, y en el caso el alto de la barra de titulo... y si hay un menu, el alto del menu.

¿Como "anclar" controles a una WINDOW, y que esos mismos canvien de alto por ejemplo.?
Quiero que una ExplBar ocupe TODO el alt de la WINDOW principal, y que esta, si se redimensiona, se ajuste automáticamente a su alto.
Tengo que controlar yo el RESIZE de la WINDOW y decirle que cambie el alto o hay alguna manera de "anclar" ese control TExploreBar a la WINDOW en su medida alto???

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Re: Buscando funciones/propiedades...

Postby cuatecatl82 » Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:25 pm

Saludos, talves te sirva la función GETSYSMETRICS(N)


Retrieves the system metrics

GetSysMetrics( <nIndex> ) --> nValue

<nIndex> System measurement to retrieve. Puede ser uno de los siguientes valores.

SM_CXBORDER 5 Width of window frame that cannot be sized.
SM_CXCURSOR 13 Width of cursor.
SM_CXDLGFRAME 7 Width of frame when window has the WS_DLGFRAME style.
SM_CXDOUBLECLK 36 Width of the rectangle around the location of the first click in a double-click sequence.
SM_CXFRAME 32 Width of window frame that can be sized.
SM_CXFULLSCREEN 16 Width of window client area for a full-screen window.
SM_CXHSCROLL 21 Width of arrow bitmap on a horizontal scroll bar.
SM_CXHTHUMB 10 Width of scroll box (thumb) on horizontal scroll bar.
SM_CXICON 11 Width of icon.
SM_CXICONSPACING 38 Width of rectangles the system uses to position tiled icons.
SM_CXMIN 28 Minimum width of window.
SM_CXMINTRACK 34 Minimum tracking width of window.
SM_CXSCREEN 0 Width of screen.
SM_CXSIZE 30 Width of bitmaps contained in the title bar.
SM_CXVSCROLL 2 Width of arrow bitmap on a vertical scroll bar.
SM_CYBORDER 6 Height of window frame that cannot be sized.
SM_CYCAPTION 4 Height of window title. This is the title height plus the height of the window frame that cannot be sized (SM_CYBORDER).
SM_CYCURSOR 14 Height of cursor.
SM_CYDLGFRAME 8 Height of frame when window has the WS_DLGFRAME style.
SM_CYDOUBLECLK 37 Height of the rectangle around the location of the first click in a double-click sequence.
SM_CYFRAME 33 Height of window frame that can be sized.
SM_CYFULLSCREEN 17 Height of window client area for a full-screen window (equivalent to the height of the screen minus the height of the window title).
SM_CYHSCROLL 3 Height of arrow bitmap on a horizontal scroll bar.
SM_CYICON 12 Height of icon.
SM_CYICONSPACING 39 Height of rectangles the system uses to position tiled icons.
SM_CYKANJIWINDOW 18 Height of Kanji window.
SM_CYMENU 15 Height of single-line menu bar. This is the menu height minus the height of the window frame that cannot be sized (SM_CYBORDER
SM_CYMIN 29 Minimum height of window.
SM_CYMINTRACK 35 Minimum tracking height of window.
SM_CYSCREEN 1 Height of screen.
SM_CYSIZE 31 Height of bitmaps contained in the title bar.
SM_CYVSCROLL 20 Height of arrow bitmap on a vertical scroll bar.
SM_CYVTHUMB 9 Height of scroll box on vertical scroll bar.
SM_DBCSENABLED 42 Nonzero if current version of Windows uses double-byte characters; otherwise, this value returns zero.
SM_DEBUG 22 Nonzero if the Windows version is a debugging version.
SM_MENUDROPALIGNMENT 40 Alignment of pop-up menus. If this value is zero, the left side of a pop-up menu is aligned with the left side of the corresponding menu-bar item. If this value is nonzero, the left side of a pop-up menu is aligned with the righ side of the corresponding menu-bar item.
SM_MOUSEPRESENT 19 Nonzero if the mouse hardware is installed.
SM_PENWINDOWS 41 Handle of the Pen Windows dynamic-link library (DLL) if Pen Windows is installed.
SM_SWAPBUTTON 23 Nonzero if the left and right mouse buttons are swapped.

Returns: <nValue> The required value if the function is usually executed

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Re: Buscando funciones/propiedades...

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Dec 26, 2017 10:37 am

regards, saludos

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