Como abrir el excel automatico con tsbrowse?

Como abrir el excel automatico con tsbrowse?

Postby noe aburto » Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:48 am


Cuando abro una ventana usando tsbrowse, agregue un botón para generar un archivo de excel usando la misma clase.

ExcelOle( cXlsFile, lActivate, oMeter, cTitle, oFont, lSave, bExtern )

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// --- Impresion del contenido de un browse
static function ImprimeVent(aVent,lExcel)
local oFont,nReg

if lExcel
 if confirma('La generación en Excel se realizará con toda la informaci¢n'+CR_LF+;
             'que contenga la ventana activa.'+CR_LF+;
             '¿Desea continuar?','N')=='N'
  return NIL
 if lHIJA
 elseif TIPO_VENT=='T'
 return NIL
 if confirma('La impresi¢n se realizará con toda la informaci¢n'+CR_LF+;
             'que contenga la ventana activa.'+CR_LF+;
             '¿Desea continuar?','N')=='N'
  return NIL
if lHIJA
return NIL

y si me genera correctamente el excel o manda la impresion.
Pero cuando es hace excel lo genera pero como le are para que me lo despliegue en pantalla justo cuando lo termina,
me lo genera pero me aparaece minimizado en la barra de tareas.

al final del ExcelOle()

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   If lActivate
      oSheet:Range( "A1" ):Select()
      oExcel:Visible := .T.


Existira un cambio o como puedo abrir automaticamente el excel creado.

Noé Aburto Sánchez
Tec. Prog. de Sistemas. -Morelia, Mich. México.
fwh 20.06, Harbour 3.2.0, bcc 7.4
TsBrowse 9.0, TsButton 7.0, xEdit 6.1,
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noe aburto
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Re: Como abrir el excel automatico con tsbrowse?

Postby karinha » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:42 pm

Mira se ayuda,

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* TSBrowse testing Excel conections - testxls.prg

#include ""
#include "\TSBrowse\Include\"

#define CLR_PINK   nRGB( 255, 128, 128)
#define CLR_NBLUE  nRGB( 128, 128, 192)

Static oWnd, oBrw

Request DBFCDX


Function Main()

   Local oBmp, oBar, oFont, oFont1, oBrush, oCol, cTitle, lGrid

   If File( "Employee.cdx" )
      FErase( "Employee.cdx" )

   Use Employee Shared New Via "DBFCDX"

   Index On First+Last Tag Name

   Define Font oFont Name "Arial" Size 0, -13
   Define Font oFont1 Name "Arial" Size 0, -13 NESCAPEMENT 900
   Define Brush oBrush Resource "CoverBack"
   Define BitMap oBmp Resource "Selector"
   Define Window oWnd TITLE "TSBrowse/Excel conectivity.    One Click From TSBrowse To Excel   And more..." ;
          Brush oBrush ;
          MENU BuildMenu()

   If Right( FWVERSION, 4 ) >= "7.12"
      Define ButtonBar oBar OF oWnd Size 50, 50 3D 2007
      Define ButtonBar oBar OF oWnd Size 50, 50 3D

   cTitle := "Database: " + Trim( StrCapFirst( Alias()  ) ) + ".dbf"

   bExtern := {|oSheet| oSheet:Columns( 10 ):Set( "NumberFormat", "#,##0.00" ) }

   Define Button OF oBar Resource "Excel" ;
          Action oBrw:ExcelOle( "Test.xls", .T.,, cTitle,,, bExtern ) ;
          ToolTip "Export Browse to Excel"

   lGrid   := .T.

   Define Button OF oBar Resource "Print" ;
          Action oBrw:Report( cTitle,,,,,,,, lGrid ) ;
          ToolTip "Export Browse to Excel"

   Define Button OF oBar Resource "Exit" ;
          Action oWnd:End() ;
          ToolTip "Exit"

   @ 50, 0 Browse oBrw Alias "Employee" Of oWnd Size oWnd:nWidth, oWnd:nHeight Pixel ;
           Font oFont AutoCols Transparent Selector oBmp Editable

   Add Super Header To oBrw From Column 2 To Column 3 Color CLR_BLUE, { CLR_NBLUE, CLR_WHITE } ;
       Title "Name" 3DLook

   Add Super Header To oBrw FROM Column 4 TO Column 6 Color CLR_BLUE, { CLR_NBLUE, CLR_WHITE } ;
       Title "Address" 3DLook

   With Object oBrw
      :nHeightCell += 4
      :nHeightHead += 3
      :nHeightSuper += 3
                 CLR_BLACK, -1 } )
      :ChangeFont( oFont1, 9, 2 )
      :aColumns[ 9 ]:nHAlign := DT_VERT
   End With

   oWnd:oClient := oBrw

   If Right( FWVERSION, 4 ) >= "7.12"
      Set Message Of oWnd Clock Date Keyboard Noinset 2007
      SET Message Of oWnd Clock Date Keyboard Noinset

   Activate Window oWnd Maximized


Return Nil


Static Function BuildMenu()

   Local oMenu

   If Right( FWVERSION, 4 ) >= "7.12"
      MENU oMenu
      MENU oMenu

      MENUITEM "TSBrowse"
            MENUITEM "Excel" Resource "Excel16" ;
            Action oBrw:ExcelOle( "Test.xls", .T.,, "Here you are" )
            MENUITEM "Exit" Resource "Exit16" ;
            Action oWnd:End()
      MENUITEM "&Exit" Action oWnd:End()
      MENUITEM "&Help" Action WinExec( "Start ..\doc\Help.htm", 0 )

Return oMenu

João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: Como abrir el excel automatico con tsbrowse?

