Copiar Imagen del Sistema

Copiar Imagen del Sistema

Postby jnavas » Wed Nov 21, 2018 7:28 pm

Necesito implementar en mi sistema tomar imagen del sistema cuando se genere un error, guardar la imagen el el disco para luego recuperarla y enviarla por correo.
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Re: Copiar Imagen del Sistema

Postby karinha » Wed Nov 21, 2018 7:42 pm

Juan Navas,

El mejor, és que usted modifique tu ERRSYSW.PRG para que envie el ERROR.LOG automático por correo. Yo hago asi. Saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: Copiar Imagen del Sistema

Postby albeiroval » Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:12 pm

Karinha, muy interesante tu opcion.
Podrias publicar el codigo.

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Re: Copiar Imagen del Sistema

Postby jnavas » Thu Nov 22, 2018 12:46 am

Errorsys genera el Log en formato TXT, necesito imagen del sistema conocer la funcionalidad en ejecución, evitandole al usuario volver a reproducir la incidencia, tomar la imagen y enviarla por correo.
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Re: Copiar Imagen del Sistema

Postby jbrita » Thu Nov 22, 2018 1:43 am

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Re: Copiar Imagen del Sistema

Postby karinha » Thu Nov 22, 2018 1:47 pm

És más fácil cambiar/modificar el ERRSYSW.PRG original del FiveWin.


João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: Copiar Imagen del Sistema

Postby karinha » Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:12 pm

Usando el PREVIEW, se puede enviar PDF ó el texto por email.


João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: Copiar Imagen del Sistema

Postby karinha » Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:40 pm

Otro modo:


João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: Copiar Imagen del Sistema

Postby karinha » Thu Nov 22, 2018 2:44 pm

Fuente modificada:

Code: Select all  Expand view

// Error handler system adapted to FiveWin - Versao do FWH: 17.01
// ErrSysW.prg                               MODIFCADO EM: 22/11/2018 - Joao

#include ""
#include ""

external _fwGenError   // Link FiveWin generic Error Objects Generator

#define NTRIM(n)    ( LTrim( Str( n ) ) )

// #define DLG_TITLE "FiveWin for Harbour"
#define DLG_TITLE "PLENOIND: Erro(s) do Programa Envie Por Email"
#command QUIT => ( PostQuitMessage( 0 ), __Quit() )


static bUserAction


// Note: automatically executes at startup

proc ErrorSys()
    ErrorBlock( { | e | ErrorDialog( e ) } )


procedure ErrorLink()

function SetErrorPath( cPath )
   local cOldPath
   static cErrorPath := ".\"

   cOldPath = cErrorPath

   if PCount() == 1 .and. ValType( cPath ) == "
      cErrorPath = cPath

return cOldPath

function SetErrorFileName( cFileName )
   local cOldFileName
   static cErrorFileName := "

   cOldFileName = cErrorFileName

   if PCount() == 1 .and. ValType( cFileName ) == "
      cErrorFileName = cFileName

return cOldFileName

function SetPostErrorAction( bAction )

   local bPrevious   := bUserAction

   if ValType( bAction ) == 'B'
      bUserAction    := bAction

return bPrevious


static function ErrorDialog( e ) // -> logical or quits App.

   local oDlg, oLbx, oFont, oFnt
   local lRet    // if lRet == nil -> default action: QUIT
   local n, j, cMessage, aStack := {}
   local oSay, hLogo
   local nButtons  := 1
   local cErrorLog := "
   local aVersions := GetVersion()
   local aTasks
   local aRDDs, nTarget, uValue
   local oOldError
   local cRelation
   local lIsWinNT := IsWinNT()
   local nLeftQ
   local nLeftR   := 0
   local nLeftD
   local nTopBtn := 137, nBtnW := 30, nBtnH := 11
   local nDlgW := 450, nDlgH := 300
   local nTopLbx := 33, nLbxW := 220, nLbxH
   local oRetry, oSaida, oDefault, oVerErro
   LOCAL oPrn, cError, nLin, nLinha, cSeqErro

   if lIsWinNT
      nDlgH += 50
   nTopBtn = Int( nDlgH / 2 ) - nBtnH - 6
   nLbxH   = nTopBtn - nTopLbx - 2

   // by default, division by zero yields zero
   if ( e:genCode == EG_ZERODIV )
      return 0

   // for network open error, set NETERR() and subsystem default
   if ( e:genCode == EG_OPEN .and. ;
      ( e:osCode == 32 .or. e:osCode == 5 ) .and. ;
        e:canDefault )
      NetErr( .t. )
      return .f.       // Warning: Exiting!

