With the help of Enrico, Carlos and the tireless help of Cristobal .. I have Bcc72 working with Resedit and compiling resources with Brc32.exe. Because of my stubbornness, years ago I decided to create all my resouces as individual .rc files .. rather than working with one Single monolithic .rc adding new forms as needed. Many years ago working with BRW, somehow my single .rc became corrupted and was a total 'gonner' taking over 100+ forms with it.
From that point on I decided ( since .rc files are just text files ) to compile all my rc's in a modified .bat file called Rc2Dll32.bat :
Code: Select all | Expand
@Echo Off
C:\BORLAND\BCC70\BIN\brc32 -r VehW32.Rc
rem c:\ResEditx64\ResEdit.exe -convert VehW32.Rc VehW32.Res
del *.iL?
del *.map
del *.obj
del *.~rc
del *.rws
:del *.res
del *.tds
echo done!
and up thru Brc70, that method of compiling my forms worked perfectly .. However, something changed with Brc72 and the above method would not work with the standard Resedit Header files :
Code: Select all | Expand
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <richedit.h>
#include "%RESOURCE_HEADER%"
As many in the forum suggested I had to make modifications to the Resedit headers :
Code: Select all | Expand
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include "resource.h"
#define WC_STATIC L"Static"
#define MONTHCAL_CLASS "SysMonthCal32"
#define DATETIMEPICK_CLASS "SysDateTimePick32"
But for some reason when Brc32.exe tried to compile the monolithic .rc into .Res .. the command failed ... so I rolled back to Brc70 and went about my business.
Cristabol has been working dilligently with FiveEdit and I noticed that one of his options was to chose the Resorse editor of your choice .. and ResEdit was in his configuration.
I subsequently started a series of e-mails on the subject and here was the final solution to compiling all my .rc together into .Res ..
Again, insert the above preferences into Resedit for it's resolvable controls .. and modify my Batch File like this .. notice the Brc32 line :
Code: Select all | Expand
@Echo Off
Rem C:\BORLAND\BCC70\BIN\brc32 -r VehW32.Rc
Rem notice the change .. this works with brc72
C:\BORLAND\BCC72\BIN\brcc32 -iC:\BORLAND\BCC72\include -v -iC:\BORLAND\BCC72\include\dinkumware -iC:\BORLAND\BCC72\include\windows\sdk
del *.iL?
del *.map
del *.obj
del *.~rc
del *.rws
:del *.res
del *.tds
echo done!
With the combination of the new #defines .. Resedit is now able to resolve DatePicker, Calender, etc .... and with the modified Brc32 compiler line .. I now have a Clean forms compiler that creates a single .Res to add to my project Link List.
Many thanks to Cristabol for his Great help!
Rick Lipkin