Postby karinha » Sat Sep 26, 2020 11:48 pm

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* ============================================================================
* METHOD TSBrowse:ExcelOle() Version 9.0 Nov/30/2009
* Requires TOleAuto class
* Many thanks to Victor Manuel Tomás for the core of this method
* ============================================================================

METHOD ExcelOle( cXlsFile, lActivate, oMeter, cTitle, oFont, lSave, bExtern, aColSel, bPrintRow ) CLASS TSBrowse

   Local oExcel, oBook, oSheet, nRow, nCol, uData, nEvery, oRange, cRange, cCell, cLet, nColHead, nVar, ;
         bError, cText, oClip, nStart, aRepl, ;
         nLine  := 1, ;
         nCount := 0, ;
         nRecNo := ( ::cAlias )->( RecNo() ), ;
         nAt    := ::nAt, ;
         aCol := { 26, 52, 78, 104, 130, 156 }, ;
         aLet := { "", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" }

   Default lActivate := Empty( cXlsFile ), ;
           cTitle    := ""

   Default lSave    := ! lActivate .and. ! Empty( cXlsFile ), ;
           cXlsFile := ""


   If ::lSelector
      ::aClipBoard := { OClone( ::aColumns[ 1 ] ), 1, "" }
      ::DelColumn( 1 )

   cLet := aLet[ AScan( aCol, {|e| Len( If( aColSel != Nil, aColSel, ::aColumns ) ) <= e } ) ]

   If ! Empty( cLet )
      nCol := AScan( aLet, cLet ) - 1
      cLet += Chr( 64 + Len( If( aColSel != Nil, aColSel, ::aColumns ) ) - aCol[ Max( 1, nCol ) ] )
      cLet := Chr( 64 + Len( If( aColSel != Nil, aColSel, ::aColumns ) ) )

   aRepl      := {}
   ::lNoPaint := .F.

   If oMeter != Nil
      oMeter:nTotal := ( ::nLen + 1 ) * Len( ::aColumns ) + 30
      oMeter:Set( 0 )
      nEvery := Max( 1, Int( oMeter:nTotal * .02 ) ) // refresh ometer every 2 %

   If ! Empty( cXlsFile )
      cXlsFile := AllTrim( StrTran( Upper( cXlsFile ), ".XLS" ) )

   cTitle   := AllTrim( cTitle )
   bError   := ErrorBlock( { | x | Break( x ) } )

   Begin Sequence
      oExcel := TOleAuto():New("Excel.Application")
      ErrorBlock( bError )
      MsgStop( "No Ole.lib searched", "Error" )
      Return Nil
   End Sequence

   ErrorBlock( bError )

   If oMeter != Nil
      nCount -= 15
      oMeter:Set( nCount )

   oBook  := oExcel:Get( "ActiveWorkBook")
   oSheet := oExcel:Get( "ActiveSheet" )

   If oMeter != Nil
      nCount -= 15
      oMeter:Set( nCount )

   ( ::cAlias )->( Eval( ::bGoTop ) )
   cText := ""

   For nRow := 1 To ::nLen

      If nRow == 1
         If ! Empty( cTitle )
            oSheet:Cells( nLine++, 1 ):Value := AllTrim( cTitle )
            oSheet:Range( "A1:" + cLet + "1" ):Set( "HorizontalAlignment", xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection )
            nStart := nLine
            nStart := nLine

         If ! Empty( ::aSuperHead )

            For nCol := 1 To Len( ::aSuperHead )
               nVar := If( ::lSelector, 1, 0 )
               uData := If( ValType( ::aSuperhead[ nCol, 3 ] ) == "B", Eval( ::aSuperhead[ nCol, 3 ] ), ;
                                     ::aSuperhead[ nCol, 3 ] )
               oSheet:Cells( nLine, ::aSuperHead[ nCol, 1 ] - nVar ):Value := uData
               cRange :=  Chr( 64 + ::aSuperHead[ nCol, 1 ] - nVar ) + LTrim( Str( nLine ) ) + ":" + ;
                          Chr( 64 + ::aSuperHead[ nCol, 2 ] - nVar ) + LTrim( Str( nLine ) )
               oSheet:Range( cRange ):Borders():LineStyle := xlContinuous
               oSheet:Range( cRange ):Set( "HorizontalAlignment", xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection )

            nStart := nLine ++

         nColHead := 0

         For nCol := 1 To Len( ::aColumns )

            If aColSel != Nil .and. AScan( aColSel, nCol ) == 0

            uData := If( ValType( ::aColumns[ nCol ]:cHeading ) == "B", Eval( ::aColumns[ nCol ]:cHeading ), ;
                                  ::aColumns[ nCol ]:cHeading )

