Es posible disponer del codigo de Fivedit?
De ser así, de donde se descarga?

Euclides wrote:Hi Cristobal.
Sorry for the english post & sorry for the late post. (every time that i want to report something, it is already fixed).
I have to say that is a fantastic work and I am very pleased testing and using it.
But I hve my 2 cents:
1 - About the new buttons style, I like more the old style (I don't like the Windows 8 minimalstic style).
Neither like the people with I am working.
2 - When saving a new program, it could have a default file extension (.PRG)
When saving with no extension, it creates a peogram file with no extension and then have to find it and rename it.
3 - When executing a script, it could save the executed .PRG with some temporary name.
Sometimes I had a GPF and lost many program alterations.
4 KUTGW (keep up the good work)
With best regards
Jairo Barbosa wrote:Cristobal buen dia
Dos cosas
1)=Yo uso xMate desde hace mucho tiempo y es increíble, viendo tu trabajo quiero reconocer el esfuerzo que haz puesto y reportarte
que trabaja estupendo, cuando selecciono la opción "tool/settings" se me colapsa el sistema.
2)= Se puede trabajar con recursos? yo uso pelles C.
Gracias de antemano y felicitaciones.
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// Generated by ResEdit 1.6.6
// Copyright (C) 2006-2015
// http://www.resedit.net
#include <windows.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include "resource.h"
#ifdef __FLAT__
1 24 "WinXP/WindowsXP.Manifest"
#ifdef __64__
1 24 "WinXP/WindowsXP.Manifest64"