Postby Verhoven » Mon Jul 18, 2022 8:45 am

Buenos días,
Me está generando el ejecutable un fichero llamado nombredelejecutable.log que contiene una lista de líneas como las siguientes:
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03-07-22 15:53:36: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 
03-07-22 15:53:36: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 
03-07-22 15:53:36: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 
03-07-22 15:53:36: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 
03-07-22 15:53:36: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 
03-07-22 15:53:36: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 
03-07-22 15:53:45: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 
03-07-22 15:53:45: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 
03-07-22 15:53:45: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 
03-07-22 15:53:45: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 
03-07-22 15:53:45: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 
03-07-22 15:53:45: TXBROWSE:XLFORMULA2BLOCK( 0 )    ctext = "" 

Yo no le he dado instrucciones para que genere ningún log.
¿Sabe alguien a qué puede deberse?. Como o me pone la línea del programa no puedo saber donde se genera, parece que es en algún txbrowse.

Gracias por su colaboración.
Posts: 505
Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 7:23 pm


Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Jul 21, 2022 12:36 am

This log file is created by METHOD xlFormula2Block( cFormula ) of XBrowse, while browsing an Array having one of more cells with text beginning with "=".
This was created for purpose of debugging while developing the feature of using Excel like formulas in Arrays and we forgot the remove this.

We will remove this in the next version.
You can remove this by commenting out or removing this line of code
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fwlog ctext

in the Method xlFormula2Block

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Postby Verhoven » Fri Jul 22, 2022 4:28 am

Good moorning,
I have solved the issue doing that when compiling:
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%hdir%\bin\win\msvc64\harbour %1 /n /i%FWDIR%\include;%hdir%\include /p /d__64__ /d__NODEBUG__ %2 %3 > comp.log 2> warnings.log

Using: /d__NODEBUG__

Is that ok?
Posts: 505
Joined: Sun Oct 09, 2005 7:23 pm

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