   // for lock error during APPEND BLANK, set NETERR() and subsystem default
   if ( e:genCode == EG_APPENDLOCK .and. e:canDefault )
      NetErr( .t. )
      return .f.       // OJO SALIDA

   if Left( ProcName( 7 ), 10 ) == "
      ErrorLevel( 1 )

   cErrorLog += "
Application" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "
===========" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "
  Path and name: " + GetModuleFileName( GetInstance() )

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "
(16 bits)" + CRLF
      cErrorLog += If( IsExe64(),"
(64 bits)", " (32 bits)" ) + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "
  Size: " + Transform( FSize( GetModuleFileName( ;
                GetInstance() ) ), "
9,999,999 bytes" ) + CRLF
   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "
  Max files handles permited: ( SetHandleCount() ) " + ;
                   Str( SetHandleCount(), 3 ) + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "
  Compiler version: " + Version() + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "
  FiveWin  version: " + FWVERSION + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "
  C compiler version: " + hb_Compiler() + CRLF

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "
  Windows and MsDos versions: " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "
." + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + "
, " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + "
." + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 4 ] ) ) + CRLF + CRLF
      cErrorLog += "
  Windows version: " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "
." + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + "
, Build " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + ;
" + aVersions[ 5 ] + CRLF + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "
  Time from start: " + TimeFromStart() + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "
  Error occurred at: " + ;
                DToC( Date() ) + "
, " + Time() + CRLF

   // Error object analysis
   cMessage   = "
  Error description: " + ErrorMessage( e ) + CRLF
   cErrorLog += cMessage

   if ValType( e:Args ) == "
      cErrorLog += "
  Args:" + CRLF
      for n = 1 to Len( e:Args )
         cErrorLog += "
    [" + Str( n, 4 ) + "] = " + ValType( e:Args[ n ] ) + ;
  " + cValToChar( cValToChar( e:Args[ n ] ) ) + ;
                      If( ValType( e:Args[ n ] ) == "
A", " length: " + ;
                      AllTrim( Str( Len( e:Args[ n ] ) ) ), "
" ) + CRLF

   cErrorLog += CRLF + "
Stack Calls" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "
===========" + CRLF
      n := 2    // we don't disscard any info again !
      while ( n < 74 )
          if ! Empty(ProcName( n ) )

             // Called From = Chamado(a) de:
             AAdd( aStack, "
  Called from: " + ProcFile( n ) + " => " + Trim( ProcName( n ) ) + ;
( " + NTRIM( ProcLine( n ) ) + " )" )
             AAdd( aStack, "
  Erro no PROG: " + ProcFile( n ) + " => " + Trim( ProcName( n ) ) + ;
( " + NTRIM( ProcLine( n ) ) + " )" )

             cErrorLog += ATail( aStack ) + CRLF

   cErrorLog += CRLF + "
System" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "
======" + CRLF

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "
  CPU type: " + GetCPU() + CRLF
      if ! IsExe64()
         cErrorLog += "
  CPU type: " + GetCPU() + " " + ;
                      AllTrim( Str( GetCPUSpeed() ) ) + "
Mhz" + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "
  Hardware memory: " + ;
                cValToChar( Int( nExtMem() / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) + 1 ) + ;
megs" + CRLF + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "
  Free System resources: " + AllTrim( Str( GetFreeSystemResources( 0 ) ) ) + " %" + CRLF + ;
       GDI    resources: " + AllTrim( Str( GetFreeSystemResources( 1 ) ) ) + " %" + CRLF + ;
       User   resources: " + AllTrim( Str( GetFreeSystemResources( 2 ) ) ) + " %" + CRLF + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "
  Compiler version: " + Version() + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "
  FiveWin  Version: " + FWVERSION + CRLF

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "
  Windows and MsDos versions: " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "
." + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + "
, " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + "
." + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 4 ] ) ) + CRLF + CRLF
      cErrorLog += "
  Windows version: " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 1 ] ) ) + "
." + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 2 ] ) ) + "
, Build " + ;
                   AllTrim( Str( aVersions[ 3 ] ) ) + ;
" + aVersions[ 5 ] + CRLF + CRLF

   aTasks = GetTasks()
   cErrorLog += "
  Windows total applications running: " + ;
                AllTrim( Str( Len( aTasks ) ) ) + CRLF
   for n = 1 to Len( aTasks )
      cErrorLog += "
   " + Str( n, 3 ) + " " + aTasks[ n ] + CRLF

