Today I found a GitHub project that provides a list of Chromecast photos with 700 photos, so I used this small PRG to turn it into a valid RSS:
Code: Select all | Expand
#define CRLF Chr( 13 ) + Chr( 10 )
function Main()
local aLines := HB_aTokens( MemoRead( "" ), Chr( 10 ) )
local cRSS
cRSS = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' + CRLF
cRSS += '<rss version="2.0">' + CRLF
cRSS += '<channel>' + CRLF
cRSS += "<title>chromecast-backgrounds</title>" + CRLF
cRSS += "<link></link>" + CRLF
cRSS += "<description>dconnolly chromecast-backgrounds collection</description>" + CRLF
AEval( aLines, { | cLine, n | cRSS += StrTran( StrTran( cLine, " ) + "</title>" + CRLF + "<link>" ), ")",;
"</link>" + CRLF + "</item>" ) + CRLF } )
hb_MemoWrit( "test.rss", SubStr( cRSS, 1, Len( cRSS ) - 2 ) + "</channel>" + CRLF + "</rss>" )
return nil
So I forked the GitHub project, and added the RSS feed and it is working really fine from John's Background switcher: