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HarbourWave - leaked information
Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 8:07 pm
by Otto
I recently discovered something interesting – leaked information about a project called 'HarbourWave.'
It seems that this project is in development, but little was known about it so far.
The leaked information provides some insights into the goals and potential applications of HarbourWave,
but much remains in the dark. I plan to further explore this information to learn more about it.

Re: HarbourWave - leaked information
Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2024 3:48 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
Otto wrote:I recently discovered something interesting – leaked information about a project called 'HarbourWave.'
It seems that this project is in development, but little was known about it so far.
The leaked information provides some insights into the goals and potential applications of HarbourWave,
but much remains in the dark. I plan to further explore this information to learn more about it.

Siehst du, dass du es nicht verstehst? Es gibt viele Dinge in Desktop-Anwendungen, die nicht funktionieren. Wie können Sie sich vorstellen, Webview, HTML und LAN zu verwenden?
Re: HarbourWave - leaked information
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 6:27 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear Silvio,
Being respectfull to others is a must to participate in these forums.
I know you are very passionate and loose self control very easily. Please do your best to respect others and learn from them.
We all can learn always from the others if we pay enough attention. There is always something new to learn
Re: HarbourWave - leaked information
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 2:16 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
Antonio Linares wrote:Dear Silvio,
Being respectfull to others is a must to participate in these forums.
I know you are very passionate and loose self control very easily. Please do your best to respect others and learn from them.
We all can learn always from the others if we pay enough attention. There is always something new to learn
ok now it's the webview period
also supported by the fwteam, I'm respectful with everyone but I can't be with those who open topics with the same nature as my requests only to force and divert attention towards other topics.
dear Antonio
when Mr. Otto was worried about creating his application in Windows (hotel management) none of us did the same behavior as Mr. Otto . instead now every time I insert a request, Mr. Otto arrives with a topic in the forum with the same subject but with viewweb and HTML
the same thing is forbidden and also done to another Italian user, Mr. Marco , in this forum, who prefers not to write anymore in the forum because every time Mr. Otto diverts the request into other topics not requested by the original author.
I have a private email from Mr. Marco Boschi who refers to Mr. Otto for the same reasons
Everyone's wishes must certainly be respected, but this person should also calm down.
I have been working at school for thirty-six years, I have been teaching computer science for thirty-six years, I have been making a website with php+JavaScript for many years, I have also created several modules for WordPress and woocommerce. and you dear Antonio Linares write to me that I have to learn from Mr. Otto?
I hope you're joking
Re: HarbourWave - leaked information
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:46 pm
by Antonio Linares
Dear Silvio,
I am not joking.
Again, please, I kindly ask you to be respectful or you will be banned for some days from these forums.
These are tech support forums. No need to take anything personal. We are professionals doing our best.
So please, calm down, and act respectfully. Thanks
Re: HarbourWave - leaked information
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2024 8:03 pm
by karinha
Perfect master Antonio Linãres, it is not new that the FiveWinners of this forum and the FiveWin Brasil forum are complaining about Mr. Silvio Falconi's attitude. Always with rude and rude responses, including with the Moderators of this wonderful forum. You have my full support to suspend it temporarily or permanently.
Perfecto maestro Antonio Linãres, no es novedad que los FiveWinners de este foro y del foro FiveWin Brasil se quejen de la actitud del Sr. Silvio Falconi. Siempre con respuestas groseras y groseras, incluso con los Moderadores de este maravilloso foro. Tiene todo mi apoyo para suspenderlo temporal o permanentemente.
Siempre ayudamos al Sr. Silvio, por aquí y por email. Ni siquiera un simple agradecimiento, dice. Como si fuéramos sus empleados.
We always help Mr. Silvio, here and by email. Not even a simple thank you he says. As if we were his employees.
Gracias, thanks.
Regards, saludos.
Re: HarbourWave - leaked information
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:04 am
by Massimo Linossi
karinha wrote:Perfect master Antonio Linãres, it is not new that the FiveWinners of this forum and the FiveWin Brasil forum are complaining about Mr. Silvio Falconi's attitude. Always with rude and rude responses, including with the Moderators of this wonderful forum. You have my full support to suspend it temporarily or permanently.
Perfecto maestro Antonio Linãres, no es novedad que los FiveWinners de este foro y del foro FiveWin Brasil se quejen de la actitud del Sr. Silvio Falconi. Siempre con respuestas groseras y groseras, incluso con los Moderadores de este maravilloso foro. Tiene todo mi apoyo para suspenderlo temporal o permanentemente.
Siempre ayudamos al Sr. Silvio, por aquí y por email. Ni siquiera un simple agradecimiento, dice. Como si fuéramos sus empleados.
We always help Mr. Silvio, here and by email. Not even a simple thank you he says. As if we were his employees.
Gracias, thanks.
Regards, saludos.
Re: HarbourWave - leaked information
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:32 am
by Antonio Linares
Silvio has been banned for one week from these forums due to his continued lack of respect to others