   // Warning!!! Keep here this code !!! Or we will be consuming GDI as
   // we don't generate the error but we were generating the bitmap

   hLogo = FWLogoBitMap()

   if e:canRetry

   if e:canDefault

   cErrorLog += CRLF + "
Variables in use" + CRLF + "================" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "
  Procedure     Type   Value" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "
  ==========================" + CRLF

   n := 2    // we don't disscard any info again !
   while ( n < 74 )

       if ! Empty( ProcName( n ) )
          cErrorLog += "
  " + Trim( ProcName( n ) ) + CRLF
          for j = 1 to ParamCount( n )
             cErrorLog += "
    Param " + Str( j, 3 ) + ":    " + ;
                          ValType( GetParam( n, j ) ) + ;
   " + cGetInfo( GetParam( n, j ) ) + CRLF
          for j = 1 to LocalCount( n )
             cErrorLog += "
    Local " + Str( j, 3 ) + ":    " + ;
                          ValType( GetLocal( n, j ) ) + ;
   " + cGetInfo( GetLocal( n, j ) ) + CRLF


   cErrorLog += CRLF + "
Linked RDDs" + CRLF + "===========" + CRLF
   aRDDs = RddList( 1 )
   for n = 1 to Len( aRDDs )
      cErrorLog += "
  " + aRDDs[ n ] + CRLF

   cErrorLog += CRLF + "
DataBases in use" + CRLF + "================" + CRLF
   for n = 1 to 255
      if ! Empty( Alias( n ) )
         cErrorLog += CRLF + Str( n, 3 ) + "
: " + If( Select() == n,"=> ", "   " ) + ;
                      PadR( Alias( n ), 15 ) + Space( 20 ) + "
RddName: " + ;
                      ( Alias( n ) )->( RddName() ) + CRLF
         cErrorLog += "
    ==============================" + CRLF
         cErrorLog += "
    RecNo    RecCount    BOF   EOF" + CRLF
         cErrorLog += "
   " + Transform( ( Alias( n ) )->( RecNo() ), "9999999" ) + ;
     " + Transform( ( Alias( n ) )->( RecCount() ), "9999999" ) + ;
     " + cValToChar( ( Alias( n ) )->( BoF() ) ) + ;
  " + cValToChar( ( Alias( n ) )->( EoF() ) ) + CRLF + CRLF

         if ( Alias( n ) )->( RddName() ) != "
            cErrorLog += "
    Indexes in use " + Space( 23 ) + "TagName" + CRLF
            for j = 1 to 15
               if ! Empty( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexKey( j ) ) )
                  cErrorLog += Space( 8 ) + ;
                               If( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexOrd() ) == j, "
=> ", "   " ) + ;
                               PadR( ( Alias( n ) )->( IndexKey( j ) ), 35 ) + ;
                               ( Alias( n ) )->( OrdName( j ) ) + ;
            cErrorLog += CRLF + "
    Relations in use" + CRLF
            for j = 1 to 8
               if ! Empty( ( nTarget := ( Alias( n ) )->( DbRSelect( j ) ) ) )
                  cErrorLog += Space( 8 ) + Str( j ) + "
: " + ;
TO " + ( Alias( n ) )->( DbRelation( j ) ) + ;
INTO " + Alias( nTarget ) + CRLF
                  // uValue = ( Alias( n ) )->( DbRelation( j ) )
                  // cErrorLog += cValToChar( &( uValue ) ) + CRLF

   n = 1
   cErrorLog += CRLF + "
Classes in use:" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "
===============" + CRLF

   #ifndef __XHARBOUR__
      while ! Empty( __ClassName( n ) )
         cErrorLog += "
  " + Str( n, 3 ) + " " + __ClassName( n++ ) + CRLF
      while n <= __ClsCntClasses()
         cErrorLog += "
  " + Str( n, 3 ) + " " + __ClassName( n++ ) + CRLF

   cErrorLog += CRLF + "
Memory Analysis" + CRLF
   cErrorLog +=        "
===============" + CRLF

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "
  Static memory:" + CRLF
      cErrorLog += "
     data segment: 64k" + CRLF