            If ValType( uData ) != "C"

            uData := StrTran( uData, CRLF, Chr( 10 ) )
            nColHead ++
            oSheet:Cells( nLine, nColHead ):Value := uData

            If oMeter != Nil
               If nCount % nEvery == 0
                  oMeter:Set( nCount )

               nCount ++

         nStart := ++ nLine

      If bPrintRow != Nil .and. ! Eval( bPrintRow, nRow )
         ::Skip( 1 )

      For nCol := 1 To Len( ::aColumns )
         If aColSel != Nil .and. AScan( aColSel, nCol ) == 0

         uData := Eval( ::aColumns[ nCol ]:bData )

         If ValType( uData ) == "C" .and. At( CRLF, uData ) > 0
            uData := StrTran( uData, CRLF, "&&" ) // Chr( 10 ) )

            If AScan( aRepl, nCol ) == 0
               AAdd( aRepl, nCol )

         If ::aColumns[ nCol ]:cPicture != Nil
            uData := Transform( uData, ::aColumns[ nCol ]:cPicture )

         uData  :=  If( ValType( uData )=="D", DtoC( uData ), If( ValType( uData )=="N", Str( uData ) , ;
                    If( ValType( uData )=="L", If( uData ,".T." ,".F." ), cValToChar( uData ) ) ) )

         cText += Trim( uData ) + Chr( 9 )

         If oMeter != Nil

            If nCount % nEvery == 0
               oMeter:Set( nCount )

            nCount ++

      ::Skip( 1 )
      cText += Chr( 13 )

         Cada 20k volcamos el texto a la hoja de Excel , usando el portapapeles , algo muy rapido y facil ;-)
         Every 20k set text into excel sheet , using Clipboard , very easy and faster.

      IF Len( cText ) > 20000
         oClip := TClipBoard():New()
         oClip:SetText( cText )
         cCell := "A" + Alltrim( Str( nStart ) )
         oRange := oSheet:Range( cCell )
         cText := ""
         nStart := nLine + 1

   If AScan( ::aColumns, { |o| o:cFooting != Nil  } ) > 0

      For nCol := 1 To Len( ::aColumns )

         If ( aColSel != Nil .and. AScan( aColSel, nCol ) == 0 ) .or. ::aColumns[ nCol ]:cFooting == Nil

         uData := If( ValType( ::aColumns[ nCol ]:cFooting ) == "B", Eval( ::aColumns[ nCol ]:cFooting ), ;
                      ::aColumns[ nCol ]:cFooting )
         uData := cValTochar( uData )
         uData := StrTran( uData, CRLF, Chr( 10 ) )
         oSheet:Cells( nLine, nCol ):Value := uData

   If ::lIsDbf
      ( ::cAlias )->( DbGoTo( nRecNo ) )

   ::nAt := nAt

   If Len( cText ) > 0
      oClip := TClipBoard():New()
      oClip:SetText( cText )
      cCell := "A" + Alltrim( Str( nStart ) )
      oRange := oSheet:Range( cCell )
      cText := ""

   nLine := If( ! Empty( cTitle ), 3, 1 )
   nLIne += If( ! Empty( ::aSuperHead ), 1, 0 )
   cRange := "A" + LTrim( Str( nLine ) ) + ":" + cLet + Alltrim( Str( oSheet:UsedRange:Rows:Count() ) )
   oRange := oSheet:Range( cRange )

   If oFont != Nil // let the programmer to decide the font he wants, otherwise use Excel's default
      oRange:Font:Name := oFont:cFaceName
      oRange:Font:Size := oFont:nSize()
      oRange:Font:Bold := oFont:lBold

   If ! Empty( aRepl )
      For nCol := 1 To Len( aRepl )
         oSheet:Columns( Chr( 64 + aRepl[ nCol ] ) ):Replace( "&&", Chr( 10 ) )

   If bExtern != Nil
      Eval( bExtern, oSheet, Self )

   oRange:Borders():LineStyle := xlContinuous

   If ! Empty( aRepl )
      For nCol := 1 To Len( aRepl )
         oSheet:Columns( Chr( 64 + aRepl[ nCol ] ) ):WrapText := .T.

   If oMeter != Nil
      oMeter:Set( oMeter:nTotal )

   If ::lSelector
      ::InsColumn( ::aClipBoard[ 2 ], ::aClipBoard[ 1 ] )
      ::lNoPaint := .F.

   If ! Empty( cXlsFile ) .and. lSave
      oBook:SaveAs( cXlsFile, xlWorkbookNormal )

      If ! lActivate
         Return Nil


   If lActivate
      oSheet:Range( "A1" ):Select()
      oExcel:Visible := .T.


Return Nil

João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: Como abrir el excel automatico con tsbrowse?

Postby jvtecheto » Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:46 am

Noe, perdona por el post, pero yo cambiaría a XBrownse, con posibilidades infinitas y el soporte de MR. Raó.

No te arrepentirás. Mira los ejemplos y busca en el foro. Hay mucha información, puedes hacer cualquier cosa.



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