New FTDN February 2024 (FWH 24.02)
Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2024 8:31 am
November 2023 - January 2024
* New: For Borland users: FWH uses now bcc 7.70. Please update your bcc to this version.
* New: Class TWebView2 offers a very similar functionality to Class TWebView but does not need to
use any DLL. It is a work in development but you can already start using it. Please review
FWH\samples\webview..._2.prg examples.
* New: Class TWindow Method LockUpdate( lOnOff ): ... ndowupdate
* Class FWMariaConnection
New Methods:
ListCollations() --> oRs
ListCharSets() --> oRs
TableCollation( cTable ) --> cCollation
TableCharSet( cTable ) --> cCharSet
* New function FW_IsUtf8( cText, [@lAscii] ) --> lUtf8 (msgsapi.c)
* New functions: (valtostr.prg)
FW_DateToUnix( dDate/tDateTime ) --> nUnixTimeStamp in MilliSeconds
FW_UnixToDate( nUnixTimeStamp(inMilliSeconds) ) --> tDateTime
* New: function FW_CheckFont( cFontName ) --> lFound. It checks if a certain cFontName is
installed on Windows.
* Fix: function WinINet() was not properly working for xHarbour. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TWebView() new METHOD End() and MESSAGE hWnd.
* Samples\oemboxch.prg: How to view oem box chars in a Winodws application.
* samples\mariabig.prg: Read and Browse table with 4.1 million records from
mysql cloud server using RecSet() class FWHMaria lib
* Enhancement: Class TWebView() new METHOD Dispatch( bAction ) where bAction is a
codeblock that gets the hWebView as the first parameter { | hWebView | ... }
* New: samples\webview\sidebar.prg shows how to use Class TWebView in a simpler and
more FWH syntax alike way.
* Enhancement: Added missing METHOD Redefine() in CLASS TSwitch: ... 61#p267661
* New: example switch.prg and switch.rc
* New: function EnumResourceNames() allows you to list the resources names that you have
in your EXE selecting a specific type. It supports the use a codeblock to let you do
what you may need to do with the names. Please review samples\rctoprg.prg for an example
of use.
samples\rctoprg.prg is a powerfull FWH source code generator for your resources dialogs.
Simply rename your RC file as rctoprg.rc, build rctoprg.prg and it will generate the code
for the dialogs that you select: ... 77#p267777
* New: function ADiff( aArray1, aArray2 ) --> aArrayDifferences
* New: samples\webchart.prg shows how to use a google chart using a TWebView object
from a FWH dialog.
* Enhancement: webview DLLs have been modified so they don't modify the app resolution.
* New: samples\mark.prg shows how to use a webview as another dialog control, so you can
interact with it from your dialog box.
* Enhancement: In TTaskPanel objects used from Class TExplorerBar, a new DATA bOnCollapse
has been implemented and it is evaluated from its method LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nFlags ),
so each panel can use its own DATA bOnCollapse for the collapse event.
* New: Example samles\booking.prg shows how to implement a booking system using XBrowse.
A great implementation developed by Mr. Rao.
* Fix: Class TWindow METHOD Activate() had a call to method Resized() with no arguments and
this error was generating an incorrect behavior on new Class TWebView2. That call has been
removed and now we need to check if there is any side effect.
* Enhancement: function EnumChildWindows() used codeblock must return .T. to continue to next
child control or .F. to stop.
* New: For Borland users: FWH uses now bcc 7.70. Please update your bcc to this version.
* New: Class TWebView2 offers a very similar functionality to Class TWebView but does not need to
use any DLL. It is a work in development but you can already start using it. Please review
FWH\samples\webview..._2.prg examples.
* New: Class TWindow Method LockUpdate( lOnOff ): ... ndowupdate
* Class FWMariaConnection
New Methods:
ListCollations() --> oRs
ListCharSets() --> oRs
TableCollation( cTable ) --> cCollation
TableCharSet( cTable ) --> cCharSet
* New function FW_IsUtf8( cText, [@lAscii] ) --> lUtf8 (msgsapi.c)
* New functions: (valtostr.prg)
FW_DateToUnix( dDate/tDateTime ) --> nUnixTimeStamp in MilliSeconds
FW_UnixToDate( nUnixTimeStamp(inMilliSeconds) ) --> tDateTime
* New: function FW_CheckFont( cFontName ) --> lFound. It checks if a certain cFontName is
installed on Windows.
* Fix: function WinINet() was not properly working for xHarbour. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TWebView() new METHOD End() and MESSAGE hWnd.
* Samples\oemboxch.prg: How to view oem box chars in a Winodws application.
* samples\mariabig.prg: Read and Browse table with 4.1 million records from
mysql cloud server using RecSet() class FWHMaria lib
* Enhancement: Class TWebView() new METHOD Dispatch( bAction ) where bAction is a
codeblock that gets the hWebView as the first parameter { | hWebView | ... }
* New: samples\webview\sidebar.prg shows how to use Class TWebView in a simpler and
more FWH syntax alike way.
* Enhancement: Added missing METHOD Redefine() in CLASS TSwitch: ... 61#p267661
* New: example switch.prg and switch.rc
* New: function EnumResourceNames() allows you to list the resources names that you have
in your EXE selecting a specific type. It supports the use a codeblock to let you do
what you may need to do with the names. Please review samples\rctoprg.prg for an example
of use.
samples\rctoprg.prg is a powerfull FWH source code generator for your resources dialogs.
Simply rename your RC file as rctoprg.rc, build rctoprg.prg and it will generate the code
for the dialogs that you select: ... 77#p267777
* New: function ADiff( aArray1, aArray2 ) --> aArrayDifferences
* New: samples\webchart.prg shows how to use a google chart using a TWebView object
from a FWH dialog.
* Enhancement: webview DLLs have been modified so they don't modify the app resolution.
* New: samples\mark.prg shows how to use a webview as another dialog control, so you can
interact with it from your dialog box.
* Enhancement: In TTaskPanel objects used from Class TExplorerBar, a new DATA bOnCollapse
has been implemented and it is evaluated from its method LButtonUp( nRow, nCol, nFlags ),
so each panel can use its own DATA bOnCollapse for the collapse event.
* New: Example samles\booking.prg shows how to implement a booking system using XBrowse.
A great implementation developed by Mr. Rao.
* Fix: Class TWindow METHOD Activate() had a call to method Resized() with no arguments and
this error was generating an incorrect behavior on new Class TWebView2. That call has been
removed and now we need to check if there is any side effect.
* Enhancement: function EnumChildWindows() used codeblock must return .T. to continue to next
child control or .F. to stop.