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
   cErrorLog += "
     Initial size:       " + ;
                LTrim( Str( nInitDSSize() ) ) + ;
bytes  (SYMP=" + LTrim( Str( nSymPSize() ) ) + ;
, Stack=" + LTrim( Str( nStackSize() ) ) + ;
, Heap=" + LTrim( Str( nHeapSize() ) ) + ")" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "
     PRG Stack:          " + ;
                LTrim( Str( 65535 - ( nStatics() * 14 ) - nInitDSSize() ) ) + ;
bytes" + CRLF

   #ifdef __CLIPPER__
      cErrorLog += "
     " + LTrim( Str( nStatics() ) ) + " Static variables: " + ;
                   LTrim( Str( nStatics() * 14 ) ) + "
bytes" + CRLF + CRLF
      cErrorLog += "
     " + LTrim( Str( nStatics() ) ) + " Static variables" + ;
                   CRLF + CRLF

   cErrorLog += "
  Dynamic memory consume:" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "
     Actual  Value: " + Str( MemUsed() ) + " bytes" + CRLF
   cErrorLog += "
     Highest Value: " + Str( MemMax() ) + " bytes" + CRLF

   // Generates a file with an Error Log


      oOldError = ErrorBlock( { || DoBreak() } )

      MemoWrit( SetErrorPath() + SetErrorFileName(), cErrorLog )

      WinExec( "
Notepad.exe error.log" )

      cSeqErro := MemoRead( "
ERROR.LOG" )  // Sequencia de erros

      cError := ALLTRIM( cSeqErro )

      PRINTER oPrn NAME "
Erros do Programa - Envie Por Email Para o Suporte - Veja o Botão: @ Logo Abaixo" PREVIEW MODAL

      DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "

      oPrn:SetPage(9)    // Formato A4
      oPrn:SetPortrait() // Vertical



         FOR nLinha = 1 TO MLCOUNT( cError, 100 )


            oPrn:CmSay( nLin := nLin +.4, 1.5, MEMOLINE( cError, 100, nLinha), oFont )

            IF nLin > 25

               nLin = 1









   ErrorBlock( oOldError )

Ms Sans Serif" SIZE 00,   10 BOLD
Ms Sans Serif" SIZE 00,  -10 BOLD

      SIZE nDlgW, nDlgH ;

   oDlg:lTruePixel := .f.
   oDlg:LHelpIcon  := .f.

   @ 0, 20 SAY oSay PROMPT OemToAnsi( cMessage ) ;
      CENTERED OF oDlg FONT oFont SIZE 400, 20

   oSay:nStyle   = nOR( oSay:nStyle, 128 )   // SS_NOPREFIX
   oSay:nTop     =   3
   oSay:nLeft    =  52
   oSay:nBottom  =  25
   oSay:nRight   = 168

   // @ 24,   6 SAY "
&Stack List" OF oDlg FONT oFont PIXEL
   @ 24,   6 SAY "
Lista de Erro(s): " OF oDlg FONT oFont PIXEL

   n = aStack[ 1 ]

   @ nTopLbx, 3 LISTBOX oLbx VAR n ITEMS aStack OF oDlg ;
      SIZE nLbxW, nLbxH PIXEL

   if e:CanRetry  // Retry - Tentar novamente
      if nButtons == 2
         nLeftR := ( ( 1.5 * nDlgW ) - ( nButtons * nBtnW ) ) / ( 2 * nButtons )
         nLeftR := ( nDlgW / 12 ) - ( nBtnW / 2 )
      @ nTopBtn, nLeftR BUTTON oRetry PROMPT( "
&Tente" ) ;
         OF oDlg ACTION ( lRet  := .t., oDlg:End() )     ;
         SIZE nBtnW, nBtnH FONT oFont PIXEL

      oRetry:cToolTip := "
Tente Novamente"


   if nButtons == 1 .or. nButtons == 3  // quit
      nLeftQ = ( nDlgW / 4  ) - ( nBtnW / 2 )
      @ nTopBtn, nLeftQ BUTTON oSaida PROMPT( "
&Sair" ) OF oDlg ;
         ACTION oDlg:End() ;
         SIZE nBtnW, nBtnH PIXEL FONT oFont DEFAULT

      oSaida:cToolTip := "
Saida - Exit - Cancelar"

      nLeftQ = ( nDlgW / ( 4 * nButtons ) ) - ( nBtnW / 2 )
      @ nTopBtn, nLeftQ BUTTON oSaida PROMPT( "
&Sair" ) OF oDlg ;
         ACTION oDlg:End() ;
         SIZE nBtnW, nBtnH PIXEL FONT oFont

      oSaida:cToolTip := "
Saida - Exit - Cancelar"


   if e:CanDefault
      nLeftD = nDlgW / 3 + nLeftR
      @ nTopBtn, nLeftD BUTTON oDefault PROMPT( "
&Default" ) OF oDlg ;
         ACTION ( lRet  := .F., oDlg:End() ) ;
         SIZE nBtnW, nBtnH FONT oFont PIXEL

