Diferencia entre oRs:save y oRs:update

Diferencia entre oRs:save y oRs:update

Postby artu01 » Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:55 pm

Gente utilizo ADO para trabajar con tablas de sql server
Mi duda es algunas veces me funciona el oRs:save pero a veces bota error y no se el motivo, pero si utilizo oRs:Update siempre funciona

Cuando debo de utilizar cada una de ellas?

Estoy con la version fwh 17.12
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Re: Diferencia entre oRs:save y oRs:update

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:02 am

ADO RecordSet methods are independent of FWH version and they behave the same across all versions of FWH.

Use oRs:Update() method ( not Save() method ) to save any changes in the data.
There are two ways of using.

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oRs:Fields( "city" ):Value := "London"
oRs:Fields( "Age"  ):Value := 34
oRs:Update()  // writes the above changes to the server.

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oRs:Update( { "city", "age" }, { "London", 34 } )
// This changes and values and also writes the changes to the server.

Method oRs:Save()
This method is used to save contents of RecordSets to Disk in either XML format of ADTG (micorosoft proprietory) format

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oRs:Save( "c:\folder\filename.adtg", 0 )
oRs:Save( "c:\folder\filename.xml",  1 )

Here you find all datas and methods of ADO RecordSet object:

Better we completely go though this tutorial, before working with ADO

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Diferencia entre oRs:save y oRs:update

Postby artu01 » Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:17 am

Thank you Master
i had seen posts in this forum using the method save of this way
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 oRS:Fields( 'Descri' ):value:=cDescri

i myself have checked that it works but not always (that was the reason for my question)

Using the method update() never fail

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oRS:Fields( 'Descri' ):value:=cDescri
fwh 17.12, harbour 3.2.0, pelles C, bcc7, Ms-Sql
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Re: Diferencia entre oRs:save y oRs:update

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sun Sep 06, 2020 3:45 am

artu01 wrote:Thank you Master
i had seen posts in this forum using the method save of this way
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 oRS:Fields( 'Descri' ):value:=cDescri

i myself have checked that it works but not always (that was the reason for my question)

Using the method update() never fail

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oRS:Fields( 'Descri' ):value:=cDescri

oRs:Save() never writes data to the server.
When record pointer is moved, oRs:Update() is automatically executed without your knowledge.

FWH MariaDB library uses both Save() and Update() for writing changes to the server. That is not ADO.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Diferencia entre oRs:save y oRs:update

Postby artu01 » Sun Sep 06, 2020 11:20 pm

It's understood Mr. Rao
Thank you
fwh 17.12, harbour 3.2.0, pelles C, bcc7, Ms-Sql
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