      // Padrao
      oDefault:cToolTip := "
Default, Ignora o Erro e vai para o Programa. Cuidado."


   @ 21, 175 BUTTON oVerErro PROMPT( "
&Ver " + SetErrorFileName() + ". " ) ;
      OF oDlg FONT oFont PIXEL ;
      SIZE 46, 10 ;
      ACTION WinExec( "
Notepad.exe " +  SetErrorPath() + SetErrorFileName() )

   oVerErro:cToolTip := "
Veja o Erro, Marque o Bloco, e Envie Por Email"

      ON PAINT DrawBitmap( hDC, hLogo, 6, 6 )

   DeleteObject( hLogo )

   if bUserAction != nil
      Eval( bUserAction, SetErrorPath() + SetErrorFileName(), e )

   if lRet == nil .or. ( !LWRunning() .and. lRet )
      ErrorLevel( 1 )
      // Add these lines if using MDI child windows with dialogboxes
      // for n = 1 to Len( GetAllWin() )
      //    if ValType( GetAllWin()[ n ] ) == "
      //       GetAllWin()[ n ]:UnLink()
      //    endif
      // next
      QUIT              // must be QUIT !!!

return lRet


static function DoBreak()


return nil


static func ErrorMessage( e )

   // start error message
    local cMessage := if( empty( e:OsCode ), ;
                          if( e:severity > ES_WARNING, "
Error ", "Warning " ),;
(DOS Error " + NTRIM(e:osCode) + ") " )

   // add subsystem name if available
    cMessage += if( ValType( e:SubSystem ) == "
                    e:SubSystem()                ,;
???" )

   // add subsystem's error code if available
    cMessage += if( ValType( e:SubCode ) == "
/" + NTRIM( e:SubCode )   ,;
/???" )
   // add error description if available
  if ( ValType( e:Description ) == "
C" )
        cMessage += "
 " + e:Description

   // add either filename or operation
    cMessage += if( ! Empty( e:FileName ),;
: " + e:FileName   ,;
                    if( !Empty( e:Operation ),;
: " + e:Operation   ,;
" ) )
return cMessage

// returns extended info for a certain variable type

static function cGetInfo( uVal )

   local cType := ValType( uVal )

   do case
      case cType == "
           return '"
' + cValToChar( uVal ) + '"'

      case cType == "
           return "
Class: " + uVal:ClassName()

      case cType == "
           return "
Len: " + Str( Len( uVal ), 4 )

           return cValToChar( uVal )

return nil


#define  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE  2147483650  // 0x80000002

function GetCPU()

   local oReg := TReg32():New( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,;
                               .f. )
   local cCpu := oReg:Get( "
ProcessorNameString" )


return cCpu


#ifdef __HARBOUR__
   #ifndef __XHARBOUR__
      PROCEDURE HB_GTSYS() ; return
      procedure FW_GT ; return


João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: Copiar Imagen del Sistema

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:57 pm

From FWH 11.06 onwards, it is not necessary to modify "errsysw.prg" to send email of error.log or to take any action after error occurs.

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SetPostErrorAction( { |cErrorLogFile, oError| MyErrAction( cErrorLogFile, oError ) } )

// ...
function MyErrAction( cErrLogFile, oError )

   local hBmp, hDib
   local cBmpFile := "screenshot.bmp"

   //If you want to send screenshot by email

   hBmp := FWSaveScreen( GetDeskTopWindow() )
   // Save hBmp to file
   hDib := DibFromBitmap( hBmp )
   DibWrite( cBmpFile, hDib )
   GloBalFree( hDib )
   // and attach the bitmap file to email

   // Your code to send email attaching cErrorLogFile and bitmap file

return nil

Note: From FWH18.03 onwards we can save hBmp to jpg or png using
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FW_SaveImage( hBmp, "image.jpg/png" )

G. N. Rao.
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